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Everything posted by bluvelvet

  1. You know when Cersei said, "They hurt little girls everywhere", for a second I felt sympathy for her. Then I realized that she couldn't care less about the "little girls" who aren't of noble blood and then my sympathy vanished.
  2. Where can I find Lena's comment on the scene ? I think Cersei knew Jaime would refuse to kill Sansa.
  3. Jaime is still my favorite character, I have just decided to ignore Rapegate 2014 for the time being. That being said, I could change my mind at anytime forward depending on his interactions with Cersei going forward.
  4. Soo the white walkers are all Crasters kids? On that note where do the white walkers grow up? Do we have toddler, child and teenaged WW?
  5. Seriously Littlefinger and Sansa was all kinds of skeevy. I hope Sansa knows not to fully trust the man. The actor's accent was slipping into his dialect a bit here and he also sounded different from how he did last week. He voice was less deep.
  6. Having Podrick go with Brienne was a great idea, it gets Podrick out of the city and away from harm. Although calling Brienne "Ser"....poor Pod.
  7. So were those deserters basically feeding ghost baby parts? That guy was holdiing a leg when he was teasing Ghost. For a second I thought Ghost and Summer would be reunited since they are brothers, or at least Summer would free Ghost but of course this is Game of Thrones, of course Summer had to get captured. Sorry to say but the wall stuff bored me, I guess the whole point was to set up conflict for Jon and the acting commander dude whose name I cannot recall. Also Locke is there under cover looking for Bran/Rickon. My favorite scenes were the ones at Kings Landing and the scene with Jaime/Tyrion my favorite. Actually the Margery/Tommen scene amused me only because Tommen's eyes were like saucers. Glad she didn't kiss him on the mouth, the scene was already a bit skeevy for me. Loved Ser Pounce though and I noted that Tommen seemed bothered by the boar's head with the arrow. Poor Cersei, Tywin and now Margery are both out to steal Tommen "my mother says" Baratheon from under her nose. Dany and another slave city..*yawn* Littlefinger and Sansa...I was cringing because he is just so slimy. I think he wants Sansa, how he is going to swing that while he is engaged to Lysa, I don't know.
  8. I agree, he was really in dagger there was no garauntee that 1) they would try to save him 2) if they did they would hit their target 3) one arrow would even slow down the bear. When Jaime jumped in the pit, it was all instinct I don't think he was thinking of the consequences to Bolton's men if he died. And if he did die, Tywin couldn't blame the men because his hotheaded son decided to jump in a bear pit.
  9. Since Cersei sees Jaime as less capable now, I wonder why she would think he could bring her Sansa's head ? We the audience know that Jaime is training with Bronn to regain some of his fighting skills but she doesn't. Yet she thinks he's still has enough skill to not only kill Tyrion but Sansa too.
  10. I caught that little snippet too Joliefare, I made the assumption that it was Margery. However since Tywin asked him last episode if he knows about the "birds and the bees" it could also be a woman hired to "initiate" Tommen. I am also curious about Cersei asking Jaime about bringing her Sansa's head..
  11. Seriously, if Joffrey had dropped on top of them I would have DIED! It was a very creepy scene but that imagery ...I just can't... Yup, Cersei was all of "you need to kill Tyrion, he was our son"..I think Cersei will bring this issue up with Jaime again and I am curious in regards to his response. Cersei 100% believes that Tyrion killed Joffrey and she will be out for blood. Jaime seemed like be believed the trial would get to the truth.
  12. I hope not, I really like Tommen, since Olenna basically told Margery to get a movin on potential husband #3, I am curious to see how she interacts with him. Have to say that I loved that scene with the "champion" and Daario, dude is charging at him full speed ahead and he just throws a knife. Reminded me of the Indiana Jones movie where they guy come at him swinging a knife/sword every which way and he just shoots him.
