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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Glen Beck is a Mormon. And, as Bill Maher alluded to not that long ago, Mormons don't tend to side with someone with a sleazy, amoral background, even if politically and socially they line up with them 100%. It'll be interesting to see what Beck's position will be if Donald Trump steps down from the presidency, if as many people believe will happen in the next four years, and is replaced by someone like Mike Pence.
  2. Was there an actual new episode? My PVR didn't show anything about a new episode here in Canada. I wish FF would be competent in letting us viewers know when there is a new episode. This scattershot of being on/being off isn't going to help with viewers.l
  3. Leave it to Tim Gunn to bring class and style when talking about poop disposal in space. And I had a big laugh out of Ronny's reaction on how is suit is best marketed to German fetish perverts. Anyone wanna ask Gary Johnson about Aleppo now?!!
  4. My team, Toronto FC, just lost the MLS Cup in a fucking shootout to a team, Seattle Sounders, that played to get to PKs, plays thuggish defence, got outclassed statistically in the entire match, and never made one single goddamn shot on goal in 120 minutes of play. So FUCK YOU BIG TIME 2016!
  5. Have barely been able to follow this show for awhile. I can't find anything funny about Drumph now that his smirking, satisfying, ugly face is going to run America, and quite possibly into the ground. Lord knows Trevor and company do their best, but it already feels like defeat. And while I like Van Jones, I'm not buying his opinion on why many voters selecting Drumph as president. Most of his platform was to slander and attack Mexicans, Muslims, and anyone else who is not like him. Why else would he get an endorsement from the Ku Klux Klan - the first time they endorsed a presidential candidate. Plus, why would blue collar Rust Belt workers vote for him? Are they not the least bit aware of how he does business and how terrible a businessman he really is? Drumph's been in the spotlight for three decades, so it's not like he came out of nowhere. And even if everybody does eventually turn on him, as Jones describes, there's nothing they can do. The deed is done and they will end up screwed beyond belief once Drumph and the Republicans permanently reshape the country in their own twisted, hypocritical image. And Trevor may have thought bringing on Tomi Lahren would be a good way to reach out to her and allow her to think about what she's saying and learn from it, as they are pretty much both in the same generational area. But, from that post mortem she did on her show, it's clear she had no intent to learning anything, and declared herself a champion for going into the so-called lions den of TDS liberals and standing her ground while attacking them for being hypocrites She reminded me of Judith Miller when she was a guest last year and Jon hammered her on her shoddy journalism that led to the invasion of Iraq. She just sat there and didn't believe for one moment what she did was wrong. How do you reach out to people like that in an age when truth and reality get steamrolled. It was a fucking waste of time on Trevor's part to interview her. Well, the one good thing in this post 11/8 era is that now I can get to sleep at a decent time and not stay up and watch it. I can recorded it and FF through the depressing Drumph shit the next day. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have to prepare for my weekend trip to Toronto as I'll watch and cheer on my Toronto FC in the MLS Cup Final live and in person. Cheers!
  6. Major League Soccer's big match - the MLS Cup Final - is this Saturday at 8:00PM Eastern. Toronto FC will host Seattle Sounders FC at BMO Field in Toronto. The match will be broadcasted on Fox - the first time an MLS match will be shown prime time on a U.S. over the air network - and on TSN, a Canadian cable sports channel. Both will have pre game shows starting at 7:30PM Eastern. Not that it matters to me personally, because I'm going to be at BMO Field live this Saturday night cheering TFC on to victory in the stands! COME ON YOU REDS!!!!! :D
  7. My team, Toronto FC, Just kicked Montreal in their nutsack, and will host the snotbags from Seattle in the MLS Cup final, which I plan on being there live. So 2016, you've just been given a huge reprieve! DON'T FUCK THIS UP NOW!!!
  8. Why the fuck would Trevor have this Ann Coulter wannabe on his show? She's nothing but a pretty young face with an obnoxious loud mouth. Jon would never have given this idiot the time of day.
