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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 1 hour ago, Axie said:

    I thought it said a lot about Dorinda’s drinking habits when she was slightly tipsy and leaving the restaurant.  She said she had wanted to stay home, watch Ghost Hunters and fall asleep around 6:30. Asleep by 6:30?  Alrighty then.  

    I would be like that too, except I wouldn't be drunk and so would stay awake longer.

    I watched this whole episode looking at Ramona's butt to see if she really did poop her pants, like Leah's sister tweeted.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

    Remember when she was married to Mario?  One night she had on a black nite gown, real sexy, had champagne on ice when Mario came home and was acting all sexy and full of herself.  Meanwhile, he was screwing a 17 yr old who worked in a toy store in the Hamptons.  She still thinks she’s so hot.

    That scene was so awkward.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, Maire said:

    Kadoooz to the camera person who caught the tag on Sonja’s jeans. You know she’s already returned them.

    After rinsing out any spots on them, in her bidet.

    2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

    In a year or two Sonja will end up working as restroom attendant in some fancy restaurant handing out towels or wet-wipes.

    After work, go home and eat her cat food pate.

    No, she'll fill her purse with scraps of food off the customer's plates.

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  4. On 6/2/2020 at 8:37 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:


    I've really enjoyed visiting the new, lesser known places, the beautiful intros, and the fresh ghost hunting techniques, but, sadly, some cast changes have to be done.  In conclusion, I will need much more of Grant (on his own show!) and he can also include Rhianna on more episodes, in order for me to continue buying this series on Amazon. Also, more episodes would be nice.  🙄 

    Wonder if the season was short because of Covid 19?  Maybe we will get more next season. Enjoyed Grant working with his wife.  Also the two guys that had a rock thrown at them. Forgot their names and too lazy to look it up.

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  5. Plaintiff accused defendant of being on drugs. She replies "I don't drink or smoke".  Doesn't mean she doesn't take drugs.  Also her eyes looked off to me, like drugged.  

    So, if they film at home, does that mean we get to see all the trash in the litigants houses?  Like whens someone posts furniture on FB, but they can't be bothered to clean the trash off the piece they are selling.  If so, I'm in!

    • LOL 4
  6. 9 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    And the entire yachting world breathes a sigh of relief when Adam states the obvious that yachting is not for him. 

    The winners of this reunion was Adam's dog, who, other than lifting his paw at one point and being ignored, slept thru the whole mess, and Chris, who popped on long enough to update us on his back and then leave.


    I think Chris should have been on longer. He was on quite a few episodes.

    The only bright spot of this reunion, is that Georgia did not sing one of the new songs she said she wrote. And what's up with Jenna and Parker both having guitars in the background?  Were they going to be back up music if Georgia sang?

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    Count me in on one who likes Elyse. She seems to be the voice of reason on this show.  Loved her imitation.

    I would love to have Betheny reacting to Leah's tantrum.  I have never seen an adult act like that in my life.  '

    Off topic, but I couldn't believe Anderson Cooper and Satan Andy both didn't know Florida was in two time zones.  Especially Anderson since he is a news reporter.  And he graduated from Yale.

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  8. 22 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I kind of smirked at the QF, with the whole "airline food has come a long way." Like it's now a purchased box of cheese and crackers on any flight shorter than 6 hours!

    Of course Padma and Jonathan probably never fly steerage class like most of us do.

    Cheese and crackers?  How about a bag with 3 pretzels and half a can of coke?

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  9. 7 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

    When she was telling the story of the dog getting out the window at a high rate of speed on the freeway, you could almost SEE her trying to remember the details of the tragic newspaper story that she read about and based this bullshit on.



    I thought she got it from watching the movie Vacation with Chevy Chase.

    • Useful 2
  10. Any one notice Adam sitting alone and glowering after the last dinner out, while everyone hung out, danced etc.  What was up with him?  He looked pissed about something.  Maybe he was realizing he was stuck with Jenna for a while.

    • LOL 10
  11. 26 minutes ago, Florinaldo said:

    It never ceases to amaze me how on these court shows so many litigants (usually women) believe that stuffing their numerous bulges in two-sizes-too-small clothes is the best look for them (or for anyone as a matter of fact).

    My late father called it putting a two ton turd in a one ton container!

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  12. My husband's boss was on a diving trip off the coast of Mexico. The Mexican coast guard randomly boarded the boat he was on. If drug were found, they would have gone to prison.

    The guest told Captain Glenn that he did not bring drugs on board. That does not mean that someone else didn't bring the drugs for him.  He didn't say he didn't use drugs on board.

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  13. On 5/19/2020 at 2:55 AM, GonnahearmeRoar said:

    Nene isn’t capable of taking any criticism. Yes, Greg cheated because you starved him of affection and probably sex. More than likely, Nene got couple envy looking at other couples with sexy partners like Kim Z. Reluctantly she got back with Greg but isn’t physically attracted to him anymore. I see a home where the two of them coexist and are friends not lovers. I can kinda see why Greg would entertain the help. He is lonely in his marriage. I see a man that would rekindle his relationship with his wife but she is ice cold. Just my interpretation of their relationship. 

    Greg probably cheated with the help, because it was the help who took care of him while he was sick. I remember Nene  just dropping him off when he had a surgery.  The help probably even took him to chemotherapy and sat with him while he was receiving it. The help probably made sure he was fed and took his medicine.

    • Love 9
  14. On 5/15/2020 at 8:37 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:


    The new one this morning with the failed dog breeding case was ridiculous.   Two people who contacted each other on "breed your dog . com", to breed Huskies.   When one pup turned out to have an undescended testicles doesn't mean you neuter the sire, you neuter the dog with the condition.     The defendant physician's assistant didn't strike me as legit, and I wonder if she exaggerated her credentials?        Both dog owners were idiots.  


    Defendant said she was a nurse practitioner but, also said the dogs testicles were in his “ stomach”.  I would think a nurse practitioner would have a better grasp of anatomy, even it’s a dogs anatomy.  

    I was happy that Harvey said that instead of breeding dogs, they should adopt from a shelter.  

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  15. 8 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

    Tonight they showed a dog being rescued from the storm drain. The police officers took the dog to a veterinarian hospital. Does anyone know how the dog is doing? I didn't get to hear if the dog will be okay. It  was so skinny and weak, didn't have the strength to eat a treat or drink water. He laid down and didn't get up. Did anyone else see this? It's just heartbreaking. 

    My hubby said the dog was chipped so they found the owner.   He also said the cops said they would pay for the vet.  Maybe the live pd Facebook page will have an update  

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  16. 18 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

    I think Night Angel might be one of the members of TLC. 

    Unfortunately, I agree with Jenny and it's Kandi Burris.  Not unfortunatley that it's Kandi, but that I agree with Jenny.   The voice sounds like her and the clues point to her.

  17. Did I read somewhere that Grant's wife suffers from MS?  Maybe that is why he is phoning in these episodes. Maybe she had an exacerbation and he needed to be home.  I thought her illness was why he quit the original series.

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