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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. New to the show this year.  Did Ashley always wear ugly wigs? Because you could see her other hair hanging down underneath. Does she have female pattern baldness? Is that why she wore the fugly hat last week?

    Something seemed up with Craig  before he went after Katheryn.  Maybe he misses being at home with his unfinished  pillows.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    I still don't understand how Teddi is more to blame for Dorit dumping the dog at a kill shelter than Dorit.  Dorit is guilty as hell!

     I never thought that Erika was a warm woman, but, for some reason, she seemed particularly cold to me when Denise was discussing Eloise. She looked completely bored.

    Erika was just thinking how she would foist the child onto someone else, just like she did for her actual son.

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  3. 8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    This is how you know what is and isn't produced. Even if the guests legitimately requested a picnic at the top of Eze, there's no way on a real charter that the crew would go ashore without at least 100 Euros from petty cash to buy anything that they might have forgotten.

    We know Jackie wouldn't have requested a picnic up there, since there isn't an elevator to the top.

    If I was staying on  a luxury yacht, I would want to be out eating at all the fabulous restaurants in the south of France.  Not every meal on the boat.

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  4. 11 hours ago, queenjen said:

    The guests are Bravo whores. They were last seen on Shahs of Sunset when Reza 'cut a lot of cheque' - I think it was 500k - without Adam's knowledge or consent. The Funsches were the people who manufactured Reza's Diamond Champagne Alkaline Silver Seaweed Hair line that is going to fund his and Adam's retirement. Remember them anyone? I remember thinking at the time what a freakin weirdo Mr Funsch is and there was a lot of talk about deserving the lifestyle and a big echoey tacky AF mansion that looked Sheree Whitfield furnished. We all knew that Reza wasn't going to see his 500k back as soon as we met the Funsches. We didn't get to meet tonedeaf daughter Funsch and the doctor son was probably chained up in the basement where he needs to be. For Hannah to run from a single doctor on a Super Yacht, he has to be emitting some weapon grade serial perv vibes. 

    Maybe that is why I got an Asa vibe when that girl was performing for her video.

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  5. I feel like Captain Lee would be moving the boat, in the middle of the night, and then moving it again in the morning. He doesn't seem to do things for drama's sake.

    So happy Mila got fired first thing so we didn't have to look at her and listen to her the rest of the episode.  Sandy finally did something I approve of.  Or, i guess it would be Captain Sandy to me.  

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  6. 2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    I think this season, there were only 17 episodes - aren't there usually more than that?  We are already up to Episode 20 of RHOBH, and the final episode hasn't aired yet.

    I'd like to know how many of these 17 episodes contained scenes of either Bethenny and/or Tinsley crying.  Probably at least 15 of them!

    I wonder if this season got cut short because of travel restrictions (they didn't travel outside of the U.S. - probably because Luann wasn't able/allowed)?  

    I feel like I got cheated out of at least three episodes, and I definitely got cheated out of Christmas at Blue Stone Manor!  S'mores and whores at Christmastime at a rooftop venue in Manhattan just doesn't cut it for me!  

    Plus, no reunion next week - we have to wait two weeks for it!  

    Due to Luann, they were not able to take a long trip.  Yet, she feels like she had to be the center of attention, getting special favors all season.  Ramona's party seemed really lame.  It paled in comparison to Bethenny's party.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Thumper said:

    Yeah, I found the sex toys a little pathetic.

    I think it was because it was a Smores and whores party.  Too bad they didn't' do a  tarts and vicars party.  

    1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

    If Bethenny's allergies are that severe, and I do want to believe her about this, she should be carrying an epi pen or two.  And, of course, she should be carrying Tampax, too!  

    Their purses are too small to carry things like tampons and epi pens.

    1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

    They showed it in the mid-season trailer too I think? And no, I’m pretty sure that scene never aired. Weird. 

    Maybe be on the unseen footage at the reunion.

    36 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

    To be fair I did hear her include herself when she mentioned that. 

    Oh, and what was with the comment Ramona made that she, Sonja, Dorinda, and Tinsley were a “different breed” than Barbara? What a B. 

    Total snobbery.  

      Maybe Luann rushed everyone out of the dressing room so she could do her pre performance blow.

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  8. 7 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

    It’s been said before several times but I can’t stand watching Sandy crawl up J-Wow’s ass.

    Is he the long lost child she put up for adoption years ago? Why does she love him so much, especially after watching last season? 

