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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Yeah that’s her. She said she left Miami because people were shunning her because she was divorced and they didn’t trust her around their husbands but I imagine it was more likely it’s because she is a horrible human being who no one wants to be around.

    Yes, she doesn't look like some hot number that men would leave their wives for.

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  2. 14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I am in. So far I like them all except that heinous asshole Lopa.

    Was that the one guy's future mother in law?  I think she has a drinking problem. What an ass hole to talk about him with his family sitting there at the table.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

    I used to feel sorry for Adam, but at this point, I think he deserves it.


    At this point, I wouldn't put it past Reza to plan the whole dick pick thing.

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  4. I think if they had shown more of Miss Bates and Mrs Bates at home, earlier in the movie, it would show more how poor they really were.

    Only two quibbles with this version:  Emma and Mr Knightly were not wearing gloves when they danced together. That would have been a big faux pas.  Enjoyed the dance scene a lot otherwise.  Also, Mr Woodhouse would not have run down the stairs, near the beginning, like he did.  He would have been too afraid that he would fall and break a hip.  Or get a cold from the draft caused by moving so fast.

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  5. The Modavian design, on the back of one of Victoria's jackets and the crocheted purses and hats remind me of craft fair merchandise that old grandmas would buy and wear.

    And the logos all over Victoria's designs.  Who is she?  Michael Freakin Kors?

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  6. On 2/29/2020 at 6:16 AM, Rickster said:

    I was surprised there was no follow up with the keloid patient on the last show. Maybe it didn’t work out well?

    I was going to say that I am a sucker for a Scots accent, then I read that Dr. Emma is originally from Northern Ireland (although trained in Scotland).

    I thought it was a Scottish accent too.   Eczema girl must not have realized that the immunotherapy was more dangerous that the steroid cream.  And to go cold turkey off steroids like that. That looked miserable.  

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  7. 44 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Not to mention it doesn’t seem like the baby was born in Greece so your looking at multiple flights to get to Corfu where the bought is docked. 

    I was thinking the same thing. Lots of opportunities for baby to be exposed to germs.  Lots of opportunities for fellow travelers to be exposed to an infant crying.  

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  8. Has Kate totally left the show? I know she moved to New York, but she could still film BD.  Hope she is still on.  I'd move away from Florida too, since it looks like all the douche brus are there now.

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  9. Adam seems totally checked out of the marriage, cheating or not. Also, I heard they had an open relationship.  Sad he gave up his dream of a child with Reza.  Hope he finds someone who will treat him better. 

    GG really was calm after going to her car to smoke pot.  I had a co worker who would get manic and her friend and her would disappear during work.  Someone said that the friend would take her out to smoke pot. She would be calmer when she returned though.

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  10. I am fascinated by this show.  I would love to work in her office and assist. I am a notorious zit popper and blackhead squeezer.  My mother had this huge black head  on her back that I worked and worked to get rid of but, never could.  The scaly skin doesn't bother me either. I am a nurse and have had to restrain myself from peeling it off patients.  I have fond memories of peeling off the suntan peel off my grandma, every year, when she came back from Florida.   Also, I can not even begin to tell you how many craters I have had to pack with gauze, over the years on infected patients.  Did you know that they  sometimes use a bleach solution to pack some wounds?  Now days, they use wound vacs.  Infections need to heal from the inside out. Those big craters the lipoma removal leaves, wonder if Dr Lee packs them?  

    • Love 4
  11. 10 hours ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:


    The midwife case confused me - how could a midwife GUARANTEE to be at the birth of the Dracula-inspired Mother? It's common practice for midwives to have back-up for this exact reason. 

    JJ was totally wrong here. You don't get guaranteed your OBGYN will be on call either.  I'm kind of on the fence about these for profit birthing centers, but the defendant should have won.  I can see the Midwife comforting another mother who lost her child. That is part of the after care.  But then, I wondered what happened to cause the baby to die?  See, I'm on the fence about birthing centers.  Was it a preventable death?   I guess since I'm a nurse, I would want all technology available and not a nearby hospital. Of course, I always wanted an epidural as soon as possible.  

