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Passing Strange

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Everything posted by Passing Strange

  1. Relying on my less than perfect memory, when Danielle became a cast member on season two she was introduced as Lindsay's friend. I think they are genuine real life friends. To me it makes sense that Lindsay's friend would have her back and that her boyfriend would, as well. What did Hot Hubbs Summer amount to, really? If we believe the editing, it was three guys. It was confirmed that Lindsay slept with one of them but even if she'd slept with all three she probably still had less sex than Luke did. The only difference is Lindsay made it part of her story line plus she's not a guy. For all of Paige and Amanda's concern trolling about the way Lindsay falls in love, she's functioning in society. Until she isn't they can shut up and take a seat. A guy who thinks she's comfortable with her sexuality and is OK with that.
  2. Alex calling Austen the Honda Civic of male attractiveness was the most accurate, pertinent, and entertaining thing that happened.
  3. All we know about most of the cast members is what Bravo chooses to tell us. So far we've seen nothing that says Ashley is capable of violence. I've been talking about why it doesn't always work to say "but what if the sexes were reversed?" Since Ashley is female, my examples have been the reverse, men. But, really, I don't think anyone has given Ashley a pass because she's a woman, which is usually when that filter is used. Of course women can be bad. When she was a judge on American Idol Katy Perry used her power to kiss a 19-year-old contestant against his will. He couldn't say no and he was obviously harmed. That's predatory.
  4. No. That's why I said Ashley has no power over Gary professionally or socially, and she's not saying she wants anything more than a hookup. She can harass, annoy and inconvenience Gary but she can't intimidate him or hurt him physically or emotionally. No. That was exactly my point and was why I mentioned Eddie Lucas and Kelly Johnson. Reversing the sexes for a situation isn't always an automatic comparison of oranges to oranges. On a related note, with the body shaming and slut shaming Ashley has gotten it's seeming like she's being judged more harshly because she is a woman. I'm thinking none of that happened with Eddie or Kelly. I'm not clear about what you mean here. That Ashley might attack sleeping people?
  5. I agree that Ashley's behavior is aggressive and atrocious. The reason I don't think it's predatory is that there's no danger to Gary. She's not capable of harming him physically, she has no power over him professionally or socially, and she's not saying she wants anything more than a hookup. In previous seasons of original BD Eddie Lucas and Kelly Johnson each romanced women into bed, then dumped them. To me, that's predatory. I'm just clarifying here; agreeing to disagree works for me..
  6. I'm glad to know other people were bored with this episode, too. After a season of yelling and whining about it, the wedding was an anticlimax. Plus, Kyle and Amanda may have been the only ones who still thought it was a good idea. The talking heads from the other cast members basically said, "They've done nothing but fight throughout their whole relationship so it's amazing they managed to actually get married." I went to get a glass of cold water and wound up cleaning the refrigerator because doing that was more entertaining than watching the show. I did see the reunion previews and my love for Alex grew. Count me in as wanting the demise of skinny suits. Lindsay is a better person than I am. I'd keep remembering the last time she and Carl were dating and he asked another woman out in front of Lindsay. I really hope he stays sober and his fuckboy days are done. I think they were, at first, anyway. That's what prompted Paige's "brothel" remark. When Lindsay refused to be judged they then turned it into "concern" for her quick attachments. Eventually Lindsay pointed out the double standard that exists for men and women and people pretty much shut up. Except Paige, who hopped on the "there's a double standard!" train like she was the conductor.
  7. I agree. A massage was offered, a massage was accepted. We heard the exchange and Gary confirmed it when he told the story, more than once. Here's where just running an incident through the "reverse the sexes" filter doesn't hold up. When things turned sexual and Gary didn't want that to happen, he got up and left. Ashley wasn't going to pin him down and have her way with him. Unlike, say, when Gary grabs and hangs on to Daisy. I also don't think Ashley is really a predator. She's not exploiting or preying on anybody. She's pursuing Gary, and for all his pretending to protest, if he really didn't want the attention he could make it stop by not flirting with her and rejecting all of her advances. What Ashley really is is a mean girl who doesn't hide the fact that she likes sex. And, really, the fact that her body isn't Instagram ready is neither here nor there. She's fine with it and that's the opinion that matters.
