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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I'm just happy to see Ollie back. His stuff, like introducing us to the facts producing cowboy, is why I look forward to his show late Sunday night and be able to face the start of my work week after a few guffaws. I only hope he doesn't spend way too much time covering Drumph in his Main Stories.
  2. Never been a fan of Desi. But her last two appearances were out of the park, I thought.
  3. Michael Forbes is my new hero! I'm so glad to have Scottish blood in me (clan Campbell).
  4. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz have one thing in common. I want them both to go fuck right off!
  5. Looks like a light guest schedule to me. Is the show dark next President's Day week?
  6. This would be the first anniversary of FF's debut, so technically that would be correct.
  7. I was waiting for Trevor to mention the Bill Murray movie where we're all living through Drumph's presidency again and again and again and again! :( Someone please send Roy off to Wrigley Field.
  8. Love that woman. Especially after the recent episode.
  9. Hasan was brilliant in pointing out the ban. And it was frightening to boot. It seems as if the Drumph/Bannon Reich is following the playbook to the hilt and will carry out their sick, twisted vision to the end, without any opposition.
  10. As much of a Jon fanboy I've been all these years, I can't get behind this. For the longest time, Jon wanted Drumph to run for president because of the lols he would provide during the campaign. Now, Drumph provided Jon's wish and he's now President of the United States of America and holding the code to launch nuclear weapons, among other frightening scenarios. And Jon has never brought up a mea culpa for wanting this scenario to happen, like Ollie has done. AFAIC, Jon owes an explanation.
  11. I'm going to take a wild stab and say: so that Bill can try and get an erection from watching he considers an attractive female spout bullshit all over his show. It wouldn't be the first time this would happen.
  12. BWAH! Drumph IS the Joker, in his "I wanna see the world burn to the ground" mindset as president. Where's Mark Hamill as the Joker reading stupid, ignorant Tweets when we need him? It's very difficult watching TDS, especially one week into the giant tire fire that is the Drumph presidency. Yeah, Drumph provides a treasure trove of material for the likes of Trevor to use and exploit. But, the thing is, when Drumph starts to normalize his batshit for the media to spread to its customers citizens, THAT'S when reality is lying in a tub filled with ice and discovering its kidney removed. America, and the world at large, is severely fucked beyond belief!
  13. Nice job by the TDS on air talent in reading Drumph's tweets (especially Jordan "Hitler"). But really, the only one who should be reading Drumph's tweets is Mark Hamill in his Joker voice.
  14. Both Bill and Moore aren't as smart as they and their hardcore fans want them to believe.
  15. That fucking huge turd posed that question last summer in a manner that suggested people shouldn't be going out to vote for Hillary because Drumph was going to win the election. What the fuck kind of messaging is that you send out to people you want to help?!! Plus, he has a history of telling his faithful to stay home on election day or vote third party to teach Democrats a lesson, which results in digging a deeper hole for liberals to ever climb out of. So I WILL blame fucking Michael Moore and his ilk for assisting in the rise of Drumph. With him and Bill, the left doesn't need enemies!
  16. Too bad he's not on. I would love for someone to ask that giant smelly turd with limbs: "Do you have any shame in giving Putin and U.S. Republicans the gameplan for moving Drumph into the White House?" It wouldn't be Bill the Polarizing Asswipe asking that question, for sure!
  17. Amazing the hypocrisy Kellyanne Conway shitted out of her mouth when she was bashing Drumph and then turn around to work for the Tangerine Nightmare. This is something the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ should be pointing out to the public, except they got their tounges too deep up Drump's asshole by pain of death from the likes of Jeff Zucker and Leslie Moonves.
  18. Jonathan Chait's view that Drumph becoming president was based on hate and resentment for the "black guy" he was replacing was pretty strong and not totally wrong. Might have been the most interesting part of last week's slate of TDS shows.
  19. Mitch McConnell, that rancid mutant asshole turtle, deserves to have his head repeatedly smashed, tee ball style with MLB players swinging the bat!!! Loved Key & Peele when they were on. The best part was when Jordan was Obama and Keegan was Luther. Their farewell on TDS was perfect and appropo, given the tangerine nightmare that's heading our way (and btw, I still loved Keegan's (Luther's) appearance alongside real Obama at the 2015 WHPC dinner). OMT, Michelle's new hair style makes her look less crazy, and I agree with everyone on Grabby Hands Biden.
  20. As far as Bourdain's opinion about Bill is concerned, he's bang on. Bill doesn't do anything except polarize and divide.
  21. First show of 2017, and we still find out why stupid stoned motherfucks with sub average IQs think Doug Benson is funny!Thanks Chris Hardwick for reminding me why I really don't pay attention to your Goddamn show!
  22. This all depends on what kind of restrictions, if any, CBS has on what Stephen can say on his show. Of course, the worst thing Stephen can do is follow the same path Bill Maher has taken and become an obnoxious, ultra serious asswipe who has taken himself far too seriously and has sacrificed his craft at the expense of trying to be a difference maker that ultimately gets nowheres. After all, Stephen has studied at the feet of Jon, who considers himself a comedian FIRST.
  23. But he's a Democrat, so his past WILL come back to haunt him and people will hate him. After all, IOKIYAR! >:P
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