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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. The statue of limitations on Trevor's handful of tasteless tweets - out of the many thousands he sent out - has long since past (and really, whoever decided to comb through his entire account in the first place needs to get a fucking life!). At this point in time, the only thing that matters is whether a stand up comedian from South Africa can successfully fill the shoes of American outrage left behind by Jon. Trevor will have a few months grace period tops to work things out. After that, the pressure will be immense.
  2. Laughed at how Trevor adjusted the seat. Looks like TDS will have a new look come Sept. 28 with a different looking set, a brand new logo, and judging by the Kanye song, a different attitude. EDIT: Also noticed a different looking desk that doesn't look guest friendly. Wonder if there will be guests when Trevor starts.
  3. What I took away from the GQ interview was that Stephen was ready to walk away from TCR and his "Stephen" persona, even if he didn't get the Late Show hosting gig. Interesting.
  4. Well, we just found out what Jon's first post TDS gig will be. He'll be hosting WWE's SummerSlam, at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, this coming Sunday. O_o
  5. BWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I just called the toll free number Ollie provided. And it was him giving us the address of where to send the money to, as well as pleading to us to give him money to Our Church of Perpetual Exemption, with him getting more and more agitated that we haven't already sent him money. But seriously, these so-called ministries are nothing more than a pyramid scheme. If they were true believers of the word of God and Jesus, they'd be telling their viewers to sell everything the have and devote their lives to helping the poor. This may have been Ollie's best episode, apart from, arguably, his interview I Moscow with Eric Snowden. As for the rest of the show, I'd have gone with the black flag with the silver fern leaf as New Zealand's new flag as it is representative of their pride and glory, the national All Blacks rugby team. And hearing John Kerry speak Spanish makes me yearn for Jon, because he would have had fun with using Kerry's voice as it was his most underrated of bad impressions.
  6. Especially after watching Larry devote the entire show to the Thursday GOP debates on TNS. You just know Jon would have sunk his teeth into that whole laughable spectacle. I miss Jon already. :....(
  7. I was in the city on Saturday to watch my nephew play football, and I stopped off at Arby's in the downtown mall to buy two Beef 'n Cheddars with fries and a drink. I put a bit of horsey sauce on the last bite of my first sandwich and remembered why I don't care for that crap. Thanks a lot, Jon!
  8. We remembered that, purist. It was in November 2008 when, before you went, you wrote to us over at TWoP that you had a question you wanted to ask Jon during the pre taping Q&A session pertaining to your native Australia, but you were too uncertain and hesitant about doing so. We talked you into asking Jon that, because it was a great question to ask him. And so, when you went, you did get to ask Jon that question. And Jon gave you a very Jonesque answer that made your trip worth the long travel to New York. And that's one of the big things I'm going to miss about TDS without Jon (and what I already miss from TCR): The taping reports. It always felt like Christmas Day whenever someone posted, mainly at TWoP, their experiences sitting in the audience at a taping session, because they always gave us behind the scenes info that we could never get anywhere else, which always came in handy whenever Jon mentioned something that someone in the audience had asked him off the top of the show. We got it from purist, we got it from trow125, we got it from LADreamr, we go many, many from UnderCover thanks to her envious position of living in New York, we got some from our dear TWoP friend shamskygirl. I myself have also contributed to this love by making two trips to New York for the sole purpose of attending two TDS tapings - as well as one TCR taping. And both times I got to talk to Jon (both pertaining to my native Canada), which was a personal highlight of my taping experiences. The second one stood out huge for me because it felt like I got to play the straight man in one of Jon's comedy routines. Plus I made Jon laugh near the end, which is like receiving a badge of honor from him. It was also the episode where Steve Carell was Jon's guest and Jon said to Steve he would like to take the audience, put them in a pile, and have all the correspondents, past and present, fuck them - something brought