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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. John Cleese was awesome as usual. He really enjoyed talking to Jon and doing a bit of comedy for him and the audience. And I love the fact that Jon seemed a huge Python fan. It made up for the lousy shitburger given by the Republicans.
  2. Awesome indeed. :) The question that needs to be asked is, how much of Jon's drool will Bruce have to wipe off of himself? When Maziar Bahari and Gael Garcia Bernal show up, will Jason also make an appearance as he was also in the movie as himself?
  3. The Democrats deserve all the blame they get for acting like spineless cowards who won't defend their achievements against the shitnami of lies the right blew their way. But there should also be as much blame given to the Democrats' target voting groups that failed to go out and vote. Especially the 30 and under group, the Millenials. Only 12% of them bothered to get up off their asses to go out and vote.
  4. Wouldn't masturbation also be a great way to reduce the risk of prostate cancer? That is, if you're a lonely single guy. I wasn't really paying attention, My mind was on that oh so delicious poutine Montreal is well known for.
  5. Republicans. They don't care, because they don't have to care. And no one will ever call them out on it. Especially the liberal (HA!) media.
  6. You'd have to be clinically blind not to notice the difference between the proposed flag of New Zealand and the one flown by ISIS. It would be so cool if New Zealand actually adopted this flag as it is the symbol of its men's national rugby team, the All Blacks, who are a team of fucking beasts. Especially when they perform their pre match ritual, the Haka: The Home Depot would be insane not to hire Nick Offerman as its commercial spokesman. And would someone please fire a tranquilizer dart into that lunatic state representative screaming "Let my people go!" Read the fucking bills your given or find another job, asswipe!
  7. If George Takei can't motivate you into voting in the midterms, then democracy is doomed.
  8. Texas turning blue? Between district gerrymandering, voter restriction laws making it difficult for certain people to vote, and apathy among target Democrat voters, most of America isn't going to turn blue for a long time. And the right, with Citzens United and the corporate media behind it, will see to it the Republicans have an excellent shot at retaining power.
  9. Yet they seem to continue using the same format as before. All you need to know about this is look at Gregory's replacement Chuck Todd. Garbage in, gabage out.
  10. Chuck Todd? Gaaaa, what a fucking, disingenuous weasel he is. I can't believe he replaced David Gregory as MTP host. But - as they say - garbage in, garbage out.
  11. Jon and company sure do love to pander to the Austin audience. Do the white people Al interviewed ever stop to think about the shit that's about to come out of their mouths? Danny Trejo is awesome! The Kochs have a lot of balls advertising on TDS. Perhaps, in his next mock advertising, Jon can say "Koch Industries. Making Arby's really, really good since 1980".
  12. John Cleese? FUCK YEAH!!!!! My favourite Python on as Jon's guest next week. In my early twenties, I once made a speech to a roomful of people while Silly Walking around the place (I'm the same height as Cleese) and brought everyone to their knees laughing their asses off with tears streaming down their faces. He should prove a welcoming tonic after Jon has on the odious and contemptible Reince Prebus from the previous night.
  13. NRA, it doesn't seem that you could get any lower, but you did. Hope you all get shot in the groin with your own firearms.
  14. When I got bloated from eating in Texas, it came from the buffet at Pancho's. Democrats are like Tesla salespeople who tell their potential buyers "We're not really confident these cars can run on electricity", while Republicans are the loud, sleazy used car salesperson that continually sells people obvious lemons without remorse. Rachel Maddow was correct in saying if they can't get behind their ideas, they deserve to lose. They say Don't Mess With Texas, and they're probably correct. It's looks like a big enough mess.
  15. Louie Gohmert is a very, very stupid man. Stephen's smackdown of him was absolutely epic. I hope Gomert freaks out over this like the small person he is.
  16. Excellent opening to the week in Austin. I hope they keep using the Dallas themed opening credits all week. And man do I miss Aasif. So they'll be doing normal shows in Austin. May not be too bad. Self control with those coffin sticks, Jon.
  17. I think cheeseless deep dish pizza is considered blaspheme in Chicago, Fremde Frau.
  18. No Ollie! No, no, no, no! I have too many friends living in Toronto who are disgusted and terrified at the thought of Doug Ford becoming the city's next mayor. What's really infuriating about this was that Doug and his brother Rob had months earlier filed paperwork for Doug to enter the mayoral race should anything happen to Rob that he would be forced to leave. Then, back early in September, it was revealed that Rob was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of cancer in his abdomen. But instead of just walking away and have the family focus their entire energy on Rob's well being, Doug steps in to replace his little brother and use his cancer as a rallying cry for his campaign. And to top it off, his 22 year old, wet behind the ears nephew is filling in for Uncle Doug to run for his alderman's seat. If God forbid Doug Ford wins tomorrow night's election, they really should rename the city Crazytown. Doug is like his brother without the "charm".
  19. Depends on what kind of deep dish pizza Jon is talking about. If it's from Giordano's, then Jon has chosen well as it's the best fucking deep dish pizza in Chicago.
  20. That whole story about the translators in Afghanistan was equal parts depressing and infuriating. I hope someone high up watched that show and decided to take a chainsaw to all that red tape, because those guys deserve to become American citizens after all they did for the troops over there. And I would say they could replace the bulldog representing Scalia with a fat, ugly pig. That would be a better representation of him.
  21. That story about the WMDs found in Iraq - the ones that were not the cause for going to war - is enough to make you angry. Not that Fox News seems to care, they're still trying to vindicate Dubya and Cheney.
  22. I could only imagine Jon & Co. saw what transpired down in Florida last night and were chomping at the bit to get it on tonight's show. This was Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face territory. The glee in Jon's face the entire segment was apparent, and Samantha was hilarious in her description of the events. If Rick Scott manages to get re-elected, Florida needs to be sawed off and sail away, like Bugs Bunny did in the cartoons. Republican voters realizing their policies may not be good? There may be hope yet for America.
  23. dusang, if you have a Twitter account, follow this site. It'll give you updates as to when TDS/TCR tickets to the public will be available. If there's a date available for you, click on the link provided. If it shows tickets available, order it immediately, as they get snatched up very quickly. They usually have them available as early as two months prior to showtime, right up to the day of the taping. If you don't have a Twitter account, get one. That's what I did to get mine when I last went to New York.
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