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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yes, the "You're her sister! You raise the baby!" didn't work well for me.  I went to bed going through all the logistical problems of raising a baby in one of those apartments with no hot water, glass bottles, diapers to wash rinse and hang somewhere.  I guess the sister can leave her own home and job everyday to go bathe the baby, make the formula, sterilize the bottles, heat water, wash the diapers hang them up.

    The show has become so packed with stories, while also cutting scene,s that I feel all the anxiety and stress and not enough of the happy resolutions. What irritates me most is after the show has been cut short we get those behind the scene spots where the show praises itself and its writers.

    It’s the same behind the scenes each time it seems too.  

    • Love 7
  2. 7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Back in the "teased hair" days of the 60s and 70s, I used to just fold lengths of toilet paper to about five or 6 squares long and bobby pin it around my hairdo before going to bed.  Worked fine.

    Of course, these days, who can risk wasting that much toilet paper?

    My grandmother wore a bouffant hairdo and always wrapped her hair in tp.

    • Love 3
  3. 11 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

    Exactly! That was my major cringe moment in the show. I said before that Jenna (aside from other things) was clueless, but really? The first thing you say to the woman involves dying from cancer??? Once again, Jenna makes everything about her.

    And didn't she say she something like she could die tomorrow happy because of working on the yacht?  So inappropriate.  This poor woman goes on this cruise, knowing her diagnosis, to forget her problems and Jenna makes it about Jenna.  I take care of people with cancer daily and never tell them about the family members I have had that died from it.  

    • Love 10
  4. On 5/4/2020 at 9:08 PM, Kohola3 said:

    If I had a nickel for each Demerol and Vistaril injection I've given over my career I'd be as rich as the Queen.  I honestly don't recall ever giving oral Demerol at all.

    I don't think aspirin or Tylenol is of much benefit for really severe dsymenorrhea.  But that's probably all that was available back then.

    I remember their buttocks areas getting tough and the shots would leak out some after so many injections.  

    21 hours ago, caitmcg said:

    Oh, sure, it wasn’t that I expected it would’ve been effective, but rather was commenting because howiveaddict said they’d always heard Demerol in oral form was no more effective than Tylenol, which is somewhat contrary to how the show played it. For story purposes, it certainly is simpler for the purposes of this episode and if they’re setting something more up to have a drug like that available in pill form.

    They probably didn't have studies to compare parental vs oral demerol back then.  I bet it's been 20 years since I saw it prescribed.  Of course now it's oxycontin that gets prescribed in the hospital.

  5. If this medicine is the same as demerol, then it is neuro toxic and can cause seizures.  Demerol is rarely ordered anymore due to this.  I couldn't tell you how many injections of demerol mixed with phenergan I have given over the years.  Also, I was once told, that oral demerol doesn't work as well as tylenol.  Not effective in the pill form.

    Back in the 60s I remember a young girl, at my church who was totally deaf from her mother having rubella.  I think also she had developmental delays. It must have been severe for me to have remember this, and I was also a child at the time.

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  6. What would have happened if this challenge had bigger men instead of women super fans?  Heidi wouldn't have and outfit for them either. I felt bad for her super fan.  That saying, maybe the show could have had something available to use.  So happy it was no elimination, but I think Heidi should have gone home.

    • Love 2
  7. 17 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Yes, I know but I just found it amusing how it looked almost exactly like JM's hair, as though you might go to a wig store and say "I'll take the "Judge Milian", please" the way there used to be wigs styled like the hair of celebrities, or maybe such things still exist.

    Back in the day, it was Eva Gabor wigs.  My mom and grandma wore them for the heck of it.

    • LOL 2
  8. 5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    So are wig stores stocking the "Judge Milian" model now, since I'm sure that's what def in the "Another shopping cart asshole" case was wearing. 

    I think she was wearing the wig because she is an Orthodox Jew. Many orthodox Jewish women wear wigs in public.   Both men were wearing yarmulkes.  

    • Love 4
  9. 7 hours ago, DrSparkles said:

    Sweet satan, The Betsy?? I screamed. I worked there in the early 90s, she was the Betsy Ross at the time, w 2 restaurants, A Mano (fine dining) & the Stars & Stripes Cafe (I know). My silly friend that I worked with at the time I called it the Diana Ross hotel and the strip and search café, which made us laugh like two idiots every time he said it. Was owned by a real dick. Anyway, Vishal, it’s not a good look being drunk in front of your fam at a major life event that people traveled to attend. I understand you’re nervous about... whatever you want to say, but still.

    It's also bad for his chrohns disease to drink that much.  Glad he's ok after having Covid.  Looked like he is on humira and that lowers your immune system.

    • Love 1
  10. Maybe Nema's only took her daughter was because it was the only way she could get out of the marriage.  I can see Nema's dad not allowing Nema to go with her.  If so, that's too bad she doesn't just tell Nema that.  After all, that is a culture where sons are more valued than daughters.

    • Love 2
  11. I think it was the crime writer or the defense attorney that said that the witness didn't recognize the rabbi's son by his picture, because it was his high school year book picture.  He changed a lot since then.  Wasn't he fairly young? I doubt he changed that much.  

    I think Stephen did it also.  We had a case years ago, where I live, where a married cop killed his girl friend, then set the house on fire.  Part of why he was caught was a camera on a nearby bank.  Wonder if there were any CC cameras around where Jessie's body was taken?  It seems like that is a standard way to catch criminals in the British dramas I watch.

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Omeletsmom said:

    I got the impression he's not registered to vote because he CAN'T register to vote.  He implied he is not an American citizen.

