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Everything posted by theredhead77

  1. My dad passed his written test! Woohoo! When he went back, the woman helping him told him to ask for the paper test, so he could go back and review his answers. He said that, plus the comfort/familiarity of using paper for a test helped his nerves. That's smart. I drive with my mom but according to her, I'm such a backseat driver she prefers I "chauffer her around".
  2. When my kitty decides dinner time is a great time to want to snuggle. Little snuggle monster, I'm hongry.
  3. I agree. I personally think a road test would be more appropriate instead of, or in addition to, the written test.
  4. Negative. He has a slew of other health issues including obesity, and being unsteady on his feet. My mom has tried to get him to be more active for years but ultimately it's up to him and he doesn't want to change.
  5. I have mixed feelings about his continued driving. He shouldn't (and doesn't) drive long distances, or on the freeway. I also think losing his license will literally be a death knell from a spiraling depression, anxiety, and feeling trapped. Some of you may remember me sharing that during the early days of COVID he flipped his shit about having to stay home, not because he was being defiant of orders for the sake of being defiant, but because his anxiety kicked into high gear and he just freaked out. He was at the grocery store every other day. Yes, he is under psychiatric care and medicated but it doesn't seem to do much good. I really wish he would be open to some edibles (legal in CA). I think it would help. He drives to the grocery store which is one turn out of their neighborhood, drive a block, and one turn into the shopping center. My mom asked me to get them set up with Uber for emergencies and I'll do that when I drive back in a couple of weeks Thank you! I rarely venture into the Health & Wellness forum and wasn't using the right "subject" terms to search the board. .
  6. I could have sworn we had an aging parents thread but I can't find it so I'll respond here, it's still topical. My dad is turning 84 and he just emailed me to share he failed the written test and has to retake it later this week. Questions about how many feet between a car, stopping distance, etc... are tripping him up. I wish he had to take an actual behind-the-wheel test instead of just the written test. Knowing how many feet to have between a car isn't going to make him a safer driver or change his driving habits after 70+ years of driving. But the DMV knows best.
  7. It was the way she was ordering it, one at a time, putting the item in her cart, then ordering the next item. I'm not saying she should have rattled off all 10 items at once but I've worked at a deli counter and it is more efficient for the deli associate if someone says "I'll have a half pound of cheddar, a half pound of swiss and a half pound of provolone". The person can get the items, slice, bag slice, bag, slice, bag, then weigh each and hand them over.
  8. People at the deli counter who order piecemeal. This woman must have ordered 10-15 things one at a time. I'll have a half pound of turkey. The deli person hands it over, she puts it in her cart then...I'll have a half pound of ham, the deli person hands it over, etc... by the time I was done being helped by the 2nd person "I'll have a half pound of red potato salad, coleslaw, and broccoli salad, please", she was still going. It's one thing if you don't know what you want, but FFS, tell the person what you do want, or at least part of what you want if it's a large order so they can be efficient with their processes and make their life easier, too.
  9. This is what I think. I realize the actresses are older than 13 but with how they look (their actual age) I assumed Paige was going to go the "fake ID route". Missy had that under-the-table job at the comic book store, too. It's really not that big of a stretch for either of them to think they would be able to find some sort of work.
  10. Have a blast, eat all the food and have all the fun!!!
  11. Yahoo! Glad the issue was resolved! Was it a scanner or a metal detector (the pre lines I've gone through have both)? I have a single tank top, just a basic one from Target, that always pops on the scanner and my upper right shoulder has to be wanded. I have multiple tank tops from that brand but only my maroon tank pop. It's the weirdest thing. I stopped wearing it on flights. @Elizabeth Anne I'm responding to your question over in chit-chat.
  12. How frustrating! Did your boarding pass say "TSAPre" (or something similar)? If not, check in with the airline to make sure it's good to go for your return trip. May this be your only "bump" in the road. Have a fantastic trip!!!!
  13. I feel your pain (literally, sometimes). They just slide right off the area you want to ice. I've tried wrapping it with an ace bandage, or a towel but nope, it doesn't stay where I want it to. Fingers crossed your foot better soon.
  14. I have them set but the issue is people not looking at the time, or looking for a better time. I actually block out time for lunch (suggested by my manager) and people just think nothing of booking a non-essential meeting over other meetings. It's pretty bad. We work directly with people in India and Australia, sometimes on the same call. Thankfully our meetings are late, like 5pm vs 5am and I knew about that going into it. My direct coworker thinks with the agendas we start writing and calling for action items ahead of time for our recurring meetings we'll be able to shrink our meeting time and even cancel some of them.
  15. My friend and I took an Uber but we weren't going anywhere but our hotel, bar crawling on Broadway, and walking over to Nissan Stadium for a concert. I think the Uber was $30 when I landed Saturday morning and probably similar when we left Sunday afternoon.
  16. Finished week 2 of my new job and I still love it. It's an adjustment going from no meetings to a wall of meetings. I already have a small gripe and it's the poor meeting culture this organization has. I forgot how much I despise People that book meetings over lunch when there are other times and it isn't critical. People who book meetings when you are blocked out. Meetings without agendas. I'm being the change I want to see by proposing new times when it's a small group and working with my direct coworker to start writing agendas for our meetings. My new manager has expressed the same feelings about meetings and I have her support. Other than that, things are great. Everyone is so nice. I feel wanted and needed and they are eager to get me up-to-speed but won't be setting me loose before I am ready. I not only have to learn about the company, but I also have to learn about the industry.
  17. I just googled feet ice packs and a slew of different types showed up on Amazon. Some look like slippers, others wrap around the foot. Maybe something like that will work.
  18. The morning always comes before I'm ready to wake up.
  19. I'm paying $41 a month (including taxes and fees) for a plan that is superior to their lowest price plan ($45/mo + taxes and fees). I've had this plan for 20+ years.
  20. Nice! I'm always a bit envious of those killer trade-in deals. I'm grandfathered into a super inexpensive T-Mobile plan that is so old any changes or offers will require me to upgrade to a more expensive (for a nearly identical plan). I buy my phones through Samsung and take advantage of their less lucrative trade-in.
  21. A good teacher and/or a good partner can teach anyone basic moves. Unless you despise dancing (one can enjoy it despite not being good at it), give it a shot. Based on what you've shared about your online dating experiences, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Worst case, you get out of the house for a few hours and tried something new.
  22. That's why you go to a class. Meeting people is a byproduct of joining an activity you are interested in.
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