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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Maybe they can book Tracey on TDS to promote her new book, just about the time the World Series has been decided. Then, if the Mets win it, Jon, near the end, can run out screaming like a manic in delight about how his team finally on it all.
  2. That is so a comment on TDS under Jon. He saw the outrageous stupidity in our political and media culture, and what it was doing to America, and pointed it out on a regular basis. That he showcased the right's antics far more than the left's wasn't something Jon did by design but rather what he was given to work with. He never wasted an opportunity to slam any dumb thing liberals did, like calling Harry Reid a terrible person one time. And besides, TDS is, first and foremost, a comedy show. Something Jon has made mention of on more than one occasion. And comedy is very subjective. It isn't supposed to be fair and balanced.
  3. And avoid the Toronto Sun - i.e., The World's Worst Newspaper™ - at all cost.
  4. There's a big difference in watching a TV show that I've recorded for the following day and buying tickets to a movie two months in advance that I can go to anytime afterwards, or just watch on my big screen months after it's been released.
  5. Well that was an underwhelming look at the Canadian election. Trevor seemed more interested in the new Drake video. As for the new Star Wars trailer and tickets being released for the opening: get a life, nerds! This obsession with Star Wars (and Star Trek) is so over the top and cringe worthy. It's just a fucking movie. Trevor has a bit of an obsession with Wolf Blitzer. Wish he would focus a bit more on some Fox News personalities.
  6. The right were the ones who pulled shit like using the filibuster as a daily political strategy against President Obama, and hold the debt ceiling hostage until they got things their way. And they're the ones who, with the aid of Fox News and other RWNJs, used lies and distractions to get their agenda pushed through, like destroy ACORN or get Shirley Sherrod fired because of a doctored video. I'd say the level of bullshit between the right and the left accurately shows the right far, far engaged in this behavior than the left could. And any attempt to try and even things out is an attempt at false equivalency, which ironically Jon was accused of on more than one occasion in places like here and over at TWoP. As for last night's show, Jeb Bush is in a no win situation. He has no choice but to defend his brother's disastrous record as president because the family name is more important to him. But doing that makes him less desirable as president to the general populace. And I don't have any qualms with Bernie Sanders. But his fanatical supporters are just difficult to take. I'm hoping Trevor takes a look at last night's Canadian election.
  7. Loved everything about Ollie's look at our upcoming election. Especially how he's begging us not to vote Stephen Harper back into office (I've already voted in advance last weekend, and no it wasn't for the Tories). And Ollie wasn't wrong about the vast majority of things he said about it, including the part about Labatt's Blue tasting like piss. And while I'm no fan of Mike Myers, I did enjoy him coming out dressed as a Mountie riding a snow plow and concurring with Ollie to not return Harper to power - and parodying his humiliating experience with Kanye West from ten years ago. Now, will Harper get the boot? Will Justin Trudeau become our new prime minister and usher in a new generation of Trudeaumania? I have no idea. Last election, I thought Harper's Conservatives would get a reduced minority government, which would put in play a coalition government involving the NDP and Liberals. Instead, Harper got a majority government and went ahead to run roughshod over the Canadian democratic process. In a polarized country, where two of the three major parties are on the left and Harper playing Nixon with the entire right vote all to himself, no bets are safe. It would depress me, but wouldn't surprise me, if Stephen Harper were to emerge triumphant six hours from now. C'mon fellow Canadians. Do Ollie proud.
  8. HA! I find that column both Ms Blue Jay and Ottis provided highly amusing, in a "Jesus Fuck are you serious, you asswipe?" kind of way. I've been a regular reader to the Daily Banter for years and I've been familiar with the writer Michael Luciano. He's the worst kind of New Atheist piece of shit out there who denounces all kinds of religion, especially Islam, in the most angry, over the top manner possible. He has found all kinds of excuses to denounce Pope Francis as a reactionary conservative. Luciano is so laughable, he once demanded that all progressives cheer Sean Hannity over his "take down" of a controversial Iman from the UK who came across more like the Islamic version of Alex Jones. He also suggested that both Glenn Beck and Bill Maher are perfect to have a debate on how best to deal with the Islamic community. And speaking of Maher, Luciano had said how we should all take his hero Maher's advice and not act so butthurt over everything politically incorrect that comes our way. Then, a couple of days later, he writes that column where he gets all Crybaby Chris Crocker over Trevor's tweets about his late hero Christopher Hitchens, making him a butthurt hypocritical douchenozzle to boot. Yes, you're right, I dislike Luciano immensely so much that I ignore his links like the virus he is.
  9. Ugh Jake Tapper, you fucking doofus! While I don't mind the digs at CNN, I hope Trevor starts to give equal treatment to Fox News, who are more deserving of criticism. I was looking forward to the interview with Tom Hiddleston, and I was not disappointed. I was surprised Trevor brought up Hiddleston's next project, which is about Hank Williams - and that Hiddleston showed us his talent by talking in a southern drawl. That's something Jon would never have talked about, as he would be asking him about his next movie as Loki (not that there's anything wrong with it).
  10. Judah Friedlander? Ugh! That guy's about as funny and interesting as a sprained big toe.
  11. I knew, looking immediately at the "Justice Or Else" slogan, that it was going to be mangled and twisted into a different narrative than what the creators had intended, much like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter was done to them. I can only imagine how someone like Megyn Kelly will cover this.