  13. Can I just say, how many fucks did Tywin NOT give that Joffrey was dead. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if he did the deed himself. He and Olenna are already planning for the future of their houses. Tywin has already started taking Tommen under his wing and is already grooming him for the role of king and he already planted the idea of marriage in young impressionable Tommen's head. While on the other end, Olenna is already basically telling Margery to start working on Tommen. Tywin and Olenna are not about to end the Lannister/Tyrell alliance. Meanwhile, Tywin is so smooth, he essentially too his enemy Oberyn and made him his ally by promising him the Mountain. In that one conversation he now has the Martells of Dorne, who we find out is the only ones to have resisted dragons in the past. I honestly don't know what to make of the scene between Jaime/Cersei and Cersei asks Jaime to kill Tyrion while in the same episode, Tyrion is asking for Jaime because he needs his brother. Let's just say that Jaime will be in a rock and a hard place because he is essentially has to choose between his siblings. Tyrion must have some faith because he knows the hold Cersei has over Jaime. I don't like Sam leaving Gilly at that place, for some reason I think it will not go as he had planned. Dany is liberating another city, you know on the previews I thought she would do it in this episode but it looks like it will be stretched out. Littlefinger, I was shocked when he popped up and he still gives me the skeeves in regards to Sansa. I was also shocked that the necklace wasn't real, so Littlefinger is the one who orchestrated Sansa's escape, interesting?. Also is it me or did the actors voice change.
  14. I don't know if Jaime is in love with Brienne, I can see him having some "feeling " but not realizing it since he's only ever loved Cersei to the exclusion of all other women. Brienne is the daughter of a noble house so I assume that at some point in time she is expected to marry unless her father is okay with her just fighting all over Westeros for life. Does she have siblings ? Do we know.
  15. Yeah Tywin isn't doing too well in regards to his offspring and grandchildren. Well Joffrey is dead, Myrcella is in Dorne so maybe he can influence Tommen.
  16. What's the "more than once " referring to? Bear pit obviously but what's the other ? Also if Brienne was in love with Renly because he was nice to her then I definitely see her feeling the same about Jaime who she's spent a lot more time with and saved her life.
  17. I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss Littlefinger...when was the last time we were up close and personal with his smarm... *goes and hides in a corner*
  18. I think Brienne is safe, Cersei may get her jabs in here and there but I don't think she would go further than that. Also with Joffrey dead, Brienne is going to be the last thing on Cersei's mind. Basically and this was GRRM's episode..*side eye*
  19. I could see Brienne having romantic feelings for Jaime and not realizing it, whatever Jaimie's faults he truly respects Brienne. I get the sense that being a warrior woman she probably hasn't gotten much of that from men in the past. He also essentially saved her life and I noted the small smile on her face when she said that. I think for Brienne having Jaimie's trust and respect probably means a lot, add in the bear pit and I could see a crush. Brienne still has a woman's heart no matter how tough she is on the outside. Then again Jaime was pretty awful to her in the beginning and from last weeks episodes still gets a snarky comment in so I don't know... Jaime on the other hand is still all about Cersei in that department. Interesting that he hadn't told Cersei about the bear pit, then again she probably wouldn't believe Jaime putting his own life in danger for a non Lannister. Also does anyone know WHY Brienne was inlove with Renly? I've always wondered about that.
  20. I just realized something, when Bronn made that comment to Jaime about him passing gold, Jaime threw him a bag of money. So is the assumption that Jaime isn't disowned since he still has access to the Lannister cash flow ? So wouldn't Tywin wonder why Jaime is using Lannister cash all of a sudden. Also noted that Tyrion set up Shae in a nice house with servants for life, so he may be the lowliest of the Lannisters but he still has access to cash like that. Wouldn't he be scared that Tywin would find out he is setting up his former mistress in a nice lifestyle for life ? Or does Tywin not pay attention to where his money is going.
  21. So do we think Brienne loves Jaime or was Cersei barking up the wrong tree ?
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