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Passing Strange

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Everything posted by Passing Strange

  1. It doesn't. When something is snatched it looks great. So "your waist is snatched" is a high compliment.
  2. I'm going with cautiously optimistic, too, mainly because no one seemed to be trying for the villain edit and the looks were mostly good. So far. All of these shows have a way of messing with us. That's why I don't love anyone yet. We'll see what happens. To me, Lizzo was OK, although I loved when she and Ru shut Michelle down on not understanding Kornbread's lyrics. Also, now I want some cornbread. Has Ross had weight loss surgery or did he do that on his own? I have no idea why throwing spaghetti and meatballs and a toaster into a bubble bath and then jumping in yourself was so wonderful it made Ru shriek.
  3. So, kind of sparkly hot pink with a scarf is dated and ugly, but neon hot pink with a scarf-like sleeve and cheap looking sparkly jewel is modern and fashion forward. Good to know. I'm not crazy about Christina, but I'm glad Wendy's lie didn't get her eliminated.
  4. What Cliff did to Marcel during Season 2 of Top Chef has been called a prank gone wrong, a bad decision he made while drunk. To me it was an assault and very disturbing. It's been 14 years since the incident and Cliff apparently has made no more similar bad decisions. Good for him. I understand why some think he deserves another chance. Personally I'd rather see this gig go to a chef who decided not to be violent. Neither, I think. Marti Cummings is non-binary and uses them/they pronouns. Their drag daughter, Peachez Imam Cummings, uses she/they pronouns. It's not just gay men who do drag. The drag community includes pretty much everyone, straight men, CIS women, trans people and so on. Thank you. Mine, too.
  5. In the meeting Charlotte said they were aware that there's a wide range in this type of exploration and they were trying to figure out how seriously they should take this. Talking to Charlotte in the hallway Harry notes that Rose could be doing this for fun or attention. So at this point Charlotte and Harry weren't sure it was a big enough deal to call the school. I don't think they were wrong. This is an exploration. Wait until the dust settles, see who Rock is then and act accordingly. In the meantime, everyone needs to stop stressing and let the kid run their race.
  6. Me, too, so I went back and checked and that was the case. During the Conference of Discomfort Laura said, "I honestly had no idea that you didn't know." She confirmed that with Robin, who then went on to say that Rock never gave them any clue that their parents were resistant to their changing identity. So they had no concerns about safety. Although I wasn't a fan of Laura and Robin and all their assuming, I think the school is off the hook here. They didn't call the parents because they thought it wasn't necessary.
  7. Liza Koshy. Never heard of her before last night, when she was a host on New year's Rockin' Eve. She was annoying, overly shouty, and awkward. There was a proposal that was "caught" by the cameras. Liza asked the couple their names, then commented that she wouldn't remember them anyway. Way to crap on a couple's big moment, Liza.
  8. Some mental health and drug treatment facilities don't allow phones. It can be a condition of admission. A health care facility can place limits if the limit is part of treatment and ordered by a doctor. A doctor probably wouldn't order "no phone" but could specify "no outside food." The patient could always refuse treatment, however, and sign out against medical advice. Tammy is a bully. I'd love to see a doctor and her family stand up to her, with the doc ordering no outside food and the family refusing to transport/help her if she signs herself out. I doubt it would happen, though. Red faced Tammy, shrieking obscenities and short of breath, would likely get the medical folks to back off for fear of liability.
  9. To attempt to reduce her sentence. From Prince Andrew in the spotlight after Ghislaine Maxwell conviction:
  10. In the past designers commented that sometimes the measurements they were given weren't accurate. I remember at least one instance where a designer had a major problem because the garment was two small due to incorrect measurements.
  11. Truth. I was the plus sized daughter of very skilled sewer. Whether she was altering something off the rack for me or making something from scratch it took multiple fittings and adjustments. And this was someone who knew what she was doing. These designers simply don't when it comes to bodies with curves. Maybe if we say this often enough Bravo will get the message: No more token big models. Use all small or all big and the big need to have similar height and weight proportions, just as the small do. To be clear, I'm criticizing the designers' lack of skill, not the models. I'm tired of the judges complaining about a design not showing off "her beautiful curves." It wasn't that long ago some of them were screeching, "No woman wants her [whatever body part] to look bigger!" I loved the winning dress but agree with those who thought Bones should have been in the top. Does Christopher really have enough design expertise to be making the critiques he did? And he's a stylist? You can mix stripes and prints and have them look fabulous. Or you can mix them and have them look the way Christopher's did. I can't with Elaine.
  12. I've known four different people who visited four different nutritionists. Not one of them was weighed by the nutritionist nor given a meal plan and food diary. Is that a thing now? I did like that the nutritionist didn't buy into the term "food addiction." It's just a theory and there's controversy about it in the medical community. What bothered me was Jazz in the last episode acting like being a "food addict" meant she wasn't responsible for her over eating. I'm not sure I buy what the nutritionist said about families that have over eaters also having someone who restricts food. That just seemed too pat after hearing Jackie's story. And maybe I'm used to larger bodies, because the nutritionist seemed a bit thin herself. Ari was all kinds of annoying. Being controlling because you have someone's best interests at heart is still being controlling. Unless Jazz is forking food into her mouth, maybe just figure she's telling the truth and plans to eat her buttered noodles with dinner. Also, people who are cooking should at least be tasting as they go. Equally bad was the brother spearing food off Jazz's plate, then holding it up to show it dripping with butter. Except it's pasta. Unless you've got a better method for draining it than I do, it drips when you add sauce, butter or similar. Fucker. This family is showing deep concern now that the cameras are rolling. It's like Jazz somehow magically hid a hundred pound weight gain, they just suddenly realized it and Something Must Be Done Now. The healthy way to help would be to support her getting a medical checkup. If there's nothing to account for the weight gain, encourage Jazz to work with the nutritionist on her own and stop bullying her. Let her take responsibility for her choices, even if they're bad ones. Especially if they're bad ones.
