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Everything posted by Haberdasher

  1. I'm so glad that Katya wasn't out this week. She's my favorite so far. As for Sasha...those are some cheap looking wigs. I've worn wigs to anime conventions that looked better (and believe me, that's a low bar). I feel a bit sorry for Trixie. Maybe it's just that I like retro-futurism, or I thought it was pretty obvious that she's trying to look like a doll most of the time, or maybe I'm just sick of the queens with a more conventional aesthetic demanding that others justify their particular style of drag to them. Whatever the case, I don't think she deserved the bitchery that was aimed her way in Untucked.
  2. I didn't think there were any Party City stores in the area I live in, but I saw one the other day when I was out and about, and I rolled down my car window in sub-freezing temperatures just so I could yell, "Go back to Party City where you belong!" So I guess that's now one of my favorite quotes.
  3. Max and Katya are my favorites, but I also like Miss Fame, Violet, Ginger Minj, Trixie, and Pearl. Kandy was the only one I outright disliked. And the panel's comments made me laugh out loud a few times. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
  4. Nebraska dweller here. I have a winter coat that ends at the elbows. I wear a pair of elbow length leather gloves with it, and it works suprisingly well. I had my doubts when I bought it, but it turned out to be quite warm (and rather fabulous looking, in my opinion).
  5. I applaud Sean for coming up with an idea that worked with the rain, but that dress was terribly basic otherwise. And I know that many people are saying that Kini's is derivative, but I loved it. It looked avant garde (to my admittedly less than fashionable eyes) and was perfect for the runway theme. And Fade...Fade, you're still my favorite designer this season, I loved the dress enough that I would knock an old lady out of the way at a store if I saw only one left on the rack, but it wasn't avant garde at all, so I can't entirely disagree with the judges' decision. But it hurts to say that.
  6. I didn't mind it, mostly because I felt that Michelle was consistently screwed over by the team format early on in the season, and because she made a great outfit for that challenge. There were definitely other entries that were more deserving of an elimination that week. I'm quite biased though, because I liked Michelle, both for her snarkiness and design aesthetic.
  7. Agreed, and it's a huge problem to me. Seven episodes in, and at least one designer has been a non-entity the entire time. I don't expect to get to know the first couple of eliminated designers, but we're far enough along at this point that we should have a good grasp on each remaining designer's personality and aesthetic. Instead we have Project Runway: The Amanda Edition. Speaking of which, I did really like Amanda on season 11, and I thought she shouldn't have been eliminated in the particular challenge she went out on. But she's been so overpraised by the judges this time around that it's grating on my nerves. As for the Tim Gunn save, I agree with everyone who's said that he makes that decision emotionally, not critically, and that there are more deserving designers. Having said that, I hope that Char takes this and really runs with it. This season has been so lackluster that I want to be proven wrong on this.
  8. Well, that was some serious ugly on the runway. I was expecting something really fantastic from a challenge like this one. I wish they'd worked alone and had two days to complete their outfits. Fade finally gets feedback, and of course it's because his team is in the bottom. I shouldn't be surprised, considering how non-sensical much of the judging has been this season. In any case, I'd love to have his dress, even with the asymmetrical hemline (a detail I usually dislike). I like Char a lot, but that dress was a mess. Still, I would rather have seen Sandhya go this week.
  9. What does Fade have to do to get some fucking recognition? It must be quite frustrating and disheartening to consistently be in the middle and not get any feedback. I don't understand how Amanda was in the top when Heidi was the only judge who really liked her dress. I know the challenge is to design for her, but surely there were other designers who had higher scores across the board? I keep going back and forth on Sean's dress. I think it looks okay from a distant, but up close the fringe looks like brush bristles, and in motion it looks like those giant spinning brushes in car washes. It doesn't help that every car wash in this area has brushes in that particular shade of blue.
  10. I've been quoting Bianca's "Not today, Satan," line whenever my mom's cat tries to attack my ankles. And I've been using her "you know good and God damn well" line a lot lately as well.
  11. Tim mentioned that in one of his books. He also brought up the possibility that the low scoring designers would blame the seamstresses for a design not working instead of taking responsibility for their own work. He also said that the PR producers originally wanted to have the workroom open 24 hours a day, but Tim objected, saying that there needed to be designated times for them to sleep. Good choices ultimately, but it does make for an interesting "what if?" scenario. Seth Aaron is still one of my favorite past contestants/winners. I liked his aesthetic, but it wasn't until I re-watched his season (and saw season 3 of All Stars) that I realized just how great he is at making impeccably tailored, finished separates in very little time. I still pine for the black and white jacket he made during the mother/daughter challenge.
  12. I'm growing increasingly concerned about Fade's designs being ignored. I think he's been robbed multiple times already, and we're only four challenges in. Hopefully he'll be in the top once more of the chafe is separated out from this group. I haven't been a fan of Sandhya's designs, but she went up in my estimation when she flipped Hernan off. Usually I'd see that as an extremely unprofessional thing to do, but holy shit, did someone need to smack that whiner down. I'm glad he's gone.
  13. This is yet another week where I hated the winning look. I liked Sean's, and was glad that he didn't get eliminated, and I'm happy to see Angela go. Watching her was uncomfortable.
  14. I liked him as well, and thought he went out too early in both season 1 and 2. There were definitely worse designs on the runway both times.
  15. I've been re-watching season 1 over the past few days. It's still one of my favorite seasons. There were just so many great moments and aspects: Austin's corn dress, Austin walking the runway in Jay's postal outfit, Austin and Robert in their night time face masks, Jay's "I didn't take the bitch's dye," line (really, just everything Austin and Jay did), the model selection process (I really wish PR would go back to having and showing every designer pick their model each week), Morgan's elimination, Martinique's joyful reaction every time a designer picked her, Tim Gunn's "Please don't defend the shoe to me" line, Jay's final collection. To me, there's something almost magical about season 1 that the show irrevocably lost a long time ago.
  16. Well, that was rough. I hated the winning team’s clothing. I thought they’d be on the bottom. As for Sandhya, I know that a lot gets left on the editing room floor, so surely there must have been far more going on with her team than we were shown? Someone on another team mentioned hearing Hernan yelling, but at worst we saw him getting exasperated and raising his voice a bit. I feel like that whole thing was so choppily edited that it was difficult to get a sense of what was really going on. I was hoping that Angela would be going home tonight, even though I don’t think her outfit last week was as offensive as the judges made it out to be. She’s just too damned delicate for this sort of competition, and this week she somehow combined that with being stubborn and uncooperative.
  17. I really loved Fade's dress. If only we could have seen more of it in the workroom. So far I like Fade, Char, and Samantha. I'm hoping we'll have a season that's relatively free of the neuortic messes that plagued the first half of season 12, but the previews aren't looking good.
  18. The reunion/finale made it clear that Laganja is just as annoying in any other place and setting. To be honest, it would be quite odd to find out that she's really a sweetheart and very down to earth, and that the editors did her in. Nope, she's just a fucking irritating tosspot.
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