    The fool plaintiff was not looking at the bigger picture, when wanting a tired midwife to take care of her and not another one.   She looked like someone who is probably demanding about all kinds of services.

    • Love 8
  12. 19 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    While I didn't have any real objections to the color, I believed it was just plain too tight.  Her breasteses appeared to be looking for an escape portal, and that was it's best feature.  I mean, come on:


    Screenshot (93).png

    That looks like 3 different dresses cut apart and sewed together!  The skirt hanging down reminds me of my gold bathroom curtains.

    17 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    Can you imagine what Victoria’s interview with Christian would have been like?

    He would not be able to contain his loathing for her.

    1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

    I suspect she and her husband cooked up a PR strategy, which is "pretend not to understand English as an excuse to do whatever I want."

    She reminds me of the criminals on Live PD who suddenly can't speak English when the cops are questioning them.

    Were the judges made aware of how much of everyone else's time she wasted having her I'm quitting pity party. Hopefully next time they all will ignore her.

    • Love 3
  13. Brawnwyn was on the Golden Crappies ( Watch What Crappens award show) .  She seemed trashed and was sobbingly going on and on about what a good friend Tamra is! This was about 2 weeks ago.  Everyone was telling her to watch out for the snake.  

    One Christmas, my grandmother bought a canned ham to serve. Yuk!

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  14. 11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:



    Did you see?  What was the outcome of the poll?



    The guys looked real bad in all the polls.  A viewer asked why Asston was acting like he's contrite now, but has been trashing Kate on social media since the season started.  He also said he was working on his self, but did not need professional counselling.  Andy confirmed there will be a reunion.  Can't wait.  Hope Andy comes hard at the guys like he has been doing with certain ho wives.




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  15. 21 hours ago, For Cereals said:

    Everything that can be said about Snake-gate and beastiality-gate has been said, but that last segment...Why couldn’t Kenya and Cynthia just go to Tanya directly and tell her?  Why bring it up with the whole group?  That just made Tanya look bad/naive.  Plus, it’s on film with audio and recorded.  I think Kenya only brought it up because she was jealous of Tanya’s relationship.  Even if Paul is a dog, he at least acts like he’s in love with Tanya, which Kenya doesn’t have.

    Because Kenya is messy as hell. And loves to start shit.

    10 hours ago, qtpye said:


    Shit, ain't that the truth. Tanya is so put together and happy that you know this can't be crew. Your Bebe's kids/Carlton Banks analogy was spot on.


    I gotta say...Tanya sure as does not dance like Carlton. I think Kenya is jealous of hell of Tanya because Tanya is kind of what Kenya tries to be like in her fake beauty pageant persona.

    Yes,  Kenya is jealous of Tanya.   Tanya is a successful business person who doesn't have to pull stunts  (like at Marlo's wig party) to get attention for her company.  Kenya had to imitate Tanya twice on the bus.  Now's she starting trouble between Tanya and her man, even if the cheating rumor is true.  

    • Love 16
  16. 20 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Charlotte Spenser plays Esther Dunham and channeling the disdainful looks of Kelly Reilly who played Caroline Bingley in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice..they have similar facial features....

    However, the champ at the slow burn look of Disdain is Anna Chancellor who will forever be the best Caroline Bingley in the 1995 P and P..


    You mean Duck Face from 4 Weddings and a Funeral?  

    Edward and Eleanor are villainous, but they have little choice but to make sure They either inherit money, or Edward marries wealthy.  Since Eleanor is poor, she will have problems making a match.  That one guy likes her though, but I don't know if for marrying. Plus, she only has eyes for her step brother.

    Is there a Howard's End forum?

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  17. 21 hours ago, Chalby said:

    I feel Kary came onto the show gunning for Leanne. You could tell she was a former 'watcher'.

    I think that was her goal on this show and also to make Kary's husband look bad.  I feel for her because of LeeAnn's racism, but that is where my sympathy ends.  Ron and Ben, from Watch What Crappens, saw  Kary at Leeann's wedding, not knowing she was part of the cast, and determined she was  thirsty.  

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