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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 19 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I may be standing alone on this but...when Victoria’s model was going down the runway it looked (the rear view) that the white lining was a piece of toilet paper that got stuck while she was in the loo. It was a nice outfit, but that detail bugged me. 

    After that comment by Sergio, I’m sure he is going good bye. 

    I thought the same thing about Victoria's design. I don't get all the hoopla about her.

    • Love 5
  2. Between this show and Real Howives of Dallas, I've heard the term ping pong show more than I have ever had my whole 62 years of life.  Oh, and got to hear the word donkey show also. I'm with Courtney and would not have left on my own either.  

    Kevin, your meals did not look that good.  Even Master Pearson got bored and acted up.   I would never think of eating Greek food  (or Italian) while on a Yacht in Thailand.

    • Love 19
  3. Not to be shallow, but that wig Cynthia wore to her opening, was the worst I've seen her in a long time.  Her braids she wore before she changed clothes looked better. She also looked fabulous when she met with Marlo.  Maybe she is like Kandi, and looks better when she does her own hair and makeup.

    Glad Marc is calling Kenya on her lies.  I'm sure he is fed up with her pathological lying and regrets marrying her without knowing her true nature.  I'm one who doesn't feel like he is all that mean to her.  I feel like she is trying to make him look bad, baiting him.

    Bet Nene made Marlo stop at the Publix and pick up those cheese trays on the way to the party.  I agree flowers would be nicer.  That's what most people send to a business opening. Also I think she sent it knowing that at least she would be talked about even though she wouldn't be there. And Nene wasn't invited, right?  This way it made Cynthia look petty for not inviting her. 

    • Love 13
  4. On 12/20/2019 at 9:20 AM, TheGreenKnight said:


    Abby didn't give the spoiler actually, McCain did when she mocked Abby for the fact that Beth was her favorite. "Doesn't she die at the end? *sneer* *eyeroll*" Whoopi made a WTF face right after and I couldn't tell if it was in response to Beth being Abby’s favorite or McCain for being a jerk over Little Women of all things.

    Your right. I forgot that.

    On 12/20/2019 at 4:26 PM, athousandclowns said:

    I’m wondering what she could have done because her eyes are still the same and lips still thin.  I remember years ago she kind  of went behind the scenes then some home show went to her house and I was shocked how thin she was.  There’s lots of swim suit pics out there and one at 51 was titled “banging body”  but her face lost so much volume ( which it does) that she did look old.  I think she just isn’t aging well.

    Well, you can either save your face or your ass. I guess she picked her ass.

    • LOL 2
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  5. So Abby says she read  and loved Little Women, tells a major spoiler, (not for me because it's was a beloved childhood book that I have read many times) and then later twice gave the wrong name of the character who the spoiler was about. She even said the wrong name after corrected.   What an idiot. She looked like a fool to Greta Gerwig.  At least MM kept her mouth shut most of the interview.  I guess since the movie doesn't involve politics or her family, it was boring to her.  

    Also glad MM wasn't there for the 1619 segment.  I was actually able to learn something without listening to her drone on.

    • LOL 5
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  6. 6 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    When Abby was talking about how she got taken advantage by someone on the phone pretending to be Apple, all I could think was how people on this forum are always calling her an airhead. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though I hope nothing bad really happened to her. I was just like—of course she’d fall for something like that.

    I thought what a dumb ass.  I don't answer any phone calls unless I know the caller. They willl leave a message if it's important. Scary that people get Joy's number and call her house.

    Once had a co worker's mother get a scam phone call saying she won publisher's clearinghouse.  Luckily my coworker went home and stopped the crooks from getting any money from her mother.

    • Love 5
  7. Kevin was an asshole taking the wine out of the walk in refrigerator.  I still think someone who knows Kate was in his ear before the season even started.

    Laughed out loud when someone commented he had a dad bod at the pool.

    Kate shouldn't have thrown the clothes on the floor, but I can see how she is over the frat boy, asshole behavior of the male crew members.

    Tanner is a black out drunk,which isn't a good thing.  He didn't remember texting Simone to come to his bed.  And the dancing with those skanky  looking dancers was just gross. And to say he's being interrogated because she didn't like him talking about their private time to the rest of the crew.  Finally, I think his mom keeps calling him so that she can be famous like Collin's mom.   Except Tanner and his mom, it's just icky.  Joking about getting hookers pregnant.  Yuck!

    • LOL 1
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  8. Jason Alexander had glaringly white legs for a man who lives in Florida, with a beach stand.  They were George Costanza white!  No sunscreens back then.  Only things to make you tan.  They should have giving him a spray tan. That's all I got to offer.

    • LOL 11
    • Love 2
  9. 6 hours ago, Special K said:

    Kate should have waited a charter to assign the second/third stew positions, so that she could assess their experience and strengths.  I like Simone, but she seems even less on top of things than other third stews we've seen in the past, like Laura.  Her attitude is terrible and inexplicable.  A luxury yacht is a strange place to expect professional validation for your degree in mathematics.

    Production is probably who made Simone second stew knowing it would cause drama.

