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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. Little House The Reverend Spy Boxcar Kids
  2. There's gift card stuff? It's been deleted now, so I guess that went over like the lead balloon it was (to everyone but Jessa). Who brags about what great job they have while asking for charity at the same time?
  3. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/duggar-tell-all-nightmare-josiah-duggar-ex-girlfriend-marjorie-jackson-begins-blogging-family-sex-scandal-secrets/ I kind of hope Marge sings like a canary, or get a huge sum of money from JB to stay mum. She wins either way.
  4. Another way the always-supervised courtship model is pure evil. Jill hadn't even heard 'twinkle twinkle little star'. Now she's making life-or-death decisions.
  5. There's no more car lot either... Aw hell, Josiah, good luck selling those vans.
  6. They don't exactly have the Disney look, either. Michelle's voice might work for animation, though. The boys were in Florida 'picking up some vans' and they wanted to go to EPCOT? Whatever. I'm sure Anna's family got a visit, maybe even Anna got dropped off?
  7. I totally get that this could be a good thing, and ethically done, but since the Duggars are involved, it won't be. Way too much corruption and strings. Would you want to owe a Duggar money? (and sidebar: How does that fit with being debt free? Debt free for me but not for thee?)
  8. Disney won't touch child molestation with a 10 foot pole. Shitty rumor.
  9. It's God's way of making the family's brand last longer. Look, they're kids forever!
  10. Ugh that would be a disaster. Can they even go a week without making a huge misstep? Loansharking the third world. Jesus would be proud.
  11. They wouldn't get $4k a month in food stamps. A lot f the kids are legal adults.
  12. They do that stupid 'dress like a cow' for free CFA all the time.
  13. I don't think she's quite that dumb, but I can see her giving a blank stare at APGAR scoring.She also probably thinks a baby having a tet spell is just being defiant and needs its will broken.
  14. Money's getting tighter than two coats of paint at Casa Duggar. That's probably everyone's next three meals. i wonder how much the pirate gear cost. Probably more than the doughnuts would've.
  15. She really looks like Jim Bob when she doesn't do the eyebrow pop.
  16. Same/similar names happens in cults all the time. Individuality is not a goal, at all.
  17. A good submissive always supports the dom. I just realized that Jill and Derick are both where they are today, career wise, because of their mothers. Derick seems the type who had a big shock (Dad died) and is now filling the hole with ANYTHING. College emulation of dad, marriage, babies, work, TV fame, stardom, effortless money. It's kind of sad. When will he feel whole? I guess he's not filling the hole with food, so that's something.
  18. Repeating this because it's the truth. It applies to all the Duggars, except maybe Josh.
  19. Derick is as big a douche as Ben. How did crunching numbers at Walmart help God's kingdom? Maybe God appreciates the kid of education that expands a person's mind and makes them a better thinker, too? Nah. Jill is a total idiot. The first malpractice lawsuit will clean.them.out. She also can't focus on a single patient for 9 months. As a nurse, no, no we wont. Jill would need a ton of remediation, a complete change of worldview, dedication, and a complete personality overhaul. Even then, it'd be hard on her on her.
  20. Muslim polygamy came as a result of many of the men being killed, and the women needing honorable protection. Not that bad really, but definitely not going to fly in the modern world.
  21. Well, doctor, clearly you don't know that Jill was GURANTEED a perfect VBAC by her OBGYN this time around. Nothing can possibly go wrong! Nine months is a long time for your fame to fade. It sure as hell better be twins/triplets. Babies Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Tonitown might land a People article, but not the cover.
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