up more than once here as the show got close to Jon's end. It was always so satisfying to read the thanks from the TWoP posters about my taping experiences, when I was known there as EmperorJon. And the one thing I will give Jon thanks for was inspiring and motivating me to go out to visit New York (as well as the Food Network for the many dishes the city has to offer). For a long time, I bought into the negative stereotypes about New York. That it was a dangerous, seedy place to visit. But as I got older, I became less judgemental and figured New York would be an interesting place to visit for a vacation. Finally, Jon gave me the reason to go to New York. And, as I waited to go to a taping, I got the chance to get lost in that wonderful city and see the rich, diverse character it had to offer. Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge. The pizza at Lombardi's was in a different stratosphere as far as pizza goes (which is my kryptonite). And the hot pastrami on rye and the egg crème soda served at Katz's Deli was to die for. My visits to New York were some of the most memorable in my life. And I may never have done that were it not for Jon to draw me there. This is why Jon's departure from TDS is sad - apart from the catharsis his humor at the insanity of the world, and the people who covered it, gave us. I don't know if Trevor can give us that kind of feeling of togetherness, once he begins hosting the show. I don't think Larry has done that yet. And Ollie's half hour show is once a week. Perhaps Stephen can do this once he begins The Late Show in September. But, as purist stated, we'll never get to see Jon in that chair again. On television or in studio. <:(
  9. It's still hit and miss for me. Better than when it started, but still has inconsistencies. Still don't like the panel part.
  10. September 28 is when Trevor debuts. Anyone else felt the love for the group hug the correspondents gave to Jon? I just took some Nyquil and a sleeping tablet. So long, suckers!
  11. Who didn't think Bruce and the band was going to show up for Jon's finale, after seeing the musical instruments behind Larry?
  12. I'd have to say Wyatt's appearance was a cleansing between him and Jon after the incident four years ago.
  13. Could Jon's finale be any more perfect? From the numerous correspondents coming on to give their thanks - Ollie and Steven were the absolute perfect last ones to salute Jon - and Stephen overthrowing Jon's exit to tell him how much he meant to all of their careers was the sweetest part of the sendoff - to his thanking his staff for all they've done for him, to his Camera Three opinion, and finally Bruce Springsteen and his E Street Band, with Max Weinberg and Little Steven performing, rocking him out as his MoZ, Jon's sendoff was appropo. And now, Jon is gone from us. Winter has arrived. <:( Comedy Network in Canada is now giving us Trevor Noah's standup act. Godspeed Trevor.
  14. I think I'm going into the city this weekend, so I must remember to visit Arby's as a tribute to Jon. There's one in the downtown shopping mall.
  15. It's over now. They just finished last night's episode. There's just tonight's, and then no more Jon. :(
  16. I remembered that interview. It was a two segmenter. The first one showed Warren looking not very good and nervous. But in the second one, she found her legs and was able to deliver her message perfectly. Good to know Jon was there to help her calm her nerves down. It made a big difference. Those Arby's ads were hilarious. I'd be interested to know if they benefited from Jon making them a running gag for so long. Nice tributes given Jon's way. Well, except for O'Reilly, who just can't help making himself look like a tool.
  17. I posted before that I could count on one hand the number of times I've eaten at an Arby's in the past 25 years. Then Jon started his mocking of the chain and I started eating there again. Thanks Jon - I think! Had a dream about Jon's last TDS appearance. He was standing on his desk playing the bagpipes and, in the foreground in the audience, a guy who looked equal parts Keith Richards and Slash was playing his electric guitar. A prelude to tonight?......NAH!
  18. I always figured that the last of these would get Jon's name correct.
  19. So much looking back. So much Arby's slamming. So much Louis CK not saying much. Do not care. Sebastian Giovenco scored another hat trick for Toronto FC against Shithole City SC for the win and I am orgasmically happy! Think your beloved Mets can come up with someone like that, Jonny Stew?
  20. Just watched the episode from February where Jon announced he's stepping down as TDS host. Now, we've seemed to have completed that circle. Winter is about to hit us.
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