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Passing Strange

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Everything posted by Passing Strange

  1. Re: Captain Lee's blog. I want to smack him. Most of the issues with the deck crew wouldn't have happened if Lee had talked to Nico prior to EJ's arrival. If you want to give someone help, tell him that. Don't surprise him with a new crew member who outranks him and refuse to talk about how long he might stay. Although Lee wrote "You (Nico) don’t have to report to him (EJ); you need to work with him for the good of the yacht and the season" in what universe does a deck hand not report to the bosun? Also, Lee says he is not sympathetic about Chris Brown having to sleep in the crew mess. Again with the passive-aggressiveness. As with the anchor watch, if you're going to punish someone, tell him why. It makes it easier for him to change his bad behavior if he knows what it is. And how about a little sympathy for the rest of the crew, who might want to use the mess but don't want to disturb the guy sleeping there? No, Lee, it's your boat and your responsibility. If you don't have space for an extra crew member, don't bring on an extra crew member. Kate was right, you're lucky there's no HR department on a yacht. About Kate he says, "Nice of you to offer to let Jen have some extra time off when she wanted to do something special...." It was nice of her to treat her employees the same? Pffft.
  2. I agree. Both Kate and Lee have been off this season, like they're giving us characters rather than the people we've seen in previous seasons. Lee's "clever" sayings (who pisses on hens, anyway?) and Kate's bon mots seem strained and rehearsed. They've established brands and that's what they're giving us now, which does make them seem a little "less."
  3. There are lots of nautical terms that are spelled differently than they're pronounced, for instance gunwale and gunnel or mainsail and main-sul. There are more examples and explanation of why in this article. She wanted to get to know him better, rather than dismissing the idea right off the bat.
  4. What Bri said was something along the lines of she didn't think she was interested in Matt, but she needed to go on the date to know for sure. She gave the guy a chance rather than just write him off, which I think is smart. When he showed his ass, she told him straight up that she had no romantic interest in him. This is the second guy she's said that to. I'm grateful, because now there's no excuse for either of them to pursue her. A "break up Nico's relationship" storyline was in the works even before the date. I hope it's just a tease and Nico turns out to be a decent guy.
  5. I didn't know it was possible to make a show this bad.
  6. I agree. I started watching this show due to my love for Scott Bakula and the fact that it would feature the city as a character. I still love Scott Bakula, but the show is losing me. I tuned in this week just as Gregorio was saying it was New Orleans, not Nola and tuned right out again. I don't know if it's the character or the actor I dislike, but there's no chemistry and she takes me right out of the story. I'm tired of the team being supervised by some other agency and running around being righteously rebellious because they know better. I'm tired of political intrigue taking the place of stories about detective work. Does this taking over of one agency by another happen in real life? And is NOLA really a hot bed of terrorism and drug cartel activity?
  7. I agree about the stuffed cookies and think the same about stuffed cakes. I don't see how there's any pleasure in biting into an expertly made cookie or piece of cake and getting a mouthful of low quality candy. If someone insisted on making a stuffed cookie, though, I would expect it to be just that, a cookie, not several layers of cookies. It's just an annoying concept. I miss Ron Ben-Israel, too. I remember Zac Young from Top Chef: Just Desserts. The memory isn't good, but maybe he can win me over on this show. So far it's not looking good.
  8. When Jason won Food Network Star people figured he'd turn up as a judge on various baking shows. I don't think this one was created for him, just that it will be the first of several where he shows up to judge. I'm really enjoying Best Baker in America. If other people are, too, it needs a forum. I have no ideas for topic titles to include in the request, though. If anyone has any, it would be great if you could do a new show forum request.
  9. The judges, last week: Brandon, enough with the crop tops and strings. Give us something different. The judges, this week: A hoodie crop top! With strings! How different! Me, most of the time: WTF?! I don't hate the twins; I hate the show for casting them to be annoying and then taking every opportunity to underline that. They're there for entertainment and it irritates the hell out of me that the show thinks I find idiocy entertaining. Also, the eye rolling, grimacing and complaining from the other designers is getting tedious. They're adults. They can ask the twins to be respectful of the work environment. If production wouldn't allow this, then it's just more of the show's manipulation. I haven't been fond of Margarita or her designs from the start. Her behavior last week reinforced my dislike. I thought her dress was just OK, but it's kind of fitting that her work is selling for $39.99. Count me as another who is tired of the judges saying a garment is "nothing new" or "nothing we haven't seem before" when all Nina and the guest judges wear are clothes we've seen before that are nothing new. Heidi sometimes wears something unusual, but it's often something that makes me not need to question her taste level because I can tell it's bad.
  10. I'm very old, so I don't understand the need some people have to document almost every moment of their lives and post it online. It's true, if she hadn't posted a treasure trove of pictures with no privacy filters they wouldn't have been there to be stolen. Still, I think all of the accountability is with the people who thought it was ok to take something that didn't belong to them and ok to pretend to be someone they weren't.
  11. Plus, it's the official pen of Project Runway! http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway/about
  12. This. I wanted to slap her when she complained that Batani hadn't "respected [the model's] figure." Right, Nina, the way your magazines did with all the articles about dressing to hide your "bad" features. Tim Gunn is saying he's the impetus for this. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that it may be true, but I'm still not getting back on the Tim Gunn love train. I also agree with those who have said they hope we're not going to be all up in the models' feelings all season. They're professionals and all we need them to do is their job. If the non plus sized models aren't routinely asked about their feelings or shown in front of a mirror, it shouldn't happen with the larger ones, either. Special treatment can be more demeaning than respectful. What will be fun is watching the judges fall all over themselves trying not to talk about size. I'm looking forward to that!
