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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 6 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

    I think that Heather more or less answered her own questions about why she is unable sustain any type of authentic lasting relationship with a man.

    She reminds me of a woman I know who is in her mid-50s. She claims she wants to settle down, but her goal is to have as much sex with as many men as possible, even during COVID! That is crazy, contradictory and dangerous behavior.

    Sounds like Ramona, Luann and Sonja.

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  2. On 12/15/2020 at 6:55 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    apparently something for Monique to be coming at them so hard .. lol

    and Monique with her husbands money ... there is literally no difference

    Except Monique and her husband are married.  I can't believe people on here are discounting the wife because the husband is the wage earner.  Marriage is a partnership. They have children together.   Candiace's mother is giving her child money. Big difference.  I guess all women who choose to stay at home, raise the children, while their husbands work are inferior and do not deserve any of the money.  This seems like 1950s values.  

     Also, people have said that Monique does not take care of her kids, doesn't like them.  None of us see what goes on when they are not filming. We also don't know the dynamics of Monique and Chris's marriage when the cameras are off.

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  3. 15 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Naked Wasted. Never forget. Brooks is an entitled little shit, but so far he's not plotting the ruin of someone for his own gain.

    Well, he did refuse to let his mother go on an overnight with Lisa.

    14 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I can't stand Brooksie.  I am confused why the media keeps saying he has all these fans.  Who are these crazy people?  Why do they keep trying to make Brooks this great designer?  I just wish he would go away so I don't have to see or hear him.  

    He sees himself as the next Christian Siriano.  🙄

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  4. 23 hours ago, dleighg said:

    she keeps saying that Francesca has a harsh attitude toward her. As far as I've seen, Francesca has been extremely measured and straight-shooting. What does she expect her to say? You're screwing up but "that's ok, I understand this is hard for you" ?  I guess so.

    Elizabeth needs to work in the real world if she thinks Francesca was harsh?  She would face reality real fast.

    Captain Sandy would be all over the charter guests demands.  Especially the white glove service.  I can see her breathing down the chef's neck to make every thing perfect.  

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  5. 2 hours ago, Lois Sandborne said:

    Can someone outside of the Broke Bitch Club please give me an idea of how much that stack of cash was that Todd gave Riley?

    By the time Mr. Sidora got through smugly saying "How does that help you?" for the tenth time, I wanted to post up at his hidey-hole in Tampa and stick that fork in him. I hate people who think they've found a foolproof way to shut down arguments.

    A stack of ones?

    • LOL 6
  6. 6 hours ago, Marley said:

    Yikes am I remembering wrong or was that tip horrible and like one of the worst yet on the show. No surprise with those little dbags tho.

    Their parents gave them more but they blew it on booze before the cruise.  

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  7. On 11/19/2020 at 5:41 PM, SweetieDarling said:

    Is it bad that I laughed when Jen(?) said that Mary looked like a Christmas tree at Meredith's birthday party? and then laughed again when Bravo showed a shot of her looking like a Christmas tree at Meredith's birthday party?

    That dress reminds me  a of RuPaul’s Drag Race sewing challenge episode.  The unseasoned queen never learned how to sew.   This is the dress she came up with, causing her to ultimately sashay away!   What was with the striped strap purse she carried?    And the clunky jewelry?  Maybe grandpa-husband, with the painted on eyebrows, picked her ensemble out.   


    • LOL 5
  8. 29 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Why was one of the stews (the new girl, I think) crying at the end. 
    I like Eddie but they should have brought back at least one more familiar face because I can’t even muster up enough energy to to care about any of them. It is extremely boring, I was doing a little housecleaning with this on because it’s not worth any of my non-productive time. I don’t even know their names even. 
    How long will it take Lee to fire the lazy ass deck crew slacker this season? Will he just bluster and grumble his way through as usual? I wish this show didn’t focus so much on incompetence. I miss Kate and Hannah at this point. 
    That was a pretty sweet tip they got.  Doubtful this group will be as generous . 

    Depends on how much of the tip money , their parents sent with them, they blew on alcohol before coming aboard.  They all acted like they were under age and were at someone's party who's parents were out of town.  

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  9. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:


    Absurd case where a fridge was left outside on a dolly, next to assigned parking for the plaintiff.   Fridge fell over and damaged plaintiff's car, and defendant doesn't care.    What a lovely way to find out that the new neighbors are jerks.  They left the fridge out on the lawn, next to the sidewalk/parking lot overnight, and fridge falls on video.   I'm shocked no one stole the fridge since it was out overnight.      The defendant husband is a total ass, but the wife is even worse.   Plaintiff gets $1,582


    But it was an act of God that the fridge fell over!

