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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 57 minutes ago, Steph J said:

    Not that any of these women have even remotely good taste in men, but who wants to hang out with guys that Luann has picked out? No thanks.

    Probably a group of Johnny Depp pirate wannabes with show up.

    30 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

    Poor Tej.  I hope he is paid well.

    Am I the only one who thinks Lu has a terrible voice?  

    No, your not. She does.

    I just hope these women tip the staff very well. Of course, I heard that Ramona doesn't tip well .

    12 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

    When these women go out-of-town/on trips, who provides and pays for hair and makeup?  Does each woman bring her own hairstylist/makeup artist?  Does Bravo provide that service for them?  How does that work, do you think?

    Tej was probably job hunting the next day.

    The man who I assume was the head butler, said they had someone coming to give them blow outs. Then drunk Sonja said to change the second word.

    I find it creepy that Ramona has a strange man handling her clothes, especially undergarments.

    Looking at the title of this episode reminds me of when my daughter was younger,  This was when Miami Vice was on tv. She was about 3.  We would say Miami Vice and she would say, it's not your ami it's my ami!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Thumper said:

    Wow; at my clinic you go home after the mammo.  If you get a call, that's not good -- back for more intensive mammos.  If you get a letter or email, you are in the clear. Have never spoken directly with the radiologist!  Guess it pays to be a celebrity on TV.

    I once needed a followup ultrasound and they told me shortly after I left. I think they called and got it cleared with insurance before telling me.  Now I have an online hospital chart and was able to see my complete results a few hours later.  Regarding Kyle getting more images taken, I always have to do that.  It's because they may not have got a clear picture the first time. There might have been a shadow of something. Or the whole breast didn't make the first picture.  Not something to freak about. In fact with any xray, they don't let you leave until they see the completed picture.  Even a chest xray.   My last mammogram I glanced over at the picture and saw the cyst I have had for years.  It did freak me a second but, I didn't stand in the hall and bother the technicians.  I just waited until I got my results a few hours later.

    30 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

    That was pretty dumb.  She's desperately trying to be EJ.  Sigh.  Rinna needs to STFU about everything.

    LVP politely declined the invitation to Hawaii because she knew that there would be tension between her and the other ladies.  She didn't want anything to spoil Camille's big day.  I don't blame her for not going.  Camille is talking out of both sides of her mouth.  One minute she's okay with LVP's decision, but the next minute she's ragging on her with the other ladies.  She is not a true friend.

    If I was Camille, I would be happy that the person a lot of people were mad at didn't attend my wedding.  I wouldn't want any altercations.  

    • Love 21
  3. 22 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    This polygraph thing is such a joke:

    LVP says:  "Well, I think you actually have to formulate the question because the guy doing the test doesn't watch Real Housewives or didn't know what the hell we were talking about," Lisa said. "And he probably thought when he normally works for the FBI and the police force that it was gonna be something a little bit [more] interesting than, 'Did you give a story to Radar Online?'"


    John Grogan (who did the polygraph)  doesn't work for the FBI.  The FBI has their own polygraphers and you have to be an FBI agent to become one.  And go through rigorous training to be qualified as one at their special facilities.  This guy runs a game using an association that he created.  I highly doubt that he works with law enforcement either (the police force?).  LA police have their own unit (http://www.lapdonline.org/FORENSICSCIENCEANDTECHNICALDIVISION/content_basic_view/6409).  I guess she got her info from Sessa the wanta be.

    LVP needs to shut up because she's just making herself look worse and stop listening to 'Dr' Sessa.

    So what John Grogan doesn't work for police or FBI.  That's proof she was lying.  Maybe production or John Cessa told her Grogan did.  

    • Love 2
  4. On 5/23/2019 at 9:42 PM, jacksgirl said:

    I was kind of hoping to flashback to Christian's prom challenge when he was a designer... He should have been sent home even though he was/is so talented. Didn't love Sebastian's color, but the dress was lovely. The preview scared me though.

    If I remember, his  client was a pain in the ass, wanting to design the gown her self.  I felt bad for him.  And I think she even threw him under the bus.  Wonder how she feels now, seeing his great success?

    Jamal's dress looked like it had sleeves hanging under her armpits.  It reminded me of some of the dresses that women sue about on Judge Judy and People's Court. I know I would sue for my money back   if I ordered a custom made dress and was given that.

    Tessa's dress looked stupid with those rings hanging off.  Plus being a color her client didn't want.  

    Hester's dress looked like a hot mess in the back.

    Glad that Sebastian won.  That dress was gorgeous!

    • Love 7
  5. Talking about PBS cutting parts of the BBC shows: I remember when BBC America first came out, they would end the shows at odd times, to broadcast it like they do in England.  I remember especially with Ab Fab and Changing Rooms.  Instead of 30 and 60 minutes they would be something like 40 minutes.  I remember watching a garden show I just loved.   Victory Garden?   And the original What Not to Wear with Trinny and Susanne.

    I wish PBS would do the same thing. It's not like they  would run out of time, there are at least 10 mintues of filler commercials or shorts after all their programs. Of course then we'd might miss the inevitable umpteenth commercial for Viking River Cruise or Farmers Insurance.

    • Love 7
  6. On 3/5/2019 at 2:58 PM, peace355 said:

    The abortion storyline was well done, and Valerie has been around for a while now, so good to see her get focused on.