  8. As I said in the episode thread, Ashley isn't a predator. She's not exploiting or preying on anybody. In the case of her OF, she's selling sex and her buyers know what they're getting. The Starcasm article was gleeful about having "discovered" her work as a cam girl. It's not like she's trying to hide it. I don't think she should, nor do I think any sex worker should be ashamed. People don't have to accept other people's values or choices if they don't agree with them, but it's possible to do so without belittling or shaming. I have a sneaking suspicion that people would be a little kinder to Ashley if she seemed ashamed of her behavior on the show. I'm glad she doesn't. I wouldn't want to spend much time with Ashley but I have to respect her refusal to be put in her place.
  9. I think the video at the wedding was a made for Instagram moment more than a bid for attention. As noted, Whitney and Lennie looked like they were outside of the main area and she was slowing down as she reached the more populated space. If she went on in, which I doubt, she wasn't still dancing. My guess is Whitney handed her phone to someone to film her. Then she improvised for the length of a video shoot. When it was done she likely just walked back to retrieve her camera. I don't think Whitney was particularly rude nor did she upstage the bride. Few people were even around to see the spectacle and those that were probably chalked it up to the usual awkward but enthusiastic dancing you see at weddings. I agree. Being fat is her brand right now. But, really, now that we know the actual science related to weight loss, I'm not wanting to be too critical of overweight people, myself included. It's time to get rid of the "lazy, no willpower" stereotype and really understand how fat bodies work.
  10. But Amanda has ever expressed interest in a fitness related career. We don't know what her diet and exercise habits are like but she looks to be doing fine. All of these folks seem quite comfortable with their bodies as they are. Me, too. When the note writing started I was expecting a train wreck but they turned out to be cute together. I think it's because of the joy they're taking in the developing relationship as well as their obvious mutual commitment to it. They're a nice change from the joylessness of Kyle and Amanda's wedding planning and Paige dying for Craig to give her his class ring. Kyle said it's an SBA loan. To get it he had to have a good credit rating, collateral, enough cash flow to make the payments, and working capital. That last may be partly from investors. He's also said he owns 51% of Loverboy.
  11. Maybe the confusion about Amanda and her money came from her father saying he paid all the bills, meaning for his own household. Which he does because Amanda's mother feeds him and does his laundry, so way to be woke there, Frank. Amanda mentioned some specific bills Kyle pays for their household and I'm thinking she pays others from the bank account she monitors. We know Amanda has other accounts besides that one. One is a trust and there may be investment accounts. If you don't know about this stuff, as Amanda apparently doesn't, it makes sense to have someone else manage it. That would also explain why Frank does her taxes. Since Amanda appears to have some coin, I guessing that in real life Frank is all about getting that pre-nup. If you mean the conversation about Ciara's quarter life crisis, you didn't hear correctly. Danielle said at that age she was phoning it in in the morning because of partying the previous night. Paige was supportive of Ciara but didn't talk about her own finances.
  12. Heh, my brain does this, too. Also, since I watch with captions, every time it says Elnor I see Elinor.
  13. Yes, Amanda, it's terrible that Lindsay is crying and heartbroken over multiple men. She would be much better off to do what you do, be crying and heartbroken over just one.
  14. It's not just you. I started watching the show because of the location but I've continued because it's fun to watch these people. That's why I didn't mind Winter House. I'd watch again with no crossovers from other shows. I would like to see more of their lives in NYC, too. I'm curious about Danielle's app, the workings of Loverboy, Paige making a living shilling fashion, and so on. I'd give up the parties full of random people in exchange. Re: Loverboy. I don't think Kyle has priced himself out of the market. The cosmos and the like are two servings per can, so the $49 is for 16 drinks. A little over $3.00 each isn't bad for a craft drink. At $2 per can the teas aren't that much more than hard lemonade, with more variety and probably better ingredients. Whether by chance or design Kyle seems to have tapped into a popular market.
