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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

    I just realized that I haven't seen Bambi all season.  That's not fair.

    That is because Kyle is jealous that Bambi is better liked than her. She refuses to let Bambi be on the show any more.

    I've seen several of those go cart things that Kyle has riding round my town of bumfuck Indiana.  One is owned by the owner of a bar in a seedy part of town. So, I wasn't that impressed to see Kyle's. And lol that the name is Vanderhall.

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  2. Anyone hear Greg say that he was getting dressed to go to Eve's wedding. Guess NeNe left without him.  Also heard her say they didn't sleep in the same room because of his colostomy.  It's gone now and they still don't sleep in the same room.  Hmm. Greg probably getting better rest without the moose in the bed with him.

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  3. 23 hours ago, Rubyslippahz said:

    On VPR --LVP has no trouble directly confronting the pack of eff ups who work for her.  It's a big contast to RHOBH where her response to conflict is so often to walk out, sob, cry to Ken and get Ken to bitch people out for her.   

    But I'm like that too. I can be assertive in my work role, but do not handle personal conflict well.

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  4. 9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Even if Luann had agreed to mention Jovani at the show, maybe she just hadn't mentioned it yet.  It's possible she was fixing to mention it when Dorinda started yelling, and Dorinda actually screwed it up herself.

    But, Luann had just said don't you like my gowns.  After the first Jovani mention from Dorinda, she should have said Jovani provided them.  Lu just wanted people to think they were her own gowns.

    4 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

    Perhaps the $$$ value of the various outfits she wore/changed into makes a difference.

    She wanted her audience to think she owned them.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Straycat80 said:

    My mouth dropped open in shock  when she said that! 

    Remember that episode. Probably first season.  Lu spoke at some inner city girls club. She was very condescending.  Totally using her countess airs. Started disliking her from then on. Also remember early years Lu expected Beth to pay for Lu's surfing lesson because Beth had invited her to take them with her. I thought what the fuck, we all pay for our own activities. Beth was pretty well broke at the time too.

    1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

    Yes! Grey Gardens made a cameo! Sonja gets quirkier each season.

    But only she can caulk the sky light properly!

    32 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

    I liked how Bethenny attempted to mediate the situation.  Lu should watch the season 3 episode when Ramona attempted to help Jill and Bethenny sort things out.  To this day, I say that would’ve happened had Lu not intervened to “protect” Jill.   Lu should take note that these fights can lead to one’s exile from the show and Lu needs this show. (Sorry, but her cabaret guests are coming to see RHNY Luanne).  

    Remember that and remember Beth crying afterwards. I think they could have made up then if Lu hadn't kept them apart.  Beth was newly pregnant too.

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  6. On 3/24/2019 at 8:44 PM, RHOSingapore said:

    I watch most all of the RHO... shows, but have stayed away from Atlanta this year because of the Leakes’ medical issues.... My sig other of 20 years is going in for a colostomy reversal on April 3rd, and we’ve been read the riot act by his surgeon....For us, this isn’t a walk in the park, and it breaks my heart to read these posts about NeNe’s reactions to Gregg’s surgery.

    I have a handful of posts here, but I want to thank you all for your posts regarding Gregg’s surgery....while I can’t relate to the Leakeses as a couple, I truly have taken strength from the posts I’ve read here.  You all are the BEST!  ❤️

    Good luck with your husband's surgery. Make sure to find out what he should and shouldn't eat after the reversal. I had a patient tell me today that the surgeon didn't tell  him to not eat certain foods and he had problems.  You might even want to talk to a dietician about it.  Hopefully things will go better for you hubby.    Hugs!

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  7. On 3/24/2019 at 8:11 PM, Iguessnot said:

    Yep, Nene outright complained about Gregg's cancer being a burden to her because he can't carry her damned bags anymore. She also forgot he doesn't take ice, and it seemed providing him a glass of refreshment isn't something she's done in a long while.

    See, I think that they have been lying to us.  Gregg said he couldn't have ice, not didn't like ice. .  The chemotherapy  cocktail  for colon cancer contains a drug (oxalaplatin) that partaking ice cold food/drunk after chemotherapy can be dangerous to the patient.  If so, Gregg has already been receiving chemotherapy even though they act like he hasn't decided yet.  

    At first he said no chemo, God would take care of him. Now it's God wants him to have the chemo and they were going to discuss it with the doctor.  I bet he has been on it for a while and the conversation was show for the tv. Not to say the Nene isn't a selfish cow.  I feel bad for the man.

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  8. On 3/23/2019 at 5:22 PM, Mollysmom said:

    I looked at Buddy's Facebook page and everyone is complaining about how he is acting on the show. He claims it is the editing from the producers making him look that way.  Why in the world would he allow them to basically trash his reputation by editing him this way? I don't think it is all editing. Those things have come out of his mouth. 

    That's what all reality stars claim when they come off looking bad. The producer's didn't over dub his words and CGI his stomping off.

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  9. My favorite episode was the widowed dad. It was heartbreaking to see those young boys without a mother.  I lost it when they showed the book she recorded her voice reading. And  the birthday cards she pre wrote.  I can understand him tearing up the end of chemo sign.  I am an oncology nurse and see many patients celebrating the end of treatment , only to find out months later that the cancer has returned.  I guess I was a mess the whole episode.

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  10. 8 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    If anyone tries it, please let me know.  How bad could it be if CVS carries it?

    We buy our CBD oil from a local health food store. It is made from Marijuana, but not the THC part.  It does help, but it's unclear on dosing to me.  I also have some CBD pain cream.  Now hemp oil from Amazon I would not recomend, not as effective.  You just need to read up on CBD and the benefits form it.  Some brands are better than others.  

    Unfortunately my backwards state has decided to not make medical marijuana legal.  I live in Indiana and Illinois has it and Kentucky is trying to pass it.  I truly believe in it's benefits. I plan on retirement of using marijuana whether legal or not.  I am a nurse and am subject to random drug testing at my job so can't now.

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  11. 11 hours ago, Maximona said:

    That is very true. However, if Dennis Shields actually had his personal assistant carry around friggin' Narcan, I think there's a good chance that Shields was using opioids recreationally.

    I've had a patient tell me that his pain specialist gave him a prescription for  narcan, to have on hand.  This guy was not using the drugs recreationally.  It's sometimes best to be proactive.

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