  13. You're nicer than I am. It did appear that he waited for David to confirm that he, David, had used dried tomatoes and not peppers. But after that Cory still didn't own up to the peppers until Anne asked point blank.
  14. I liked Corey enough that I even gave him a pass for not stepping up right away and admitting that he'd added peppers to his team's dish in the beat Bobby Flay episode. I wanted him to win FNS, in hopes that someone in production might screw up and give us some actual cooking on the Food Network. But I want to slap him for the crowing over beating Bobby Flay. He was cooking his signature dish in one hour, while Bobby Flay was cooking three somewhat familiar dishes in the same amount of time. Winning that wasn't exactly a huge accomplishment for a professional chef.
  15. I'm not only on the Adam hate train, I bought an extra seat to hold all of my ill will toward him. I'm not saying his odiousness makes it ok for Malia to behave as she did, but her behavior doesn't excuse his. We don't know who cooked up the "let's hide our prior relationship" idea, but Adam agreed to it. He was happy to deceive when it suited his purpose, but came all over the victim when he was cleverly "led on" by someone who was 26 going on 16. Relationships end all the time because one person finds someone she or he likes better. It sucks, but an adult sucks it up and at least attempts to show some class. Adam kissed and told, not to protect Wes, but to try to hurt Wes and, by extension, Malia. Another thing adults do is practice a little caution if they find themselves loving someone they've known for only four days. If Adam had taken some time to actually get to know Malia, he might have spotted the fact that she wasn't all that into him. Adam said he's had some bad breakups. I have to wonder if the women involved even knew they were in the relationship. I agree with LucyHoneychrrch. I don't think Adam was all that hurt by Malia's rejection. I think he was embarrassed and decided to play the dejected, spurned lover to save face.
  16. Apparently the "beautiful vagina" idea, or its opposite, is prevalent enough that the May issue of Cosmopolitan had an article which included the notion of low genital self-esteem. The story at the link is incomplete, but you can get an idea. At first I thought this was perhaps one of the most stupid ideas I've ever encountered. Then I remembered when I was much younger, not being willing to leave the house without having used vaginal deodorant. You know, because the scent of the freshly washed area that wasn't even exposed to air might offend someone. With women being told, and accepting, that we need to "improve" ourselves in so many physical areas, it was only a matter of time before we started obsessing over the beauty of parts that most people we know will never see.
  17. Agree about missing the recaps. Not only do I like reading, I'm hearing impaired enough that podcasts are useless to me.
  18. As much as I dislike Adam, he's free as a bird in terms of relationship commitments, so he's ok to do things that will make Malia jealous. He doesn't get a pass from me for the crude things he said about Hannah to Malia, though. A dude with swagger would have given Malia a polite half smile and nod as he attentively saw his conquest home. Wes, on the other hand, has expressed interest to Malia and had it reciprocated, so if he really was doing what the editing implied, it's as much a dick move as anything Malia did. Why do we think there's no reunion, given:
  19. It looks like we have no choice but to agree to agree. :) Thanks for taking the time to clear up the misunderstanding.
  20. I think what you wanted to say was what you said in your second post about it: Malia had a previous subordinate/superior relationship that ended badly, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if the same thing happens with this one. If so, we're good.
  21. Okay: As for the romance, both Wes and Malia have expressed romantic feelings for each other. Now, either of them could be misrepresenting, but until we have proof that contradicts that, I'm going with romance.
  22. I agree that Wes made a poor decision and that Bobby's behavior is immature. You're right, Malia herself told us she knew getting involved with a superior was a bad idea. Her best bet might have been to do as she once proposed and keep away from both men. She didn't. What you're saying is she knew that type of relationship was a gamble, so she must have done it for advancement. We've seen nothing on the show that supports that. What we have seen is that she likes Wes. Malia and Wes both made poor decisions for the same reason, romantic infatuation. Foolish maybe, but it doesn't make Malia either conniving or promiscuous. I think "a little tricky" is a good way of putting this. Malia came into the situation with an attachment of sorts to Adam. She met Wes and developed feelings for him. It's not Malia's fault that Wes and Adam shared a bunk, nor is she responsible for how they feel about it. It's hard to have a life and not find yourself in a sticky situation once in a while. The trick to being an adult is to find a way to get through the tough times, possibly with a little grace if you can manage it. Wes actually seemed to be doing a decent job of it. Adam is so selfish, arrogant and thoughtless of others that I can't bring myself to clutch my pearls over his inability to act like a grown up.
  23. Exactly. Malia could only influence the guys to the extent that they allowed it. Where's the disapproval of their sexually motivated decision making? Wes especially should have known that someone in his position needed to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. I think this is what negates the "she slept her way to the top" argument. I don't believe Malia is clever enough to have begun a flirtation just in case she had a chance to use it to get ahead.
  24. I dunno, it seems to me the fact that words like "man-whore" and "himbo" even exist indicates that we have a double standard. I guess I could get behind the notion of Ben being a man-whore, but, to me, what we know of Malia's sexual exploits--kissing two different men, a sexual relationship with one man and possibly another--doesn't warrant the "village bicycle" label.
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