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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 23 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    OMG I had the worst second-hand embarrassment during Parker’s meeting with Glenn and Paget.  He just kept deflecting!  When he got to whining about Adam calling him out for leaving skid-marks in the toilet I was like SHUT UP YOU DUMB BABY!  Glen and Paget were like “..........”   Understandably so.

    I thought Adam said skid marks on the seat.  Even more gross.  I would be too embarassed if someone complained I left the toilet dirty, inside or out. . Not go bitch about it to others.   

    I enjoyed listening to Kate snark about the previous episode.  Per the guide, it looks like she does it again next week.

    • Love 5
  2. 2 hours ago, GussieK said:

    Well, I decided to rent this and see. I thought I had already seen the movie, but I didn’t remember any of it. I don’t think Kholi looks the same as Vishal, but he’s a dead ringer for a Pakistani doctor I know from the U.K.

    Not so much looks, but he's dorky like Mr Kholi. Did you like the movie?  

    • Love 1
  3. Binged this last weekend. Then I read the book on Kindle and am currently reading the second book, Exodus.  All are very good.  The actress who plays Esty is excellent.  The real story is more tense that the mini series.   

    • Love 2
  4. On 4/7/2020 at 4:59 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

    Of course Kenya didn't have enough time to know Marc.  She is in her mid-40s and wanted a baby.  I think she knew that they would be splitting up soon after the baby was born.  Marc's job was DONE. 

    Given that NONE of the women in these families are married to their children's father, you think that a decent man WITH A GOOD JOB would  be WELCOMED WITH OPEN ARMS!  

    I think Mama Joyce only saw Todd as a threat to her paycheck.

    • Love 10
  5. On 4/7/2020 at 8:28 PM, Sheenieb said:

    Hahaha, yess. I didn't even have such a big ass suitcase when I went on a Eurotrip last year for 2 weeks.

    And I hope this isn't their cast trip. I get that it's season one, so Bravo isn't going to take them to the Maldives and shit, but damn, they couldn't get them out of Florida? They could've at least sprang for the Bahamas.

    Or at least a trip to the gulf coast. LOL

  6. 8 hours ago, mayvenne said:

    See that's what doesn't make sense to me- but then I am not a reality star.

    Reza has those charges filed against MJ's hubby and then she spends time with Reza and everyone? I can understand her meeting Reza to clear the air, maybe, but to go and hang out with them all after he has followed through with the charges and legal status with her hubby  (who she really seems to be good with).Ok I guess I will just be puzzled. And watching! 🙂

    It's her job.  Just like it was Reza's job to make up with MJ. Love her telling him he had bo.

    I knew when GG belly was hurting, it was just some abdominal upset.  Post up, she probably hadn't pooped yet. Ate some mac and cheese when she is lactose intolerant.  Plus bbq.  A perfect storm for  a  feels like fatal gas attack.


    • Love 5
  7. On 4/10/2020 at 1:51 PM, kicksave said:

    I liked Dorinda when she first joined the show but in recent years she has become unbearable. She's obnoxious, combative, nasty, mean spirited and beyond snarky. She needs therapy...more than any other woman on the show. She fights with everyone and deliberately picks fights with everyone. At first I just thought it was because of her drinking but then realized she just became more in your face when drinking...she still behaves like a bully when she's sober...the alcohol just exacerbates her behavior. Someone needs to pull her aside and suggest that she get into psychotherapy and get help...an older woman who has this kind of negative and toxic stuff going on is not a pretty picture.

    YES! Listening to these old farts talk about tattoos had me thinking..."OK Boomer!"

    Boomer here. Have a tattoo and only got it in the last 10 years,  Want another one.

    • Love 12
  8. On 4/9/2020 at 1:23 AM, jewel21 said:

    I only watched the first part, I will get to the second half tomorrow. That fall Kristen took looked nasty. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. I doubt it was paranormal, though. Wasn't she wearing heels? Walking down unfamiliar stairs, in heels, in the dark, I'm surprised the women don't fall more often. As I was watching her go down the stairs, I was certain she was going to fall, and seconds later she did. 

    Other than that, the first half was rather uneventful except for that EVP. Hopefully things pick up in the second half. 

    I guess it was paranormal when I fell down the stairs and broke my leg years ago.  

  9. 16 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    I forgot just how hilarious Lucille Ball was. I was literally laughing out loud during the Lucy episodes. Thanks show for reminding me of funny Lucy was.

    The ending was very touching, even though I feel Megan is there under sufferance. Even in the behind the scenes stuff during the credits she just doesn't look invested in the show, like she checked out ages ago. Before this season Karen use to pretend she doesn't care about the other 3, but lately Megan is portraying Karen like she really doesn't care.

    Anyway the episode was much better than I anticipated, I literally thought we were going to have it all I Love Lucy and I couldn't understand how that would fit within the show, but the way they did it worked brilliantly.

