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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. I much be listening to too much Watch What Crappens, because after each of Sandy's scenes, I imagine her saying, "now give me a hug".  What was the deal with Jess not doing Capt'n Sandy's laundry?  Kiko's food looks good, but his portions are small and he is slow.  All that sushi made me hungry for some.  I feel bad for him, with those guests complaining though.  I think he would work better if he was not under so much pressure.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    This is probably an UO but.....GG is high as a kite all day every day with a baby to take care of? Sorry, I know Pot is legal in California and all that blah, blah. I worry for this baby. Marijuana still dulls the senses and reflexes and I would think she would cool it a little bit. She needs it for her RA pain but it sounds to me like she takes advantage of the medicinal purpose of her using it. 

    With that said, I wish I lived in a state that would legalize it because I wouldn't mind partaking once in a while. But I'm not GG, I have sense and would use it wisely.


    Maybe her mom is raising the baby. I hope so.  Tired of GG being baked all the time.  Agree that Nema is the only decent one on the show. The others probably dislike him because he makes them seem even more trashier. Except they are all trashy except him.

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  3. On 7/8/2020 at 10:22 AM, Mr. Miner said:

    Did Sandy climb out of the hamper in the laundry room when she told Rob they need help in the galley? It's like you never know what side door or closet she's going to step out of. 

    She goes into that hole, to the cooler, Lara wouldn't go in.  She tunnels from there to under a cabinet, in the galley. There she waits ready to pop out whenever they film in the galley.

    • LOL 6
  4. On 7/10/2020 at 8:23 PM, Atlanta said:

    Heather comes across as a bit lost. The hockey player clearly wasn't into her, so maybe she's putting her hopes on Tarek? 

    Apparently, Christine had corona at her wedding. Geez. I hope no one else got sick.


    She got married in December. The virus wasn't that known yet. Wonder if she really had it. Also, why would you tell it in an interview.  Hopefully it wasn't.    Of course, I have 2 co workers who might have had covid before it became a pandemic.  They were both very sick and tested negative for influenza.  Of course they didn't film a party on tv while sick.  At least Maya refused to film when the pandemic hit.


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  5. 10 hours ago, swanpride said:

    Not quite...the name of the game is to act in a way that the audience still likes you when it is over. So you can get away with eliminating a strong competitor if you have the choice between two of them or if you can argue your decision. But if you start to eliminate strong queens before their time, it not only leads to the audience being angry about it, it also leads to the other queens eliminating YOU at the first opportunity.

    I'm still bitter about Manila getting eliminated that way.

    • Love 17
  6. 10 hours ago, Kiki620 said:

    Me either!  That was a new, exciting and innovative plan?  Seemed pretty basic to me.  

    What I did like was Tracy standing up to that douche and not cowering or acting like she lacked confidence (which he wanted her to do).  Go girl!

    I also didn't find the Castle to be that beautiful?  It was a huge, empty bowling alley.  I may be alone, but I didn't care for the look of the wood beams (love them in general, but those look like the bark was peeling off!).  The house had no personality.  Even the sterile, modern, white boxes you can sometimes see the glittering appeal of, even if it's not your particular style.  This was just blah. 

    I screamed when that kid slammed open and shut the oven door at the one home.  Kids shouldn't be allowed on home tours of any kind.  Period. 

    Didn't like the Castle either.  I don't want to live where I feel like I'm going to fall off a cliff at any moment.  Also got to have window coverings to close at night.  You know, so the boogie man can't peek in.

    Like it when the kid was slamming the oven door, Flag says to him, " you break it you bought it". I enjoyed that the kid's mother did not look like most LA women.  She looked normal.

    • Love 8
  7. Sandy reminded me of my old manager. It was a snowy day.  We made it in to work, barely.  My manager as a thank you, tells the nurse's aid to defrost the refrigerator.  Guess she didn't think she was busy enough after risking her life to come to work.  Sandy bitching to Jess about the messy laundry, I think that would be low priority with being short of help.  But then, it is a super yacht, eye roll.

    Loved all the film of the crew enjoying the little ones.  Looks like Hannah will be a great mom. 

    Thought they were going to edit Pete out.  Guess they didn't have time yet.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Schnickelfritz said:

    Because no drug addict/ criminal has ever lied to the police??? He wasn't very concerned about his own health if he was on meth and fentanyl.

    And the drug abuse probably caused his congestive heart failure.

    We had a local case where someone , on drugs, died after being tazed,

    Live PD showed a lot of good things that police do for the community.  It also showed occasionally when too much force was used. Or was in my opinion at times.   

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  9. I admit I ff'd through most of the first case, because I have no sympathy for people who spend big bucks on animals and for people who loves their animals so much that they turn them into a breeding machine.  Go to shelters and adopt people!  Surprised Harvey didn't say that also.

    Second case, was kind of confused on who did what to who, except food got left out of refrigerator.  And someone was accused of witch craft.  Also, always get a receipt.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    My interpretation was that Lara wanted Hannah to go into that small space first to "show her;" whether or not she would have followed I do not know.  (Yes I do.  She wouldn't have.  She would have sure showed Hannah!)

    She probably would have locked the door  behind Hannah.

    If Hannah is fired and Lara is promoted, I'm through with this show.

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  11. 15 hours ago, patty1h said:

    I was kinda surprised when he said he didn't have an answer because it seemed a pretty standard Ebay transaction kerfuffle, but the X factor is that the seller has blamed Covid-19 and related Post Office setbacks to a missing shipment.  Harvey said this is such a new problem that he can't say legally what the next step would be.

    She should contact Ebay and do a charge back. That is what we do when when packages are lost.

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  12. 2 hours ago, readheaded said:

    My husband honestly wondered if the defendant in the printer cartridge case was transgender?  

    I thought so too, Especially since I was on the computer when the case came on, and heard the voice first, before I saw her.  Not that it matters either way.  

    Did anyone notice the ask Harvey a law question. The lady skyped in her question. Harvey didn't know the answer.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I’m pearl-clutching a bit about ravioli-gate.  I am such a chow hound, I love pasta, and goat cheese, and... pesto, I guessing, from the sauce splattered on Ramona’s face?  What a waste of something that I’m sure would have been delicious!

    I’m 12 years old because I am giggling helplessly at this image.

    OMG.  What if she often carries a load in her pants?  That could explain the odd way she walks.

    Didn't she poop on the floor in Cartegna?

    Did it sound like Dorinda was talking to Leah, about Richard, in the present tense? She mentioned some thing he did like he still did.

    • LOL 4
  14. 1 minute ago, backhometome said:

    Ramona and Sonja getting on their high horse about Leah acting accordingly was ridiculous. Especially coming from Sonja. She makes a mess of her self like 5 times every season. 

    That's because Leah is stealing her schtick.    She's the messy, drunk one.  She can't stand the camera on someone else.  

    Loved the flash back of everyone acting drunk messy, through the years, including LuAnn threatening to kill the police officer.  

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