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Everything posted by Kktjones

  1. I missed this! Did Adam share this on Twitter? Given how little she filmed, I can't imagine they cut much, but that's pretty upsetting to think they cut 2 scenes when she was only in 4! As far as the cons go, JMo is only committed to one more (in two weeks), and she is already paired up with Colin. Colin and Lana are contracted for at least three cons in 2018, but I doubt JMo will attend (unless she needs to fund one of her pet projects). I watched most of the footage from yesterday and I find JMo to be very genuine and eloquent, and I love her real-life friendship with Colin. However, I do think it's telling that she doesn't appear to be watching or following the new season (she admitted she hasn't watched her episode yet). I think she has completely moved on from Once...
  2. I agree withe your entire post @XrystalPond - I wish I could give it multiple likes. The show has done a horrible job of promoting this season. They aren't giving people a reason to tune in beyond the Emma and Belle eps (and people who don't care about Belle may not even make it that far). I think they were really counting on the Henry/Cinderella romance to carry the show and now that it didn't catch on, they have nothing left. Many Hook fans are tuning out since it isn't the real Hook anymore, Regina fans don't like the new Roni persona, and Rumple has barely had more than two minutes of airtime per ep. They have completely lost me as a viewer (well, S6 didn't help either), which is sad since I was a loyal viewer since the pilot.
  3. I'm not trying to argue (trust me when I say I really don't care that much at all), but this was never mentioned as a reason for Regina to stay with Henry. They only talked about Regina staying as part of "Operation Next Chapter" and finding her story. Henry potentially being in danger was never brought up during his conversations with Emma or Regina. They both asked if he was sure he didn't want to return to SB, but it was more in the context that they would miss him than that they were worried about him. