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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

    Is Kelly dating a DOCTOR or is it Halloween every day for him?

    Why is he always wearing his scrubs?   Even at home?

    It is all so very Dirty John! 🤣

    Doctors, where I work, wear surgery scrubs home all the time. They even have amnesty days where they are encouraged to bring them back.

    59 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

    Braunwyn said Dr. Deb has always wanted to be famous.

    Now, that they are on Tv.......Braunwyn is slaughtering her!

    It is like revenge for her abusive childhood. 

    I wonder what Dr. Deb thinks about her time on the show....!?  

    No Bueno!  🤷🏼‍♀️

    I'm sure she doesn't hear any of it. She's too busy making sure she shows her best side to the camera.  And was Deb babysitting, and dumped the kids on her mother?  I guess something better for her to do came along.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    That is really disturbing.

    I see no redeeming qualities, and she is not good with friends in a crisis, she will talk behind your back and gaslight you.  Remember Shannon, when she told Tamra about the affair and Tamra ran to tell Heather.. she is a vile snake.  

    Tamra is the most vile ho wife of all franchises.  And I don't "love" to hate her . I just hate her.

     Brownwyn's mom:  Betsy Johnson called.  She thinks you look like a fool  And she is mad that people are comparing you to her.

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  3. 9 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I'm glad they liked the burgers even given the delay (I call that the timeline shown was not exactly right-- if those burgers had been sitting for as long as it seemed they were out riding the raft, I don't think anyone would have liked them.)

    But what kind of idiots order food and then immediately go out on a raft? 

    Drunk idiots. 

    4 hours ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

    I want to meet Colin's parents. They live in the next town from me and I can only hope to bump into his mom. 😁

    Wow those were some cougars... I am in my late 40s and no matter how much I drink, I am not acting like that... If anything I am going to sleep. and the one who peed her pants!!! YIKES! 😬

    She needs to wear poise pads.  

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  4. 4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Someone on Reddit suggested that Colin and his parents would be amazing on the People's Couch if they ever bring it back.


    Sailing Yacht A



    Reminds me of a battle ship on the outside. Cold and sterile.

    • Love 4
  5. Where were Jack and Travis when Colin fell?  They should have been the ones yelled at for not helping out.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Travis doesn't die from alcohol poisoning, or falls and fatally hits his head.  He has a massive problem.  I felt bad that Ben ended up dragging Travis back to the van. Did anyone notice Ben was holding a towel?  Wonder what happened there?

    • Love 7
  6. 18 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    Bathmophobia - the fear of open staircases or floating stairs.  I have it too.

    Me too in a way. A few years back I slid down my laundry room 3 steps and had a bad sprained ankle/broken tibia.  Since then I don't do well going down stairs.  I even had a rail installed to use on my front porch steps.  No way would I be able to go down a floating stair case.  

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    That lunch Ben made looked amazing! 

    Captain Sandy’s “how does it feel watching a real chef?” to Ana was kind of bitchy, but I still chuckled to myself. I’m over A’s whole pouting/whining/complaining schtick. 

    These guests don’t seem too awful so far (in terms of being demanding and complaining) but I was certainly cringing at their aggressive flirting and their sloppy drunken conversations. 

    A fellow WWC fan?? 

    How’d you guess?   Lol

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  8. Katie bundled up in the hotel room in scarf and jacket.  I bet anything she was detoxing.  Maybe her taking off was to score some dope.

    Candyass's makeup in that talking head, didn't look blended well and was the wrong shade. I did like her braids at the beach though.

    I would give about anything to swim with the sting rays. That crystal clear water was gorgeous.  It makes me long for the beach right now!

    • Love 5
  9. June would have stood there making orange juice and let the ship burn down around her.  She saw the smoke and did nothing.    She was mad because her fame whore time on television was ending.  Why would they let Ana go, when Ana was helping out by cooking.  June acts like someone who has always been pampered and not ever told no.

    • Love 15
  10. I thought last season Emily was introduced as a party planner and a lawyer. How come then it's so hard to plan a little party for her inlaws?  Especially since she didn't have to cook.  

    Not interestered in Braunwyn's mother either.  Not in to the so so quirky types.  Here in Indiana, she would stand out like a sore thumb.  Of course, that is what she's aiming for.

    • Love 4
  11. I had previously watched later seasons on CBS. Recently my hubby and I have  been binging the early seasons on , I think Paramount Network.  We started this with season 2, went through all the seasons they have ending with Christy getting into Law School episode.  Now we are on Season one. It's a good summer respite from other recent reruns on the networks.

  12. When Gina said she was going to go reapply her makeup, did anyone else think she meant going into the bathroom to do coke?   I fast forward through her home scenes. Can't stand her.

    Braunwyn's husband looks like he has had too much work done to his face. I also get a gay vibe from him for some reason.

    I didn't think Shannon's daughter's dress was too short. Of course, I grew up in the early 70s.  Also, never too much Archie!

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  13. 9 hours ago, Special K said:

    One of the guests said, "I took both, because I'm x, y, z" I can't remember what he said, but he had two slices on cake* on his plate.  I think that's why they were serving it, instead of just having a plated dessert, since there was a choice.

    Either way I think it's a set-up, too.

    * I would have taken two slices, too. 😉

    I would have had both and called it a sampler platter.

    Why doesn't the yacht have some type of bbq grill to fix things like burgers, steaks?  It would make them taste a lot better.  Travis could grill while Anastasia made the fries. Or visa versa.  

    • Love 3
  14. 13 hours ago, Special K said:

    I know this is the least of the bad behavior on display, but I find it appalling how those two drunkards were freely spilling booze and making an unholy mess all over the yacht's bar.  It's your friends (or, as Travis says "family") who will have to clean it up, idiots, and by tomorrow, too.

    That would make me mad.

    If Aesha was male and rubbed her crotch and a female co worker's crotch, there would be a lot more people offended.  It would definitely be a HR issue in a normal work environment, on a group outing or not. It borders on sexual assault.  I find her behavior very offensive. And I would have felt the same when I was in my 20s.  Am I am not a sexual prude by any means.

    • Love 8
  15. Liked this episode even though I figured out right away who the murderer was.  Glad will didn't decide to move back home but, was realistic about the farm.  Hope he doesn't move his mother in with him.  I seem to be one of the few who like Will.

    • Love 7
  16. 1 hour ago, Straycat80 said:

    If Kelly gets a cat I hope one of the ho’s leaks a bad story to Radar Online and it gets saved.

    And if it's leaked,we'll know LVP did it.  🤭

    1 hour ago, nexxie said:

    Whose idea was it for Vicki to be a friend - hers or Bravo’s?

    I would have loved to be a fly, on the wall, when Vicki found out she was demoted.

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  17. 10 hours ago, magdalene said:

    I don't know if I long for him.  Wasn't Crosby at home, behind closed doors not such a nice guy at all?

    Is next episode already the season finale?

    Bing was horrible to his first set of children, including beatings. I think they all ended up alcoholics.  Second set, in later years, I think he had mellowed by then.  Wasn't his daughter the one who played the actress who shot JR Ewing?  

    On topic, is seemed like Will's father lived in the feudal era. Beating his servant.  Also, I'm surprised Leonard and the Bishop didn't call for hanging of the little girl who stole.  Isn't that what they did back in the old days to theives?  Wonder if she will have a back story where she stole to feed her family.

    • Love 3
  18. 2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Gizelle is really silly to be jealous of Monique, one thing I have learned in life, 90% of what you have is a crapshoot.  There are plenty of attractive, kind people, who want to marry, but never do, that's not because they do anything wrong, it's just the cards they were dealt.  So Gizelle needs to buy a clue and be happy for Monique, because shit can turn on a dime and then she'll feel bad for being jealous.

    Except Gizelle won't feel bad. She'll gloat about it.  

    Those crab legs didn't look like King Crab. They looked like the kind you get on a buffet and they are so small it takes you 15 minutes to crack, the shells  and get enough meat out for a bite.

    • Love 5
  19. I guess the guy was internally bleeding and it all came out when he removed the nail.  

    I guess Will hasn't watched enough crime shows to know that anytime the criminal wants to clean up before going to jail, they shoot themselves.  And in today's world, no way would a criminal be left alone before taking him to jail.

    I don't think Will's father would have been charged with pre meditated murder.  Maybe assault or man slaughter. Especially since he seemed to have the sheriff on his side with the issue with the employee he hit.

    • Love 4
  20. 21 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

    As self-involved as Lu is, she really shouldn’t have gone into nursing!

    She really began to bother me when she became engaged to Tom the Philanderer and just kept lording it over the rest of the cast.

    (“ Nah-Nah- Nah I’m engaged and you losers aren’t!”). 

    She’s just a sociopathic bitch... 

    Lu probably went into nursing to get her Mrs Dr.  I'm a nurse and know of many who have done that.  They don't care if the Dr is already married.  Then Lu went on to modeling.  Always looking for the next best thing, look how fast she dumped her fiance when she met the Count.

    • Love 17
  21. 11 hours ago, spazchic said:

    I heard this as she is an early "peaker", meaning on a day they are all out drinking, she gets started early, peaks early and then passes out early while the rest are still just getting started.  They were talking about when they were all with Andy on the gay pride parade float and Dorinda had to go help Sonja because she peaked early (and then Tinsley shortly thereafter).

    But Dorinda is the one who takes a nap (passes out) every day.

    6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    Stage crew.

    I thought by being in Chicago, she means if she fails her probation, she will be in her own jail cell. In her mind she's turned it into a Broadway production. Baloney sandwiches included.

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