    My only complaint was what the hell was the costume designer thinking when they put Lucille Ball in that dress all those years ago. I looks like they grabbed the nearest thing to dress her in and unfortunately it was a quilt cover.

    That quilt cover was a bath robe.  And exactly the type women wore in that era. Since Grace is pregnant, in the Will and Grace world, the  robe covered her pregnant belly.  The dress she wore in the Vitameatavegamin sketch was the same also.  

    I am old and have seen all the Lucy episodes over and over.  All the sets were perfect replicas to the originals, especially their apartment.  

    Debra Messing said on FB, that Lucie Arnez was quite touched to see Debra in costume, as her mother.  She really did look like Lucy.  

    • Love 7
  10. 11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    It was great to see Amanda Root (Florrie, the grandmum). She was in my absolute favorite Jane Austen movie, Persuasion (1995) opposite Ciaran Hinds. One of the things I loved about that movie was that everyone didn’t look perfect. The ladies’ hair got mussed up and the hems of their dresses got dirty! 
    Why on earth did Sister Julienne think that Tina would be able to take care of two young children? 🙄 

    Poor Miss Higgens didn’t even get a say-so in her own relationship. Why not lay out the facts about your health and let her decide if she wants to give it a go, Sgt. Walrus? 


    10 hours ago, elle said:

    Thank you!  I knew she was from an Austen adaptation but I could not place her.  I feel silly now that I didn’t recognize her since that is my favorite version of Persuasion.

    Add me to the group who loves this movie.  The best version.  

    • Love 8
  11. 6 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    Like the 18-year-old naked Ukrainian girl.  Because they tend to be a bit more manageable when English isn't their first language and you can hold a green card over their head. 

    Reminds me of the Russian woman on Shameless that married an old man for money.  Yep. A naked 18 year old ( probably closer to 35) is only interested in the man's love.

    Also, the defense pathologist happens to have lost his medical license for putting body parts , in plastic containers, in a storage facility.  Reason why was he didn't think they were safe in his house.

    • LOL 4
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  12. 23 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

    I forgot to ask, but I thought GG had her baby,  so why's she in the hospital?

    That was a different pregnancy.  She was able to get pregnant again and had the baby.

  13. Quote

    What color was Dorinda at that party?  Does she use the same spray-tanning dial as Alex Trebek, somewhere between bright orange and grey?  

    Alex's  color looks like the color of a man who has cancer. I bet his liver is involved with that jaundice anemic look he has.  I just hope he is doing ok.

    • LOL 1
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  14. So Megan was blaming the mayor of New Orleans of not cancelling Mardi Gras. That was way back on February 25 and the weeks up to it.  The US wasn't being informed yet that the coronovirus was going to be an issue yet in this country.  Plus Mardi Gras is more than just one event. 

    • Love 9
  15. So Destiney couldn't visit Sara's brother in Vegas because her plane was delayed.  I guess LAX only has one plane to Las Vegas a day. I bet he's kicked her to the curb already. That one night was for him to get a little screen time.  Also, I think Destiney is either a alcoholic or drug addict or both. Her behavior is just too over the top.  I also think she is more guilty in the Reza Adam cheating thing than she lets on.

    But then, I also believe that Reza knew all about Adam's texts to Ali and probably encouraged them. He's just mad they info got out there. They are both too slimy and make me feel like I need to shower.  Also, Reza, a normal human,even though mad at their best friend, would rush to her side if she was in ICU.  Such a selfish ass hole.  

    • Love 13
  16. She wouldn't be able to get a hold of me. I don't answer the phone unless I know who is calling. If you need me text.   That's what my family does.  I guess I would miss out on becoming famous by talking to JJ.

    • LOL 2
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  17. 16 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

    Congrats to those that guessed Bella Thorn for Swan. I thought she sounded better than T-Rex, but it’s apparent that performance counts more on this show. 

    After this week’s clue packages my guesses for the remainder of Group C are

    Night Angel : Kandi from Real Housewives of Atlanta. She was in a girl group, lives in Atlanta, and has a successful marital aids business 

    T-Rex: Jo Jo Siwa. 

    Astronaut: Billy Gilman who was a young singer who later came out as gay. His career halted when he hit puberty and his voice changed. 

    Rhino: Henry Thomas He was in E.T as a child. He’s from TX and was in a band called The Blueheelers. He was in a movie called Tennis,Anyone?

    Kandi Burriss has a pod cast called Kandi coated nights.   

  18. If nothing else, the Captain would notice all the glass on the deck and stop that nonsense. That is dangerous behavior. It looks like someone gets cut next week. Also, how much of that broken glass ended up in the sea?  All these men were ass holes.  

    Ciarra should never been assigned to drive the men, in the tender alone late at night. I know a cameraman was there, but, it did not look safe to me.  

    What was up with the one older guy who was wearing a business suit when they partied? He seemed like he was on his phone all the time.

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