    Also, I remember Simone saying she like the work in the laundry.  Maybe that was her position before.  

    Courtney shares my sense of humor, eye rolls and all. She's my favorite right now.

    Tired of seeing drunk, horny, middle aged women.  Saying this as a middle aged woman.

    • Love 16
  10. 18 minutes ago, h8omb said:

    So this woman has been institutionalized for 20 years and her doctor thought it would be a great idea to reintroduce her to her daughter with Benson and Rollins standing right there gawking at her?

    I don't think the woman had a perception of time or even really realize it was her daughter. I think they did it more so the daughter would know that her mother was still alive before she went to jail.

    Enjoyed the Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit at the beginning, even if the CGI was cheezy.

    • Love 2
  11. 12 hours ago, Special K said:

    Since he didn't complain, I don't think they realized how sick he was.  Also, often with stomach ailments and food poisoning, you'll be better in 24-48 hours, regardless.

    You hear it every once in a while happening on cruise ships and they being quarantine.  Hopefully no one else comes down sick .  Hope it's not a parasite.

    • Love 1
  12. Did anyone see how rude the section 8 defendant was to JJ?  And even after she lost, she claimed she did not owe the money.  What a piece of work. Rolling her eyes and making noises as JJ.  I'm surprised JJ didn't throw her out or at least have Byrd beat the crap out of her. 

    • Love 12
  13. 6 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I had a feeling she was expecting everyone (and especially her boss, Ashton) to say "oh poor you, we really want you here, just rest a bit ... etc." and then Ashton pretty immediately says "well, if it's not working for you it's not working for you. Been nice knowing you girl!" OOPS.

    Yes, she wanted everyone to beg her to stay. Or at least throw her a going away party with a cake.   She really was detached from the real work world.  We throw parties when people change jobs, but not when they just quit.

    • Love 7
  14. If I was in the middle of the ocean, I would want seafood. Not tongue. When we go to Florida, I usually have shrimp or fish every meal.  

    Ashton, drunk and jealous is not a good look for you.  Love you anyway.  

    If I have to hear " that's what she said" ever again, it will be too soon.  Great guests otherwise.  The ones falling over getting out of the tender, onto the yacht would be me.  

    • LOL 3
    • Love 14
  15. 9 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    She has been pretty defensive on Twitter about the lack of any real food.  Apparently, the fact that she was not serving a meal at an evening reception was on the invitation.  And then LeeAnne's definition of "food" kept changing.  There was cake, cupcakes and some cold cuts, therefore there was food.  Her wedding planner posted a video on Twitter going off on Kary yesterday, but I can't find it today.  

    What was that trailer out front? Could that have been a food truck?  

    8 hours ago, princelina said:

    I think First Cary had plenty of expectations - he wanted her in the office with him, not at home with their child, and he wants that hot body so he can dress it up, photograph it, and show it off as a business and personal success.

    That goofball with the dead wombat on his head?  He should be apologizing - as her wedding planner, he should have advised her to take the disco-ball-human money and spend it on some food stations!

    Who needs sparkly dressed people at a party?  Give me food instead, any day. You would think someone who is a good enough drifter to hire performers, could grift good enough to get food for the guests also.

    As for complaining that Kary didn't bring a gift, I have heard it was bad form to take a gift to the reception.  And that big pile of meat, needed some bread for the sandwiches. 

    • LOL 1
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  16. 4 hours ago, littlebennysmom said:

    Between blond horsehair wig from yesterday, 7' tall angry man, and teal pouf "vlogger" (ugh, I actually typed that twee word), JJ is upping their game on hateable weirdos.

    And notice all the weird ear lobe spacer things the last two days.

    2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

      Byrd refuses to explain vlogs to JJ, and is laughing at the stupid defendant's statements.    Defendant was streaming video of plaintiff for the entire date.     

    If the defendant rolls his eyes at JJ one more time, I hope Byrd beats him to a pulp with the Fly Swatter of Death.   What a total jerk the defendant is.  $5,000 for plaintiff, nothing for the narcissistic idiot defendant.  

    Second (New)-

    (Tomorrow's first episode is a horrific dog attack of an Akita on a Goldendoodle, some might want to skip that case). 

    Loved JJ's Candid Camera analogy.  She also commented about Byrd cleaning his glasses today.

    Thanks for the dog attack warning. A coworker's yorkie was killed by an akita, in front of her , years ago. I don't think she ever got over it.

    • Love 5
  17. I think Abby gained a fiancee when she realized that the rest of the crew wouldn't be showmancing her on camera.  She really seems needy for attention.

    Courtney has become one of my favorites. I love her sarcastic wit.  

    • Love 14
  18. 2 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

    Initially doctors did have to kill the rabbit to examine the ovaries and find out the results; the animal died whether the test was positive or negative. But the tests were eventually perfected so that the animal (rabbit or another species) did not need to be sacrificed.

    There is a movie with Cary Grant, "people will talk', that talks of using a frog too.  

    Still think the faux baby mama's mother was in on the whole thing.  Total wack  job sociopaths.

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