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Everything posted by theredhead77

  1. I don't think it is limited to the south. I grew up going to Nova Scotia and they'd always ask what sort of Coke I want, meaning Coke, Sprite, etc... Ironically enough, despite the Coke HQ being in Atlanta, no one ever asked me what type of Coke I wanted when I ordered a coke. I also never heard anyone call soda "pop".
  2. Huh. Mine was off. I must have disabled it at some point. I'm annoyed that the amount of cloud cover when it rains isn't enough darkness to trigger automatic headlights. I also wish cars would turn on the lights when you trigger the wipers. Not for window cleaning spray, but when you turn them on to run.
  3. I appreciate the heads up. Cost isn't the reason I buy Prego so it should be fine. Kraft Dinner (Canada) is 100,000,000,000% better than Kraft Mac & Cheese (states). I live in the states and will die on this hill
  4. Nope. It doesn't bother me, I rarely look at notifications. FWIW I wasn't notified you quoted me. Feel free to use this as an example if you choose to report it.
  5. I don't get notified when I'm quoted, only "liked". Maybe there is a bug and people aren't aware.
  6. That's a glowing recommendation. I'll be sure to try it the next time I buy red sauce. I just cracked a jar of Prego so it will be a while. I prefer refrigerated white sauce but I find jarred lasts longer. I'll doctor up jarred white sauce, with a little butter, a bunch of chopped shallot, and garlic measured with my heart and pour it over ravioli or tortellini.
  7. Yes, they do. It would be nice if society caught up with the fact that many people choose not to marry, or delay marriage, and don't have something wrong with their character.
  8. I'll have to try that the next time I buy red sauce. I'm not a huge red sauce person and only buy Prego Original, which I was raised on (and hated). Now when I want to taste my mom's cooking without going back to CA I make spaghetti with Prego Original w/ a can of sliced mushrooms thrown in. I did upgrade my cheese to actual Parmasean vs green can Kraft. I can cook, and I am sure I could make a kick-ass "simmer all-day" old family recipe type sauce if I were to get my hands on such a recipe, but, eh.
  9. You're right. I did a strikethrough to keep the original text but correct myself. Thank you for pointing that out.
  10. Or they were in a committed LTR and neither party wanted to get married. Or in an LTR where they planned to get married "someday", or in an LTR, engaged but never married, and the relationship ended due to no fault of his own. There are lots of reasons to not get married, it doesn't mean the man is at fault or has impossible standards or a revolving door of relationships. Just an old "wives tale" (do we have another term for that yet??). Just look at Clooney. He didn't meet the right one until he met Amal. There are lots of reasons to be not married, and, frankly, not succumbing to social pressure, and getting married to someone to appease others is admirable. Would we look down on Clooney if he had a string of failed marriages? Nope, because he's... sexy AF. But look how Jennifer Anniston is looked at (or was looked at) with her string of failed relationships.
  11. But their hazards will draw attention and help you see them! /s
  12. You request that from the airline. There should be a special services request online or you can call. They'll have someone meet you at check-in for assistance to your gate. Add extra time though, if it's a busy time you may have to wait awhile. Also be prepared to tip the people helping you. My mom does $10 from checkin to gate and gate to baggage claim and $5 for any gate transfers.
  13. I could swear emergency vehicle sirens are used on TV, even briefly. It's the EAS ("tornado sirens") that cause issues. I put that in quotes because it's a general emergency alert siren used nationwide. Same. I hope they incorporate that into next season. I'm curious of Mary will learn about the tornado before she gets home. Are all of the lines down? Everyone was in shock and looking for Connie's money but no one seemed concerned about getting a message to Mary. Was there a conversation [offscreen or on the cutting room floor] they decided not to tell her to not cause worry and prevent her from dragging Sheldon on the next flight back?
  14. Same. Even if there was something I would imagine it would be implied, they wouldn't actually show it, and have adult Sheldon do a voiceover about how wrong it was. The version I watched on Amazon the siren was very faint, but noticable. If someone who watched it live and feels like rewatching to see if what is available now is more subtle? I realized I haven't even posted my thoughts on the episode. I thought they were well done. Loved the Missy and George moments. Glad Mary went to Germany, it will be good for her to see outside of her small town view. No judgements for Missy currently hating Sheldon and it was nice to see Sheldon show genuine concern, and hurt, when she slammed the door in his face. These two episodes were some of the best this season. I hope the writers get the compensation they seek soon, so it doesn't delay next season too much. I'm fine suspending their real ages but at some point they're going to look like adults and not teens.
  15. In the States, time off is a perk, not required by law. Each company can decide how much they want to offer, how long people have to use it, and the requirements around it. I think the only thing dictated by state laws is carry-over and payout upon termination. When I worked in CA I was able to roll over up to a certain amount of time (based on tenure). I was shocked when I moved to GA, working for the same company, and was only allowed to roll over 40 hours. During the pandemic, they forced us to use all our time off ("use it or lose it"), and eliminated rollover altogether, while people working in CA could still rollover. Have I mentioned how much GA sucks? So glad I moved. My new company in NV started off with 15 PTO days, we can roll over up to a certain amount before we stop accruing. Not sure how it varies by state, but at every company I've worked for stand-alone "sick time" does not have to be paid out while "vacation time" does. Companies that offer "unlimited PTO" don't have to pay out anything upon termination though last I heard, CA is trying to fight that.
  16. I found a Reddit thread that the episde was pulled off of all streaming services. Someone said something about blackface, but that scene was cut in the version I watched if that was the case. Someone else said the sirens may have caused issues with the FCC I ended up buying it on Amazon Prime for $1.99. Not too happy about that but at least I was able to watch it.
  17. For the Jaws fans: "Shamu, the Revenge" For the Star Wars fans: "Shamu Strikes Back"
  18. There was a bomb threat at a Target in Utah, too. Those probably aren't the only two.
  19. God, I hated Nextdoor, and the Ring [camera] community. A bunch of paranoid busy-bodies who don't seem to grasp calling the cops on someone is a great way for that person (or sometimes, the person calling) to end up dead. Oh, thats amazing! More 20somethings need to get involved! Hopefully, you can find out where he is and go sign or otherwise provide support.
  20. Yep! 100% a numbers game. Sometimes a little networking. It took 3 years and over 200 applications before I got an offer.
  21. That's what I did. They can track how I find them by the option I selected. I only used LI to apply if the company didn't have a way to do it on their page. I had a grand total of zero response from LI applications.
  22. Inflated is an understatement. LI counts everytime someone clicks the link, even if they click it close out, click it again, lather, rinse, repeat.
  23. How long does he wait at the door? So many non-nefarious reasons come to mind. He could be texting, emailing, using a map program, someone who is lost, a process server, Ed McMahon reincarnated with the Publishers Clearinghouse winnings.
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