  12. The thing I remembered North Dakota for was it was a nice weekend getaway for Canadians to do their shopping. When I was in the Canadian Armed Forces, stationed at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba from the late 80s to the early 90s, Grand Forks was a popular destination for people in Winnipeg and various regions to spend a weekend doing shopping since the dollar at the time was around the lower .90 cent mark, which was pretty high then at that time. I also remember watching Prairie News Journal on public television, which had some great in depth stories around North Dakota, as well as Tangerine Dream's The Dream Is Always The Same as its theme song. So it was interesting to hear about the state's booming oil industry, as well as the damaging effects that it's had on North Dakota. They need to get their shit together and soon. They don't want to be known as a worse regulator than Texas. FIFA needs its house burned down. Too much vermin and pestilence are infesting the place.
  13. Rachel Maddow never hugged Jon before. Wonder why she did so with Trevor? I don't watch her show, because I don't get MSNBC, but it's clear she wants Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic nominee for president but is resigned to the fact that Hillary Clinton will win it.
  14. Upvoted you for that! It is if he's wearing a clunky virtual reality headset while thinking Trevor is his dad as he attempts to hug him.
  15. Because there are people on the left who would rather stay at home on election night than to go out and vote for a candidate that fails to live up to their high standards of what a politician should be. That's what happened in 2010 when so many of them felt disappointed in President Obama not giving them the public option in health care and instead giving them Obamacare. The result was the Republicans winning the House during a census year that allowed the GOP to redraw districts in their favor that let them retain control of the House despite being outvoted overall. With enemies like that, Republicans don't need allies.
  16. Not only did I FF the entire Seth Rogan interview, but I covered the screen with my hand so That I didn't have to look at his stupid, stupid face. Glad I did! Brilliant takedown by Trevor on the right's hypocrisy between gun violence and abortion rights, especially with him superimposing his voice over some of these assholes to make them sound like they want gun control. I just hope Trevor understands that there's this little organization called the National Rifle Association (or BLAMBLA) that buys the influence of politicians of all stripes so that they keep turning down any attempts to curb the out of control gun madness. And Carly Fiorina can go choke herself on the bullshit she spews. Jessica was great and she looks great. Her hairstyle make her look more attractive to me.
  17. Him and Kevin McCarthy, who admitted in public last week that the Benghazi hearings were just a ruse to discredit Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign and who seems to suffer from Sarahpalintitus where the victim says stupid shit without realizing just how stupid it is. The problem is both these dumbfucks are serious contenders to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House - which would make that person the next in line for the presidency should anything happen to both Obama and Biden. Sleep tight America.
  18. I was kinda hoping Ollie would have done a follow up on Noujain Moustaffa. It would have been a nice chaser after the sad depressing story on mental health.
  19. That he did. When giving ideas of the Beetle to car engineer Ferdinand Porsche, Hitler told him that it had to seat a family of five, get great gas mileage, could be left outside to face the cold winter elements without harm, and had to cost around the same price as a small motorcycle. After years of design work, the Beetle was introduced to the German public in 1938 and, after a groundbreaking ceremony for a factory in Wolfsburg to make these cars, Hitler announced that they would be called the KDF-Wagen, the initials standing for Kraft Durch Freude - meaning "Strength Through Joy" (which kinda sorta sounds like "Work Brings Freedom").
  20. Along the lines of The Bullpen, I too had a close encounter with Stephen as a member of the TCR audience. Five years ago, I went to New York to attend tapings of both TCR and TDS. When I got to the TCR studio, the staff told us, more than once, to make lots and lots of noise for Stephen when he came out because he feeds off of the audience's energy. When Stephen did come out the audience responded with wild cheering as asked by the staff. Stephen started running by the front row of the audience with his hand out to collect high fives from the audience. I was sitting in the second row on the right aisle of the steps and was able to stretch my arm out as Stephen grazed the tips of my fingers. Stephen then stood in the middle of the stage to soak up the applause of the standing audience. I wanted to give Stephen the kind of energy his staff had asked, so I had one foot in front of my chair and another foot in the middle of the aisle step with my knees bent, and my fists pumping in simulation shouting "STEPHEN! STEPHEN!" as loud as I possibly could. As we settled down and got into our seats, Stephen came up to me with his hand out and thanked me for that enthusiastic support I gave him. I couldn't believe it, I was shaking Stephen's hand! That was such an awesome thing for him to do. And just before the taping began, he took off the Wriststrong bracelet he was wearing and fired it directly to me, where I automatically put it on. That was the most amazing thing I could ever experience. And that Wriststrong bracelet is a prized possession of mine. I've said this before over at TWoP as EmperorJon, but I can't help repeating it because, damn I still get a thrill thinking about it!
  21. Fuck, but that Donald Trump as an African dictator segment was Trevor's most successful and hilarious attempt at doing what Jon did. Taking apart a current event and rebuilding it into something you didn't expect. Especially with Trump photoshop morphing into a Amin/Gaddafi type strongman. His speech at the end where he included the phrase "Mexican rapists" was the cherry on the top. Jon probably never do what Trevor did. The cinnamon/nutmeg/ginger combo segment with most of the correspondents was also funny. But Trevor trying to be the authoritarian figure didn't really work. He's along the same age as the correspondents. He looks like their substitute teacher. Jon, just by his age alone, would have made it Yes I know I keep comparing Trevor with Jon, so sue me whydontcha!
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