  15. What we know from the source: Carl said on WWHL in early April of 2021 that he was 90 days sober, so his year would have ended in early January, 2022. He went Instagram official with Lindsay on 1/12/22.
  16. Every time Amanda stuck out her lip to make an "awww" face about Craig I wanted to push it right back in. She'd just asked him what were his intentions toward her friend. What he said was he could see getting serious with her, not that he had a ring in his pocket. It's probably true, but if not, it's not like he was going to tell Amanda he was using her friend for sex and publicity. Twice we saw a scene with people remarking on the mess in the kitchen and dining room, followed by seeing Ciara walking down the stairs. Twice I was fooled into thinking she was going to go help clean up. Gullible me. I don't know about the investors and the pre-nup. They're likely to be older guys with money, just the sort who would know the importance of a pre-nup. They might encourage Kyle and Amanda to have one in hopes of protecting their investments. Jami wasn't a recruiter; she was an ER nurse who probably wanted a nice lunch and a little camera time. This is pure speculation, I think the show wanted to rehabilitate Ciara's image a little. She got a lot of love in her first season for being a nurse. She hardly mentioned her career during Winter House and people seemed to be wondering. This scene gave her a chance to remind us about her work. Kyle isn't listed as a producer on Summer House. You might be thinking of the story behind the show, that Kyle found the share house and put together the group. I don't think he can kick people out and I don't think he cares who's in as long as the show, and the paycheck, go on.
  17. I don't think they can. The latest I could find was an article from 2020 explaining that they're independent contractors. SAG members must be employees.
  18. Eeek! I don't watch Southern Charm, so I had no idea. Probably not going to change my viewing habits now. Thank you for this info!
  19. Good point. Compared to Kyle and Amanda and Austen and whoever he's leading on at the time, they're not all that bad. Based on what we're seeing on the show, though, I'm seeing as much adolescent behavior as adult. It looks like Paige isn't as down with this non-exclusive relationships as she says. First there was the melt down over the possible Kristin hookup, then there was telling Andrea she couldn't go out with him because of Craig. The last was the right thing to do, but it doesn't say "playing the field." With Craig I think it's wanting to have his cake and eat it, too. He handled the Kristin issue by blaming Lindsay for telling about it. When it was his turn to wonder about an incident, however, he pressed Paige so hard in texts that he upset her. Over a game of spin the bottle. He also seems to have a bit of a mean streak. The "let's do something I'd do with a girlfriend" while pointedly reminding Paige that she's not his girlfriend felt a little cruel. When Lindsay was all breathless in the kitchen about how much time Austen spent with her at the party, Craig looked delighted with himself as he shut her down. I get it, he doesn't like Lindsay and she was being annoying, but let it go. There's no need to be spiteful about it. It looks like they're now official and maybe things are going fine. For now, though, I'm sticking with Craig is an asshole.
  20. People keep saying that's the way Lindsay is because it's the truth. She's not normal and no amount of talking to her is going to change that. Ciara was wrong about the others not confronting her, though. They did in the first episode this season, at the dinner table, where it accomplished nothing. Maybe get a clue from that. Ciara, that was a costume. Lindsay isn't really a fairy and she wasn't controlling Austen with magic. When she jumped up on him he could have put her down, wished her a happy birthday, and gone looking for you. He didn't. There's more than one asshole here. Mya's date was uncomfortable to watch. I get that she's feeling wounded and wants to be guarded. I also agree that she might well have thought she was being light and funny in her comments to Oliver. She really doesn't seem ready to date now and there's a lot more to her they could have explored instead. Still, I didn't like that she helped Paige wind Ciara up. Craig to Paige: Let's do a thing that says you're my girlfriend. Just remember you're not my girlfriend. Paige to Craig: Of course, I'm not your girlfriend. We're not exclusive and I'm so fine with that I chose not to date Andrea because of you. But I don't want to be exclusive or anything. Me: Craig is also an asshole. Respect to Amanda and especially to Luke for looking out for Andrea. Alex not there for a second weekend? What's up with that, Bravo? Also, next time you need a new guy for the show, please make it Oliver.
