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Everything posted by theredhead77

  1. According to the trailer "If you love Barbie this movie is for you and if you hate Barbie this movie is for you" I'm stupid excited. I was not disappointed. Loved everything about it.
  2. I just got back and I LOVED it. The two hours flew by. It was everything I didn't know I needed.
  3. I'd prefer the trend they're referencing be called "snack dinner" or "whatever dinner" but they didn't coin the term. A bunch of female influencers did. https://www.bonappetit.com/story/girl-dinner
  4. Yikes. Be careful that one isn't a DevilCorp https://www.reddit.com/r/Devilcorp/comments/vs5i8m/welcome_to_rdevilcorp_what_you_need_to_know_and/
  5. People always forget HR is there to protect the company, not the employee. In happier news, my boss told me that our "people and culture" team is doing compensation reviews to ensure everyone is being paid fair market rate and they'll do any necessary salary adjustments later this year. It doesn't replace the yearly merit raise. They do this every so often and is one of the many ways they keep employee retention numbers so high.
  6. According to the trailer "If you love Barbie this movie is for you and if you hate Barbie this movie is for you" I'm stupid excited. I had that one! I was only allowed to play with it outside because my Barbies had rowdy pool parties.
  7. You may also want to try a garbage disposer cleaner like this one. There may be gunk in your disposer that is generating a smell in your dishwasher. It's easy to use and fun to watch. https://www.amazon.com/Glisten-Disposer-Foaming-Cleaner-Lemon/dp/B002E37158/
  8. Have you cleaned the filter (which I recently learned via Instagram is a thing you should do)? Your instruction book (or online search of the model) should have the way to do it.
  9. "Diet culture" including but not limited to: Pushing advice stemming from disordered eating Promoting restrictive diets as the best or only way to live Feeling obligated to justify or defend enjoying snacks or fast food Boasting about never eating "junk food" as a point of pride Making others feel bad for their food choices Making others feel bad for their portion sizes
  10. I've always been able to reschedule through the airline app.
  11. Ooo! I've been eyeballing Vessi. They're high on my list for the fall / winter.
  12. It took 3 years and countless "they really liked you but..." rejections before I found this position. I was looking back on my application tracking sheet and this company was one of the very first I applied to, and this was the 4th position over 3 years. Those "they really liked you but...." communications suck. It's such a tough market with so many highly qualified candidates applying to every position and businesses can really pick someone that has the base skills down, and just needs to learn 'the business'.
  13. I rotate my primary walking shoes between Allbirds Dashers, Asics, and On Cloud.
  14. In the same way, the "Indian Shooting Star is a free Tootsie Pop", and "Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial died by eating Pop Rocks and drink Coke" urban legends spread before the internet. Magic.
  15. I'd be a great accountant if I wasn't so bad with keeping numbers in the right order, and reading them in the order they were written in.
  16. Automatic toilets that don't flush when you want them to.
  17. Does your local grocery store sell Baskin Robbins in their ice cream section?
  18. There is nothing wrong with enjoying treats in moderation. Too much of anything, including fruit, isn't healthy.
  19. When is the last time you took a new job? I got a written offer for my very first corporate job which was in the early 2000s.
  20. He implemented the policy to remove sorting machines which in turn slowed everything down.
  21. And typically those customers are mad about something. Every job has a level of customer service though. As a Business Analyst, I don't talk with external customers; I provide customer service all day, every day, to our internal customers. It's not all sunshine and roses because their my coworkers.
  22. Someone should counter that with flags hung incorrectly or in violation of the flag code (no lighting, frayed, etc...)
  23. 100% worth getting clarification about the parking situation during church event days and the prioritization order on spots. It sounds like a lot of the lots around my old place. They were private, with signage, and the building management would approve parking for certain people as they saw fit.
  24. As someone who is used to living in places that require payment for assigned spots, or limits parking to residents only (via a tag) I can empathize with you. Are these additional cars taking the spot assigned to your house or impacting the ability to park at a reasonable distance from your home? That's an issue the landlord should 100% deal with.
  25. It's crazy how changing toilet paper rolls is despised by so many (including myself). I realized I hated the spring roll holder thing so when I had a choice, I purchased one that pivots. I can't use the style that is open because my house lions figured out how to bat at it until it came off and became a toy.
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