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Passing Strange

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Everything posted by Passing Strange

  1. Once DisneyBoy asked I thought to look for the date on the article. It's from June 1, 2017. I have no idea if Cracker thinks the same way now, but I'm glad people are reading the article before forming an opinion.
  2. Cracker explained her reasoning in detail in the next few paragraphs. Essentially, she talked about consent that was understood and explained how gay culture makes that possible. So far, the lip sync assassin format been my favorite part of the show. I didn't remember much about Morgan but knew others had a high opinion of her. I loved how she interacted with her competitor as part of her performance and thought she won. I'm not sure if the double win was producer influenced or just that Ru loves it when the queens bounce around and do acrobatics. As much as I enjoy Blair St. Clair I was tired of Ru's "I do declare, it's Blair St. Clair" by the second episode of Blair's first season. Saying what is essentially the same word twice doesn't make it a rhyme, Ru.
  3. While I hope it's true, I'm wondering how reliable the linked US article is. It does say there will be a fifth season but also says "Bravo has yet to publicly confirm the season 5 renewal or comment on the cast." Any other articles I found are just quoting US, nothing official from Bravo, except for this one, which says the show is likely on hiatus. The stuff about filming in a quarantine house comes only from Lindsay and Carl and they're just suggesting.
  4. We need to backup the train here, I think. I get that Cracker's article is a hard read but she is not defending stealthing. She calls the behavior disturbing, assault, harm, dangerous and specifically says she doesn't want to make apologies for it. What she is against is possible legislation based on ideas that ignore unique aspects of gay culture. She's proposing that we understand the problem before we propose a solution. Cracker wrote her article because of a paper that led to calls for new laws. The problem she sees with the paper's conclusions is that they included both gay and hetero experiences, which aren't always the same, and that the paper failed to examine motivations, which might be more linked to attitudes in the gay community than actual criminal actions. To me that makes sense. If there's a way to change behavior by helping people understand it, the chances of success are higher than if you just try to legislate the behavior away.
  5. I'm thinking Eddie's real job was always working on a tugboat. BD was just a side gig for him.
  6. Yup, Nancy had just put the iron down, so steam. I included it in the image on purpose, so people could take it into consideration.
  7. Some screen caps for the sleuths: The iron after Geoffrey discovered the mark The iron after Nancy used it 10 minutes earlier The Mark
  8. It's like giving up your driver's license, an acknowledgement that you're no longer independent. It doesn't happen only with older people; young and middle aged people who have lost function due to an illness or accident can be just as resistant. And unlike, say, a walker, it's not something with an immediate benefit. It sits there doing nothing except announcing your decline. I'm pretty sure Glen and Babs aren't ready for a personal emergency response system. When he fell, Glen was on his way upstairs with a salad in one hand and a drink in the other. That means he's not worried about his balance or dizziness or passing out. Unless his doc finds a condition that puts him at risk, he's fine with stairs. I don't believe Babs is isolated in the house all day. I suspect she talks with friends or relatives on the phone every day and that Glen calls her during the day, too. It's possible she's doing all the cooking and cleaning, but I doubt it. I think there's hired help in the house at least a couple of days a week. Plus her cell phone likely works with voice commands, so she wouldn't even need to push a button. Time for a PERS? No. Time for some silly drama? You betcha.
  9. As someone with an abundance of both, I agree. It takes some skill (and taste) to flatter bodies that aren't tall and lean. Geoffrey's dress wouldn't work for me because its proportions in no way compliment my proportions. Count me as one who would love a season or several challenges with all plus models, as long as they're all similar in size -- no 6 ft tall size 12s mixed with 5 ft 4 size 16s. I like Geoffrey and I also like Sergio. I think Sergio is insecure and working hard to hide it, which comes off as arrogance and conceit. I suspect he came to the show thinking he would be top dog and quickly found out he had serious competition, some of whom weren't even trained designers. Horrors! Since he's woefully socially awkward, he attempts to talk himself up by talking others down. I get why people don't like him, but I'm OK with him and have liked most of his designs. I think its great when men feel free to express their emotions and I don't fault Geoffrey for that. My issue is he does it too much. This competition is a stressful, wearying situation but it's also part of the designers' portfolios. More control and professionalism wouldn't hurt. Leslie Jones was too much for me. Some of her comments were smart and useful but her antics overshadowed that. The models are working. Loud comments to and about them is rude, distracting and unnecessary. While it's happening the runway isn't about the judges and spectators.
  10. That has always irked me and you're right, it happens every single season. He disavows all knowledge, then sticks out his chest and declares with great authority that had he but known he would have handled it. What he leaves out is that he'd handle it the same way he does when he does have knowledge; paste a stern look on his face, stare over the offender's head and declare that whatever transgression won't happen again. Whoa, strong stuff. You can huff and puff all you want, but if the house never falls down it's just empty posturing. He's in charge of the whole outfit. He needs to know what's going on and a quick meeting would do just that. Every day he should have planned meetings with the bosun and chief stew individually. Unless there's a duty roster we don't see, he doesn't know who is covering what shift or when Kate and Ashton go off duty. He needs to get that information, as well as what's planned for guest activities and any issues with guests or staff. Maybe if his people were trained to tell him when something was wrong he would have heard from Kate before she left, say long enough before that Ashton's assault wouldn't have had a chance to happen.