  21. Signal for Help Kudos to the show for giving it exposure.
  22. But I don't think that's the case. The men we know she's slept with are two with whom she was in long term relationships and hoped to marry (Everett, Stravy), two who were friends before they were flings (Carl, Austen), one with whom she lived in Winter House (Jason), and Luciano, the "new friend." Anyone else, like the guy who wanted to go to Mexico and the guy on the horse from seasons back, was implied. Based on what we've seen on the show I don't think she jumps into bed with anyone who looks at her. But even if she did and even if she's 35, I'd need a lot more to think it's pathological. I think Lindsay made out with Austen for the same reason she invited him to the party, because she has a thing for him. Ciara was in the way so Lindsay rolled over her. Lindsay's a dick but, unlike Austen, she's never pretended to be anything else. As for the malevolent look, if I don't see both people in an exchange on screen while it's happening, I'm skeptical about whatever narrative the editing is pushing. I just hope Ciara and the other women are comfortable in their skimpy clothes and not wearing them because they believe a woman's worth is determined by how sexy she is. Regardless, pretty girls in skimpy clothes get camera time. Ciara is now a Bravolebrity and she's working that angle. This isn't a criticism, btw, just acknowledgment that we live in a society where actors and sportsball players make millions while nurses and teachers are paid peanuts. Andy asked Carl something like this on WWHL. I think his answer was along the lines of it was uncomfortable, of course, but it was in the past.
  23. I didn't see the supersized episode but I did just watch the regular one. Meghan was wearing black panties that looked substantial, like maybe a lightweight support garment. Over those she had a pair of oversized lace panties, which she took off before the tanning session. If they were the ones Vannessa and the spray tanner put on it really wouldn't have been much different then trying on someone else's shorts or slacks.
  24. I hope that either we didn't see all of what the doctor said or that he phrased it badly. Current thinking is that the way to manage the hunger hormones is by eating a healthy diet, low in fat. So weight loss surgery would be the same tool it always has been. The difference now is that we know more about the weight loss/gain cycle. It's hard to lose weight and even harder when you're getting the message that you're lazy or lack willpower. It was great to have him talk about what actually happens, our bodies fighting the weight loss. TLC actually did some good, probably accidentally. I like Vanessa, too.That's a good point that she can move what's probably an awkward body. I agree that she's not an exhibitionist or attention seeker. Her behavior is a big "fuck you" to people who would judge and condemn her. I'm here for it. There will be people who are offended by the sight of lots of flesh. Not Vanessa's problem. The solution is to look away. Big people, especially women, shouldn't think they have to hide their bodies to make others comfortable. I don't think it was a situation where people were all settled in with their beach chairs and coolers and then TLC showed up. Work on productions like these seems to start early in the morning. I'm guessing the film crew was there long before the beach goers got there. As people arrived they had the choice of being where the action was or not.
  25. I wasn't a fan of all the twists last season so I'm not looking forward to seeing them again. I'm especially not a fan of watching starving, exhausted people struggle through pointless challenges. For me a great twist would be seeing people have the resources and incentive to use their brains to play the game. I was pro Maryanne until she started freaking out about Jackson. I think that's who she is. It's possible she'll calm down once she settles in. Re: Tori the therapist She's a Certified Life Coach as well as a mental health therapist specializing in eating disorders. Her BA is in Christian Care-giving and Counseling with a minor in Psychology, her MA is in Professional Counseling. Looks like both are from Oral Roberts University. As others have mentioned, I was OK with either Tori or Zach leaving until Zach left and I wished it had been Tori.
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