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, BD Med is no BD.

    Wow! I was going to say she acts like he's her long lost child.  Great minds think alike!  Wish Captain Lee was on BD Med. It would be a lot better show. Or find a new captain besides Sandy.   

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  9. Didn't Lu perform earlier seasons at either Ramona or Jill's birthday party?  I really believe she takes herself seriously as an artist.  

    As for her being an alcoholic. I know there are stories of her being sloppy drunk in public when she was married to the count.  One story she was basically drug out of a party by him after her being all over another man.  If she wasn't an alcoholic, why is it so hard for her to stay sober?

    • Love 11
  10. 2 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

    The thing is though is that pancakes are ridiculously easy to make from scratch (I just have impatient kids that don’t want to wait first thing in the morning). All it is is some flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, eggs, and butter. 

    Do you really think Mila could do that?

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  11. 7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic. I do not doubt that Beth yells at people. But Sunny first said she yelled at a group of kids, then it turned into just poor 7 y/o Gabriel. Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

    I have been known to yell at neighbor kids for being too loud.  If they were at the beach, the kids could move on down out of ear shot.  And if my child was loud and woke up a baby. I would be the one yelling at them.  It's called making them behave.

    5 hours ago, Burly said:

    Bethenny steals best actress award from Sonja. 

    I did not believe that outburst for one tiny second. 

    Take a look at the diners actors  in the restaurant behind her. Staged AF. People do not carry on eating and chatting while some hysterical bitch goes off on a fake anxiety breakdown a few feet away.  

    I'm sure they have extras in the backgrounds at lots of these dinner scenes.  For one thing, it would have been all over social media when this happened , including phone video, if it was regular customers.  

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  12. 4 hours ago, mtlchick said:

    A good start to the new season, but I am concerned the Eileen Ford stuff (Hi, Mrs. Sting!) is a plot device that will make Angel more miserable and lead to something more tragic. 

    I knew that was Eileen Ford. Did not know who was playing her until I went to IMDB.

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  13. 4 hours ago, byrd said:

    Right and probably looks down on the reality show crap anyway, it's beneath them. Hell it's beneath me !!  But yet I watch ...

    Or they could have just got fed up with Gizzard and her crap years ago.  She probably has alienated most of her family with her haughty.   

    All of those turbans remind me of my chemotherapy patients who where them because they have no hair.

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  14. Since Mila did not like to  bake, she should have sent someone to buy a cake, pastries on shore.  After all they are in the freaking south of France.  Who says a cake has to be home made.

    My opinion of the guests was they had seen how previous guests act look like ass holes and thus pretended they like the food.  Or they could just be nice people with immature palates.

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  15. 1 hour ago, BodhiGurl said:

    They have got to be kidding us with this ridiculous excuse for a "chef". Come the heck on. And she's playing with her hair AGAIN. Sweet jeebuz kick her off NOW.

    My grandma is rolling in her grave. That was her biggest pet peeve , in the kitchen.

    1 hour ago, mbaywife123 said:

    Gee I wonder if Mila realizes that Captian Sandy likes women ! Mila just earned her ticket home with her totally inappropriate homophobic remarks!

    Wonder if Mila knows her boss is Satan Andy?

    52 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

    Oxygen thief. So true! I wish Jack had stuck his tongue down guy whose name I can’t remember throat.

    Don't know his name, but I'm in love with him now!

    49 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

    I laughed so hard at that. Loved it, he put the whammy on her!

    I think she listened thru an open window on a ladder.

    I think she totally lied and never attended any cooking school. Maybe she was the housekeeper who cleaned up after the cooks. But, I doubt she could do that competently either. Just hope she is gone soon.  Looks like next week she is serving :


    Canned tuna with mayonaise.  I could take over her job cooking stuff like that.

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  16. Just because she is Cordon Bleu trained does not mean she graduated. Maybe the person who wrote the CV for the stew last year, who couldn't even make coffee, wrote the chef's CV for her.  Could not get over her microwaving the steaks.  If I had enchiladas for an appetizer, I would be too full to eat the rubber steak. I'm all in for tacos any time. However, those microwaved nachos is how I make a snack for just my self, and I had to google how to even spell Cordon Bleu.  

    Lastly it sounds like the chef is homophobic, according to previews. So I'm definitely out on ever liking her.

    6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    Wonder if Mila's resume was "beefed up" by the same person who did Kasey's resume last season?  

    Great minds think alike. See my comment above.

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