  13. So much this. Porsha reinvented herself every couple of seasons for RHOA. I think now that she has her own show we may be seeing the real Porsha. I watched only part of one episode and already I'm tired of the massive, barely restrained boobage on these woman. Stay classy, ladies.
  14. No, it wasn't. Jazz's comments were fine. She's not a covered entity under HIPAA. The regulations apply only to individuals or institutions that electronically transmit certain types of health care records. A doctor emailing a patient's diagnosis to Jazz would be a HIPAA violation; Jazz asking how a procedure went or wondering why a friend was at the ER would not be.
  15. Yes. The First Amendment prevents the government from restricting speech; private entities can make their own rules. In this case it's not really a matter of rules, though. Mustache Bro is Rayna's boss. He may not be a great one but she still needs to salute the uniform.
  16. You're right. He said he was a physics major, which implies some expertise. More importantly, he demonstrated that expertise, which likely helped save Aaron's arrogant ass. I like Bones and the way he handled this incident is one reason why.
  17. I read that in the real world guests wire the tip money to the charter company and someone from the company sees to it that they have the cash. On the show I'm guessing they add the tip amount (subject to change depending on the service) to the fee they pay Bravo for the charter. At the end of the trip it's likely a production assistant shows up with the envelope for the primary to hand the captain. This whole "Eddie as first officer" scenario is stupid. Even though the first officer has to know about navigation and docking, s/he is responsible for the deck crew. Eddie is spending more time in the wheelhouse because Lee is training him on things he should have already known. The first officer steps in if something happens to the captain. Eddie needed to be ready before he got promoted, not learning on the job. Lee (crossing arms and looking stern): "If I'd known that was happening I would have been all over it like a turkey during a lap dance." That he didn't know such and such a thing happened is his go-to and it allows him to talk big and do nothing. There needs to be a happy medium between Sandy lurking all over the boat and Lee sitting around the wheelhouse twirling his shades. Me, too. I'm not a Kate fan and the mean girling is partly why. No matter how difficult or odd your direct report is, you have to behave professionally. You also have to evaluate her work on what you see of it, not solely on another employee's complaints.
  18. True. Look how he melted when Hannah called him "the man." Still, regardless of how much anyone likes or dislikes Kyle, the show really did set him up at the beginning as the guy in charge. That's how he has to play it and he does seem to enjoy the role.
  19. Folks who said there's no chemistry between Austen and Ciara nailed it. Now I know why I didn't care about them at all. And for all people have been thinking Gabby is a sour puss, Ciara's almost total lack of affect is very off putting to me. I do kind of get the "where is this relationship going" discussions. Being together 24/7 for over two weeks has accelerated the dynamic. They're at a point that would usually take longer to achieve and now they've moving into different milieus. I wouldn't want to walk out of the house not knowing if the other person and I were on the same page about continuing or not. Although I don't have the budget, physique or lifestyle to accommodate it, my taste runs similar to that of Kate Middleton. Obviously Paige and I don't agree on what good fashion is. I believe a woman should wear what she wants, but I have to wonder if dressing like a guy's wet dream is what Paige wants or what she thinks she should want. Yes, she probably can get any guy in the room, but odds are none of them are thinking "Wifey!" That's a good point. What irks me is that her method of confrontation seems to be "bursting into tears." To be fair, there is some history behind Kyle being the number one guy. The original premise of Summer House was that Kyle arranged the house and invited his friends to share. Winter House is supposed to be based on the skiing trip Kyle took with his family every year.
  20. I believe this, too. There was an article about the first season of the show that said Bravo chartered the yacht, sent most of the real crew on vacation and replaced them with the cast. The only real crew remaining were Captain Lee, the engineer and the first officer. We didn't see the latter two, who were retained only because Lee insisted. I doubt the situation has changed much and we do get glimpses of real crew members on all the BD iterations every now and then. In this episode we heard "Chief Officer John." My guess is he's the real first officer. For those interested in genuine yachting: What are the Different Crew Roles on a Luxury Yacht?
  21. He thinks he is. 😄 He's an interior designer, currently on Queer Eye. Air of pretentiousness is spot on. I hope the next host/judge is somebody with glass knowledge and experience.
  22. I liked all the artists, thought the prize was nice for a limited series, and enjoyed the themes for all the challenges. I was hoping the charities of the eliminated artists would get a small donation, though, as that happens sometimes. Never thought I'd miss Nick Uhas and I didn't, actually. I just really, really disliked Bobby Berk.
  23. Why do people think the extra vote was used again during the revote? We saw Shan put only one vote in the box and Probst showed just three votes. Naseer was out at two votes, yet Probst read the third. Had there been a fourth it makes sense he would have read that one, too.
  24. Good point. Last season when he was called a fuck boy, which he wasn't, by Kyle and Carl, who were, he was the one who left the house to avoid having the argument continue to escalate.
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