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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. The media needs to pick up on the midwife thing, especilly with the Scam-ards getting more scrutiny now.
  2. Jilly loves the scruff. More like the shit wiring and insulation going up, and cashing in on the fire insurance.
  3. Just got a voicemail from the job I quit asking me to come back. Fat chance.
  4. If you were holier, godlier, and followed Mr. Gothard's rules better, you'd have been first. ;)
  5. An excellent overview of the Duggars, Gothard, and the scandals. Very long! http://talkingpointsmemo.com/theslice/duggars-bill-gothard-iblp
  6. I think they would've, had Josh been single, and there there was no TV show.
  7. Michelle did trot her own wedding dress to someone else's damn wedding.
  8. This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with squabbling bitchy cat fights on social media.
  9. She probably thinks you can get an abortion without being pregnant.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotsaucing Physical abuse. Doesn't matter if it's hitting or chemical agents. It's still pain, and it's lazy, cruel parenting. So I could see the Duggars advocating something like it. Whelchel had/has talent as an actress. Jessa? Not so much.
  11. Chlamydia is often asymptomatic and can DESTROY a woman's fertility if left untreated. I hope that's enough to scare Anna into being tested. Not to mention the potential complications for the kids....or getting HIV, etc.
  12. Well, the did make it public that they gave Anna that gift, so, I'll snark on them for that, I'm not an Amy or Anna fan.
  13. *snort* The ordinance that cost them the TV show couldn't even work out. What utter losers.
  14. I can't snark on Amy for that. It's a nice thought, and subtle way of saying GTFO of that house for a few hours and think.
  15. Ah, the wheels are really coming off the wagon. Better late than never. They can't blame mean ol' Josh for this one. It's entirely on Jill and Derick (and their grifter parents), and is recent. Of course, like this:
  16. That Twitter link doesn't work for me. Anyone got a screen grab? I'm sure we'll soon be seeing Jill 'accidentally' post 200 new pics of Izzy's birth, with an unintentional link to the money begging operation.
  17. Michelle has actively admitted she was a yeller and started using the quiet baby voice to counteract that. I believe it's in the books and she's mentioned it in speaking engagements. It probably started with good intentions, but became so exaggerated that now she can't turn it off. It's also a 'cute' little form of branding.
  18. I've said it before, but Jessa and Ben's fame will last exactly as long as their you full looks, and not a moment longer. There is absolutely no substance there.
  19. There had to be at least a year. Look at the Bates when they jumped networks.
  20. Poor Anna will never realize she didn't have a 'normal' marriage.
  21. This happens in nursing, but um, thanks for the support.
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