  9. It wasn't a 911 hotline or a suicide prevention hotline. It was just a hotline for people asking how to cook a good Butterball turkey. I'd imagine they were redirected to someone to give them help once they realized they were in on the joke.
  10. I would not be the least bit shocked if the tall foreheads at CBS decided to switch timeslots between Stephen and James Corden, that flabby poor man's version of Graham Norton.
  11. I actually appreciated Samantha's simmering rage, frustration, and humor over this goddamn election. I believe her and Ollie are what is needed to go forward and try and make sense of what we're facing. Trevor possibly, but I don't know if I can't take watching the show on a daily basis (I know I haven't watched TDS since the election). And Bill Maher? Now would be a good time to tell him to fuck right off. And I did enjoy watching that repeat of the Syrian refugees, if for no other reason than to be comforted by those adorable Canadian children (and I'm someone who wants to stay far away from them as possible).
  12. Good! We need more of Ms. Bee endlessly stinging the beejeebers out of these evil people who are now holding power in America.
  13. Ollie was great in the season finale, with equal parts passion and humor. Well needed over certain other so-called comedians - Bill Maher, I'm looking at you asshole! As for getting people mobilized and standing up to a future Drumph presidency, that's all well and good. But sadly, the left doesn't do a good job of actually mobilizing and standing up to political threats, unless it's for some stupid SJW cause, like someone saying a bad thing on Twitter, or with each other, like between mainstream liberals who supported Hillary Clinton and the ones on the far end who supported Bernie Sanders and/or Jill Stein. This is one of the big reasons why the left doesn't go out to vote in big numbers, especially during mid terms where so much can change in a big hurry (see 2010). Who knows, maybe Drumph winning the presidency and Republicans keeping both the House and Senate will finally be the wakeup call needed for them to get up and do something, because everything is at stake. And they need to fight like never before, because having Drumph win the Presidency but not the popular vote, holding the slimmist of margins. 51-49, in the Senate, and continuing to win an unbelievably gerrymandered House, won't stop Republicans from acting and behaving as if they've got an absolute mandate from the public to do whatever the fuck they want. I'm not ready yet to yell "FUCK 2016!" because my team Toronto FC has a very good chance of making it to, and winning, the MLS Cup. If they lose, then I'll yell "FUCK 2016!" If they lose in the Eastern Final to Montreal, I'll scream "FUCK YOU 2016 WITH A GODDAMN WHITE HOT POKER UP YOUR ASSHOLE!!!!!"
  14. Thanks for giving me a well needed laugh. Pass the tequila, please.
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if Friday's show started with a cold open of Bill standing in front of the audience and, nonchalantly, say "Well, we're fucked!"
  16. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can watch TDS anymore. Or LWT, or FF, or RT, or LS, or any show like it anymore. How can anyone expect to find humor in today's events knowing that a goddamn stupid nation just elected a goddamn madman as its president? Satire is officially dead.
  17. I was really not that fond of Samantha suggesting Hillary serve up divorce papers on Bill after she becomes president. Yeah, Bill did some sleazy shit in his past. But they seemed to have worked things out, when the time for her to ditch him was long, long ago. And Bill seems to be a better person for it, which is more than can be said about Anthony Weiner. Otherwise, another solid show from Samantha.
  18. I too got The Gods Must Be Crazy joke. Loved that movie. And yeah, the Desi and Hasan bit should have led off Trevor's serious speech about voting for Hillary.
  19. Nice of Ollie to admit he was wrong when he asked Drumph to run for president three years ago. And that he was wrong in saying the Chicago Cubs would never win the World Series. Still waiting for Jon to swallow his pride.
  20. Drumph less popular with blacks than the National Hockey League. BWAH-HA-HAAA!!!
  21. Given that it was on Halloween, it seems to have made sense they made an episode like that. A future world of no hope under Drumph. Sure it was all in humor, but a Drumph presidency will be a living nightmare for all of us. Great that Ollie was involved in this. It would have been even better if Jon were somehow involved.
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