  11. I wondered the same thing, then remembered she's Canadian. To me, that makes sense. It would be good to have a trip organized by someone with at least some practical knowledge of the destination.
  12. Just to add a bit to Sampson's excellent recap, Riley had done what Ashton wanted her to do, tie the knot. All she wanted to know was what to do next. “I don’t have an issue with it, I just did it.”
  13. Yes, it was João Franco from BD Med who valiantly fought the intruder. He's another misogynistic, belligerent asshole with an accent. The only difference between the British-sounding douchbros and Eddie is that Eddie wasn't aggressive or violent. He was still an entitled and insensitive POS who led Rocky on and used her, all while in a relationship with someone else. Ashton explained his family matters later in the episode. He had a lot of issues regarding his parents divorce and was estranged from them both at one time. He's since gotten very close with them. I don't know if there's more but I agree that even if there is that's not what Kate was getting at. To me, Ashton was just as scary with Rhylee as he was with Kate. The domineering power stance and gestures, refusing to listen to her attempt to explain and the barely controlled rage directed at her were awful to watch. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Rocky, Rhylee or Kate, no actions of theirs could ever justify this type of behavior toward them. We're seeing some fine examples of toxic masculinity and I'm including Brian, Kevin and Tanner in this. I have no idea why some men find it hard not to be abusive.
  14. For those wondering about Joao's first job as a captain, Diane Mars posted info from his Twitter here.
  15. Not sure if this has any impact on your theory, so just FYI: An entail applies to real estate only. Some British noble titles are hereditary, some aren't. There are currently 199 women in the House of Lords.
  16. I agree. There was more to this comment originally, but I accidentally erased it and couldn't remember what it was when I went back to correct it. 🤦‍♀️ The chef is her own department head, however, part of the chef stew's job is to give the chef feedback, especially from the guests. I think we even saw Mila complaining when that didn't happen. With Hannah and Anatasia, though, Hannah was pretty upfront with Anastasia about wanting her back in the third stew position. She was manipulating Anastasia but Anastasia knew it and knew she could rely on Hannah to support her decision to leave the kitchen.
  17. Pretty much I watched this show for the interactions between Max and Nev. I didn't care for either of them on his own, but loved them together and wish Max would come back. I don't want to see Nev's wife and kids. The interactions aren't cute or entertaining. They make it feel like the show is so lame production is padding it with stuff that's even more lame, if such a thing is possible.
  18. When they were first talking Nev asked Cherie if any of her friends knew about her freak side and she was all "Pffft. Yeah, my friends know." Also, she said all of her social media was public, so he and could have found information there.
  19. I don't disagree. I think most everyone here thinks Aesha's behavior was at least inappropriate. And, yes, the irritation with Joao is because last year his behavior was abhorrent. In fact, for me, Joao's behavior was significantly worse than Aesha's. I think his actions genuinely were sexual harassment and Captain Sandy should have said so rather than defending Joao when Colin called him out on social media. Speaking of Colin, are there any Summer House watchers here? As Colin was effortlessly rocking his white pants I thought of how bad Carl looked in his. And smiled.
  20. If it bothers a co-worker there should be repercussions, but you'd go to HR or its equivalent, not the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The reason I posted was because people are using terms that apply to workplace discrimination and that's not what Aesha is doing. As we've seen recently sexual harassment in the workplace has been, and continues to be, pervasive and very damaging. That's why I think we need to be accurate when we talk about this stuff. If what folks are meaning is that Aesha's behavior makes it hard for some people to work on the ship, that's probably true. Using terms like "hostile work environment" and "sexual harassment" gets into the arena of discrimination and that's not what's happening here.
  21. So we don't go too far afield, Aesha's behavior wasn't sexual harassment as defined by the EEOC. One of the criteria for sexual harassment is that it's unwelcome. Jack and Travis not only engaged in the behavior with Aesha, they supported her the next day. Aesha has no employment related power over them, so there couldn't be repercussions if they didn't support her. Finally, there has to be discrimination involved and Aesha displays the same types of behavior to both sexes. I'm not saying her behavior is acceptable, but it's not sexual harassment.
  22. There was an article about that when the original series debuted. I couldn't find it again, so I'm doing this from memory. Bravo chartered the boat and sent the real crew on vacation, except for the first officer and engineer, who the captain insisted remain on the job. (They were not seen by viewers.) All of the real crew received whatever salary from the charter that they normally would have gotten. The "crew" we saw were people hired, and paid, by Bravo. If that situation hasn't changed, then when the captains say "the owners" are rewarding the crew with some activity, that's not true. It's Bravo sending its minions somewhere and hoping for something entertaining to happen. Also, although the captains talk tough about giving someone a ticket home, they fire only with production's approval.
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