    Mei is cute, but yeah I thought it was going in direction of the Turners coping with her leaving, no problem with her staying around. Them trying to cover up Tim being missing, made it more blatant, it was very odd that "Tim" was at dance with his hand covering his face all the time!

    I was happy with how the Nurse Crane/ Sergeant Wolfe romance was resolved, that was unexpected and I'm glad that Phyllis didn't just get worn down and just settle for him.

    Why was the actor playing Tim missing this episode? Didn't notice until you mentioned it.

    • Love 3
  7. I liked how cocky the Dr was in the early police interviews, but during the last one, he looked rumpled, and starting to look broken.  He tried his Silence of the Lambs routine, but gave a name up when he saw it was getting him no where.

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  8. If Ru wasn't in love with Silky, you know Michelle would be totally criticizing her each week. Silky is so bad, and Ru is so up her butt, that almost think Ru is being blackmailed by Silky.  Or maybe Silky is related to one of the producers. Silky's look and drag is sloppy as hell.

    • Love 1
  9. Last week there was no way I would be able to cook that live lobster. And I'm not vegetarian. I would eat it though.  So sue me, I'm a hypocrite.  This week it seemed pointless to have to filet the fish. I know it's just for the show.  It's just  too easy to just go out and buy fish already filleted.  I doubt any of them will ever go out fishing on a boat, catch a fish, and then cut it up.    Surprise they don't have to wring the neck on a chicken, pluck it and then fry it.  

    • Love 4
  10. 10 hours ago, retired watcher said:

    I lost both of my parents within 5 months. Was I sad, yes. Was I grieving, yes. Did I get on with life, yes. My parents had full lives and were both ill, as Karen's were. The death of aged parents is sad but it is not a tragedy. Get over yourself Karen.

    I lost mine a month apart. Both terminally ill, so it was a blessing.  

    So, when Karen was asking the Black Bill Gates how to turn on the oven, was he even really there, or was that a set up to pretend he was there?  

    • LOL 5
  11. As a fat girl, I see Silky as nothing but a fat, sloppy girl.  I don't get Ru's love of her at all. Don't care for her personality either.  She should have been in bottom two many times. Especially tonight.  Loved Shuga and sad to see her go.

    • Love 20
  12. 10 hours ago, AnnA said:

    I'm sure Bethenny and Sonja were at that studio for more than the 2 or 3 minutes they showed us.   Obviously the editing monkeys chose the most entertaining moments for the episode and showcasing more of that artist's work didn't make the cut.

    Plus it wasn't like they were filming a documentary about the artist.  I found the whole thing hilarious.  And Beth was joking about the cat calls, she wasn't being serious.  I also would love to see a Beth and Sonja actually go to cosco.  Now that would be comedy gold.

    • Love 6
  13. 2 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

    The woman known for her gawd awful macrame dresses is judging Barbra's "fashion sense". What's the big deal if Babs likes a wrap dress? 

    How rude to complain to someone that they always were the same type dress. Ramona is a true mean girl bitch.  

    1 hour ago, rustyspigot said:

    Cabaret Red! Am I right, girls?

    Can't wait to hear Watch what Crappens take on this episode!

    • Love 21
  14. 1 hour ago, ava111 said:

    I have seen so many melting faces on housewives shows but Mari's takes the cake. She looks horrible - so tight and wrinkle free. 

    She reminds me of the crypt keeper.  Her hairstyle ages her more also.  I like Oscar and Pauline's mother. She looks dignified, but she is hilarious, like her children.

    Did anyone notice that Elan had to speak Spanish, for Adan to the security guy?  I guess he is more fluent in Spanish. I bet they have lived in the US more than Mexico.  

    Oh, and it broke Fernando's heart he couldn't go to the party and be the center of attention.

    • Love 3
  15. 46 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    Also did anyone notice that the woman who had the back street abortion was Mrs. Tennant?

    No. That's cool!  It was like my worlds were colliding. Sister Monica Joan watching Dr Who.  I was only have listening to the show when I heard the theme music. I quickly rewound to watch the scene.  Then to see Finella Woolgar, who played Agatha Christie in a Dr Who episode, sitting in the background, also watching the show.  Too bad Sister Julienne made them change the channel.  

    Yesterday a binge watch a series called Touching Evil, that was written by Russel T  Davies.  I just love how so many British actors are in so many different series.  And also how they don't make the women all glam but, they look like regular people.

    • Love 7
  16. 4 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    Dorinda is a nasty bully and she's clearly threatened by Barbara's presence. Now, I don't know if that is ONLY because Barbara is new (while having previous ties to other cast members like Lu and Bethenny) or because of something specifically about Barbara. But I would never trust Dorinda to be any kind of friend because she turns so very quickly, goes for the jugular, and never admits any mistakes. There's nothing admirable about her behavior.

    All of that being said, none of these women came off particularly well, except maybe for Sonja. She's loopy and when she's drunk, she's erratic but at her core, she doesn't seem vindictive. (Tinsley's okay, too, though I do think she should be out of that relationship with Scott, even if I don't like the methods the other women are using to push her to that realization). One trait that Beth, Lu and Dorinda all seem to share is being vindictive.

    Just don’t touch the Morgan papers!   

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