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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Drumph stealing money from his own charity to enhance his business + the blithering ignorance from his supporters that Jordan showed us = depressing.
  2. Yeah, Drumph could try and land a haymaker. And while he's standing there gloating, Hillary can respond "Did Roger Ailes coach you ad nauseum to say that Donald? Why don't you explain to us what that means for your own sake."
  3. Michelle Wolf needs somebody to converse with on TDS, whether it's Trevor or one of the other correspondants. It's very hard to listen to her talk non stop the way she does. As for the birkini, it kind of reminds me of those old bathing suits women used to wear in the late 19th Century-early 20th Century.
  4. I seriously doubt someone like Hillary is taking Drumph lightly. She's a pro when it comes to debating and knows every trick, while Drumph is a rank amateur unable to come up with a coherent sentence who only talks about himself. She'll know Ailes is pulling Drumph's strings and will be prepared. So I stand by my statement that Samantha is being paranoid. Besides, it's also possible that Drumph doesn't really want to be president and will try and sabotage it when he gets a chance. And the debates are the perfect forum for such a self attack. It would make better sense to have Ailes along to start up Trump TV and use it for a lot of anti President Hillary attacks.
  5. I love Samantha for her torching NBC and that fuckface Jimmy Fallon, who has no business hosting a late night show IMO, for his kid glove treatment of Drumph. Of course, she could have taken it further when, the next night, Fuckface Fallon had Clinton on and he put on a surgical mask and gloves, the fucking asshole. Agree. Especially when the only debate prep work he and his team have done has been to sit around and eat bacon cheeseburgers. He's already whining about Anderson Cooper being one of the moderators. Samantha may be a wee bit paranoid here.
  6. Actually, the one who pulled the trigger was standing on a parking island six inches above Gamby when they did that, so they might have been roughly the same size. Dr. Brown has all the motive to do this. Maybe she sent the guy who was spying on them earlier to do the dirty deed. But it's also possible Abbott was the shooter as she may have been upset over the budding romance between Gamby and Snodgrass.
  7. Unless there's a punchline coming later, Trevor needs to give up the invisible house band. It was barely amusing when it first came up, even less so now. Craig Ferguson made it amusing with Alfredo Sauce and the Shy Guys, and he only did it once in awhile on TLLS. I liked that they brought up Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest. But the best part of the segment was Trevor mocking American football while praising "real" football (soccer) and getting pelted with all kinds of stuff from the audience as a result. But they could have done without Roy's court act, which really added nothing, IMO.
  8. There's about two months to go until the election. Plenty of time to get her on the show.
  9. This should be forced viewing of every MSM talking thingy - in the same way Malcolm McDowell was forced to watch those movies in A Clockwork Orange - until they get it through their fucking stupid heads that Hillary and Drumph are NOT the same.
  10. It was great to see the show back. Samantha's total destruction of Matt Lauer's imitation of a talking butt as a moderator last Wednesday, and the MSM's beating up of Hillary's pneumonia while looking the other way over Drumph's many real misdeeds, was probably her best segment yet. This should be forced viewing of every MSM talking thingy - in the same way Malcolm McDowell was forced to watch those movies in A Clockwork Orange - until they get it through their fucking stupid heads that Hillary and Drumph are NOT the same. Given his legal and financial troubles, I'd say Marco Guiterrez not only loves Drumph, he wants to be Drumph.
  11. I just watched the episode of New Orleans. Could there be any more of a stranger casting pairing than Jason Momoa and Jack McBrayer? (it was great, btw)
  12. Trevor brilliantly ripped into that asshole dumbfuck Matt Lauer for the way he conducted himself on that NBC Wednesday forum. Can't help but think he's trying to influence the election for Drumph to win. One only wonders how Jon would have handled that.
  13. I'm looking at these Charter Schools from another country. It's quite infuriating that some people think it's okay to turn any bit of public trust over to the private sector and think they can do a better job, be it education or health care. Listening to people like John Kasich and that cowboy wannabe talk about running kids education like it was a business is a joke given how both have fail on their hands. Can people start to wake up and understand that the private sector is not the be all and end all to everything ASAP? Ollie's suggestion to Drumph that he step down was awesome, especially how he offered him a kids novel as a blueprint for how to do it. It's quite possible Drumph might actually walk away from his presidential run, but it would probably be something quite dumb and outrageous as only Drumph can provide.
  14. I love you Franchesca! Would you consider marrying a 51 year old white Canadian?
  15. At the end of the day, he's just a basketball player. Nothing more. He can say what he has to say in an extended interview without overwhelming the show.
  16. Ronnie actually made TDS's Olympics cold opening worth watching, especially in the way he reamed Roy. Couldn't help but notice that Desi has only been showcased in TDS's What The Actual Fact, since after the beginning of its convention coverage. Just sayin'.
  17. I'd like to hope that Jon would come on the last show Thursday and attempt to give Larry the same pep talk David Letterman gave him on the final show of The Jon Stewart Show. And that Larry would just brush it off, saying "I'll be fine Jon, seriously!"
  18. KMK played Obama's anger translator Luther during the <i>Key & Peele</i> seasons, with Jordan Peele playing President Obama, brilliantly! At the 2015 WHCD, he played that same roll to the real President Obama with awesome results, thereby satisfying my silly wishful thinking.
  19. It may have been shown a few weeks ago, but seeing Jon stick it hard to "Lumpy" Hannity and his right wing cronies in reruns still gives me a righteous thrill!
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