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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. A very good interview Samantha conducted with President Obama. I think her Valley Girl impersonation represented the young Millennial voters who think their vote doesn't matter, and the prez explained perfectly why it is. After the pieces about the alt.right and the Russian trolls, the interview was more than welcomed.
  2. Oh Obama. Why would you give in to this whinny little bitch?
  3. Does it make me a bad person for laughing and liking the misfortunes of other people when the taped exploits of their stupidity is shown for the whole world to chuckle at? The two trying to ram each other with the giant air balls made me laugh the loudest.
  4. I believe Obama's interview with Samantha has already been done, so he'd have time to spare with Trevor if he so chooses.
  5. Anybody automatically recognised the word "Nasty Woman" on Samantha's t-shirt before she revealed it? Great opening segment and good that they're making more of these t-shirts and giving all the profits to Planned Parenthood. Given how the United States has elected many, many women to office such as mayor, governor, congressperson, senator, etc. I'd say the country is more than ready, if not overdue, to elect its first ever woman president.
  6. Loved the opening segment where Ollie shows us why Drumph Is the miserable humorless loser he truly is. Dangling the Emmy was the piece de resistance. Will Drumph be pathetic enough and take the bait? I've never been on painkillers before, and I swear to God I hope I never have to. Perhaps it's different here in Canada, I don't know. Ollie seems to enjoy revealing to us just how hacky Chris Matthews is.
  7. Millennials. GAAAAAAAH!!! I thought Jordan did a very good job pinch hitting for Trevor. A little more refining and he could host a show all on his own. I guess ripping at the substitute host has become a time honored tradition at TDS. Roy made me laugh at his bandaged self. Ronny was pretty good too. Desi however left me cold. Fun fact about Luke Cage: He was originally called Power Man.
  8. Nice little shoutout Trevor gave Ollie with the Vast Leaks Tonight title card. But good for Trevor in doing what Ollie never ever did on his last episode, which was to call out the released emails from Wikileaks as the big steaming pile of nothing that they truly are. Julian Assange is the boy who cried "wolf" far too many times. Ewwww! Drumph kissing little girls like that is nothing but creepy and disgusting. When is he finally going to be put on a sex offenders list?
  9. I was hoping Ollie would eventually talk about third party candidates in the U.S. presidential election. And how he would explain why the two main candidates in that category - Gary Johnson and Jill Stein - are dangerously unqualified to be elected president (like Drumph). Personally, I would like to see Joe Exotic ahead of the three mentioned idiots in the upcoming election. Just for shits and giggles. How does Steve Scully manage to get through his workday? A giant bag of weed he goes through?
  10. The best part of the Drumph evisceration was the entire FUCK YOU BILLY BUSH theme of the night. I didn't think that much of the little weasel, but his entire Chester character to Drumph's Spike was disgusting. Singling him out in those two segues only highlighted his sickening outlook. I'd keep Guantanamo Bay open if only to lock away POS traitors like Tom Cotton.
  11. Jesus. Fucking. Christ, those Drumph supporters. Just once, I wish someone - ANYONE - would tell these people: Do you realise just how GODDAMN FUCKING STUPID YOU SOUND TO THE REST OF US???!!!!!
  12. I do hope Trevor was being sarcastic in his "love" for Ken Bone. If, after having a front row seat and witnessing a repulsive figure stalk a woman half his size, threaten to throw her in jail for no reason other than to satisfy his radioactive ego, and obnoxiously interrupt and talk over everyone every chance he gets, you still can't figure out who to vote for president, then maybe it's best that you stay home on election night. Better safe than sorry. This fascination with this little red sweater guy is why we have Drumph as a major candidate for U.S. president in the first place. The whole segment with Michelle Wolf seemed rather disjointed. Perhaps there were moments there that didn't work out as well as they had hoped. Aside from that, I loved Trevor's fire at the whole ugliness of Drumph the last two nights that's just now starting to bite him on his bulbous orange ass. Trevor is becoming more and more assertive in his hosting duties as the weeks go on.
  13. Ronny totally slayed it with his piece on Jesse Waters trip to New York's Chinatown. As well as that fucking douchebag Waters in the process.
  14. Agreed with Samantha on her warning to the country on voting third party in the obnoxious form of Paul LePage.
  15. So Roy, Canada is cool by you? With the Underground Railroad and stuff? Those two women at the MoZ. Hoal-lee-FUUUUCK!!! Actually, I think McConnell knows how the voters think. Which is why he constantly pulls shit like this and cockblocking Obama's Supreme Court picks.
  16. I started singing the "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" song Jon did on his first TDS show after coming back from filming his movie, everytime they kept showing a newscaster attempting to say a famous movie line. ESPECIALLY when there was a segment of Chris Matthews doing it! Loved Kevin Avery doing an update on his Wells Fargo training video. Amazing they found the exact type of clothing for him to wear for that.
  17. Chris Romano's farting and pissing I thought was disgusting, IMO. The Bugsy Seigel story was interesting, as was all stories surrounding him. And I was familiar with the Moulin Rouge from the A&E documentary about Las Vegas from late 1997, just months before my first surprise trip there.
  18. She looks quite fine in that photo. But what would I know? My standards of women aren't at the level of Fat Fuck Drumph's. Samantha was completely on fire last night. And kudos to her graphics department for bringing out Kellyanne Conway's true self with that Photoshopped picture of her. And that meathead Drumph supporter does sound like he's taken far too many blows to the head in his lifetime. Of course his IQ already seemed to be at room temperature before.
  19. In glorious, you mean "Hillary nailed Drumph's balls to a steak with a nail gun!"
  20. If Ollie had to go into detail about all of Drumph's scandals, then LWT would end up running longer than Kevin Smith in a live chat session with his fanboys.
  21. Soooo...anybody expect Samantha to come on tomorrow and see her feel much better about last night?
  22. Ollie did a great job in comparing the scandals between the two candidate. But I think a more apt description would be that Drumph has a Mt. Everest of scandals, while Hillary's is a molehill. Yet, the so-called liberal biased Mainstream Media have managed to make a mountain out of Hillary's molehill because... ratings! Which is why the polls are so tight and these upcoming debates could be the make or break point for her. They might not be as visually effective as raisins, but it's just as potent.
  23. If Mark Zuckerberg wants to get rid of all diseases, then he should start with that cancer he created, Facebook. Otherwise, we wouldn't have to be subjected to the extreme pain of a privileged moron with no life experience named Tomi Lahren.
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