    • LOL 2
  10. 12 minutes ago, dleighg said:

    I mean, I dislike bell peppers, but in that situation I would just pull them out and mention it quietly to the stew. No way I'd ask it to be redone when everyone is requesting a hundred different things. They are ordering like it's a diner with 8 fry cooks back there!

    Hubby likes peppers.  I don’t. I just pull them out.  Agree she should have a planned breakfast menu.  These guests would have asked for something different, though. 

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  11. 8 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

    Cindy McCain still comes off as very cold, unemotional, and stiff. I always get the impression she thinks she is better than the four women hosting this show. And why hasn't she been to visit her daughter and the baby yet ? Something's odd there.

    Interesting that Behar mentioned Biden is considering her for a 'Secretary' position in his administration. She tried to dance around it and focus on helping him now, but you could tell she'd love the position.

    Why hasn’t Cindy been to visit Megan?   We are in the middle of a pandemic.  In reality she should quarantine 2 weeks before visiting the baby.  And that would be after arriving in NY.   She doesn’t want to risk the babies life.   These are not normal times.   I’m sure she’d be right there if things were normal. 

    • Love 10
  12. 8 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    They had this on SNL Weekend Update but i thought it was just a bit!  Sooooo funny!

    But, SNL couldn't come up with anything as funny as having the press conference there.  It was real life comedy gold.

    • Love 4
  13. 10 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

    i don't understand why braunie is asking random people to attend an AA meeting.  if i were in AA and someone brought a friend i would be pretty upset.  i thought  AA was based on anonymity and they don't use last names.  it isn't a spectator sport

    She wants them there so they can film here going to the meeting and talking after. Like Luann and Sonja.  I lol'd when Emily was talking about how Brown Wind's husband has to be around all the time and how he'd come over to Kelly's with her. Next thing you know He's toting Brown Wind on a bike to Kelly's. And he totally wanted Brown Wind to return to Shannon's party so he could be on camera longer.

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  14. 23 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    Now I'm wondering if that was his choice (was his name Avery?), or if we are already seeing production shennanigans.  Yes, his grandmother was critically ill, but he could have returned after one week.  I don't think at the time of filming the U.S. had started travel restrictions yet, so it couldn't have been that.  In February, everything was still open.

    I wonder if the producers saw how well he and Eddie were getting along and what a hard, experienced worker he was and decided to NOT let him return to up the drama??


    I thought it was some kind of fruit - possibly a banana or plaintain?  But, you're right - she was hacking the hell out of it, and Captain Lee didn't look too impressed with what she brought him.

    Just give him his cheerios dammit!

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  15. On 10/28/2020 at 11:44 AM, auntjess said:

    I had a televisit with my primary care's PA, but it was just a check-in for Rx refills, as I hadn't been in over a year.
    Hardest part for me was finding a place where no dust bunnies or dirty dishes were visible.

    I think it's great!

    Did you read about the lady

    setting up outside for her husband’s televisit?    She got bit by a poisonous snake!

  16. 2 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    My doctors (AZ) are still treating patients via telemedicine; no change in the foreseeable future here.

    Where I work, the oncologists are doing mostly in the office appointments. It seemed problematic doing televisits with some of the patients.  I do see patients have other appts scheduled per televisits though.  

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  17. 4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I'm trying to like Maggie (I love Dawn French), but she's pretty awful. She wants people to forgive her on her schedule, still doesn't take complete responsibility for the interview ("it was taken out of context!"—no, it wasn't), etc. She got lucky the doctor was unhappy with the fallout and let Maggie off the hook so publicly.

    The tone of this show is uneven. Is it a comedy? Is it a dramedy? I can't quite tell, and whatever we saw at the beginning of this episode, someone getting hit by a car, wasn't shown later. Huh?

    My guide said it was a comedy, drama.  Loved the scenery. The plot is ok.  

  18. 11 hours ago, snarts said:

    Might just me and my cold black heart, but Braunwyn's admission seemed a bit too calculated and rang false. Like let me bust out my season long storyline in episode 1 to secure my orange. That's partly due to her media blitz yesterday. There's something so creepy & disingenuous about her and her entire family.


    I felt like it was her trying to push a story line.  Something about her I do not like. Oh, and I think she looks like Lori Vallow Daybell.

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