    He said he has a green card.  Hope he doesn't make someone , in government, who he was criticizing , angry and gets his status revoked.  I won't mention names.

  13. Hard to believe the guy getting the Iphone, would even want the package just thrown over the fence.  When we have an expensive package delivered, hubby will have it left at UPS or a nearby Walgreens. We would never trust it to not be stolen off our porch.  I guess that is why he has a pit bull. To keep his packages from being stolen.  Hopefully the next delivery person will just throw this man's packages like  a foot ball, crashing on the porch, or landing in a puddle..  Or maybe the pit will bite the package.  Maybe the mail man should just throw his mail over the fence also.  Especially in the rain. 

    Did the driver sue for pain and suffering? If not, he should have.  

    • LOL 2
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  14. 9 hours ago, dosodog said:

    When I look at Vishal's features separately, he should be very handsome. The parts just don't work out to the whole face.  It confuses me. 

    He has a strong nose, good cheekbones and angular lines, a slamming body, gorgeous hair and his eyes.  I think he has large, liquid pools of luciousness when it comes to his eyes.

    But it just doesn't work all together.

    Cher from Clueless::  "It's like a painting, see? From far away, it's OK, but up close, it's a big old mess."  Is that what you mean?

    • LOL 11
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  15. I said histoplasmosis as soon as I saw the pigeons and the guy coughing. In fact I drove my husband nuts saying histoplasmosis every time they showed the guy. Of course, I was right!

    I've heard of people getting it from cleaning up old houses that birds have roosted in.  I would think this guy's birds would still be contaminated since it's in their poop.  Hope Archie is ok.

    • Love 5
  16. The audience at the runway show seemed as enthusiastic to be there as if they were forced by gun point to attend.

    Did not like the design with the background. Hard to see the clothing, even when they came all the way down the stairs.  Are they going to have a gimmick runway every episode?

    The social influencer's runway dress looked like something one of the Real House Wives would wear.  

    Tired of Tim and Heidi's excapades.  Even with Heidi and the social influencer this week.

    • Love 2
  17. In this day and age, jurors put most credence in DNA evidence.  Her DNA might not have been on the wood chips because she wore gloves.  I also found it odd that the police missed the wife in the house. She must not have been home earlier. At most, she would have come down when she heard people in her house. Also, wouldn't her daughter look for her?  It seems the police must not have checked the yard at all. You would think, with a missing person, they would make sure he wasn't laying in the yard, dead of a heart attack.   Very strange case.

    • Love 5
  18. 3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    hasn't Ramona destroyed rooms at Dorindas before? and what about when Ramona left shit all over the floor and in the bed? she destroys shit all the time 

    Didn't Ramona pull the scene lights off the wall at Dorinda's house, ruining the plaster?  Sonja got out and wore a negligee that Richard had given to Dorinda.  These women don't care about any one else's property.  I wouldn't want them in my house.  

    Of course, if Ramona had stayed up with her guests, instead of going on a "date", maybe things wouldn't have been destroyed.

    I think Ramona put Lu in the "lower level" so she could drink in private.

    • Love 10
  19. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I have never understood her fashion choices.  She has no concept of her body type and seems to go out of her way to wear skin tight clothes that enhance her rotund shape, if she does not watch out she will morph in Big Ed of 90 Day Fiance.

    The reality show I want to see her on is Botched.  Getting implants removed and or breast reduction.  Those giant boulders have to cause back pain. She would be a lot prettier and her clothes would look less tacky also.

    • Love 3
  20. On 4/17/2020 at 11:41 AM, 65mickey said:

    Well that group probably won't be asked back for any more gatherings at the neighbor's home. How can they not be embarrassed? When they saw Sonja was drunk and making a fool of herself they should have made a hasty getaway.  Oh right they couldn't. They needed to continue to film. Sonja needs to clean up her act. That dress made it look like she is either pregnant and we know that isn't the case or that she has a good size abdominal tumor.  

    Or alcoholic cirrhosis.

    On 4/17/2020 at 12:05 PM, ChitChat said:

    Being in the South, I didn't appreciate her diss to the people in Atlanta.  She probably thinks we all run around in overalls with a piece of straw in our mouth!  Not that there's anything wrong with overalls, it's just the perception that some have of the South.  Ramona probably thinks that they can't afford high-end clothes in Georgia.  Who knows what thoughts rattle around in the Noodle's brain!  Sadly, we hear some very ignorant things come out of people's mouths about what they think life in the South is like, and some of them are so far off the mark that it makes them look incredibly ignorant themselves.  I'm looking at you, Katie Couric for remarks made by you many years ago. 

    Same with the midwest ,  New Yorkers think we all live in corn fields.

    On 4/17/2020 at 4:15 PM, sasha206 said:

    Exactly.  What's absolutely gross is someone like Sonja Morgan blowing through a stop sign b/c she is drunk and endangering the lives of others.  To me, that's even more gross than Luann's arrest because at least Lu didn't get behind the wheel of a car.  So she should really shut the fuck up with her looking down at someone with tattoos.

    Who's to say she wouldn't have drove drunk if she hadn't been arrested first?

    • Love 3
  21. Enjoyed the lying, never pregnant, atrocious wig wearer just as much the second time around.  Hope word gets out before she scams anyone else.  Her mother didn't seem like a "lovely woman" like JJ said either.  I bet she was somehow involved in the mess also.  

    Wasn't there someone on Dr Phil before who faked pregnancy/miscarried?

    Oh, and 8 months is not a miscarriage. It's a still birth. 

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