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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. Chicklet, I think it's more like *Phone Rings, Jill sighs and answers* Jill: Hola JB: Jill? It's daddy, you need to come home and do another Kelly interview Jill: Ay, la Senora Jill no en casa. No en casa! JB: Wha? Speak American? Jill: Ella no aqui. No en casa! JB: Get Jill now goddamn it! *click*
  2. STFU, he has 49 character qualities. FOURTY NINE! There was a checklist, and everything....
  3. I vote Cathy, her husband, or Dan. They're probably over this scandal shit.
  4. Yes. I was thinking there won't be a 'Jill and Jessa are back, baby!' cover. No comeback for the Duggars, just more dragging down. Which is good, I didn't think they deserved a comeback the first time. Now? I hope they never leave the prayer bunker except for therapy, oh and work.
  5. I disagree, if my face were anywhere need a major sex scandal I'd be ashamed. He was totally innocent. Not everyone is bright enough to see the distinction in what Josh did. Some people just skim pictures and headlines. Not a lawyer - but is it a form of slander (libel? fraud?*) to do what Josh did. Does this guy have a case for anything? *Actual defrauding Yay! I'd say that's shot to hell now.
  6. I'm Sure Jill, Jessa, or Amy, Jim Bob, or Michelle would do it for free. Beat used, and save the difference. (Not that I'm condoning violence.) They'll be reminding him of this everyday for the rest of his life. Good Enough.
  7. http://www.tmz.com/2015/08/22/josh-duggar-okcupid-profile-stolen-picture/ I hope he sues Josh. Pan fry that catfish!
  8. Change she to he, whoring to famewhoring, and Vegas to DC, and it's Josh's life. He even has a pimp - Jim Bob.
  9. Shouldn't your wife be your only 'accountability' partner or relationship/sex stuff?
  10. I checked on what Josh said, for Miss Picks. It wasn't Jill and Jessa. Josh: I predict a courtship, soon, not saying who, not saying when. *cut of ginger smiling* Josh: Jinger, Jana, you have anything you want to say? *they indicate no* *Cut to their best f-u Josh smiles* We talk about Michelle's laundry room breakdown. This might trigger a Jim Bob breakdown. Their God has no help for this. Won't be pretty, and I won't speculate more. If the stripper stuff in his late teens is true, he wasn't married a virgin. He at least did 'stuff' in the VIP lounge.
  11. And a Judge, and a latex salesman! I wonder what Josh claimed to have majored in at UofA.
  12. The toilet paper blows my mind. I've got a lot to learn.
  13. More info http://blogs.bromium.com/2012/10/12/above-all-else/ I can't make it a link, I'm using my iPad, sorry!
  14. An elevator that can be set up to work automatically on the sabbath. To comply with Jewish law.It kind of skirts the religious rules, right?
  15. I didn't know we already knew about the 16th. Thanks for that Sew.
  16. OF COURSE he was in debt, and lied about it for over a decade. What liars.
  17. I just did a quick read of pickles. A blogger that knows Anna confirmed that she gave birth on the 16th - cancellation day. So yes, the were fudging the birthdate.
  18. Amy is such a coattail rider, and she's lost the media attention of the wedding, so it's time to cross-market! 'Your Cheating Heart' is more Anna's speed. 'All For The Nookie' is Josh's.
  19. I just realized a lot of prayer partners are gonna vote with their checkbooks and desert Derrick and Jill's ministry. Makes me feel bad for Jill. Anything that keeps her out of the country is good, even if it is just standing around the village with Izzy on hip.
  20. Until borke Jim Bob needs rental in come. See the following point: I bet they sell or rent Jill's princess mansion too. THEY NEED MONEY.
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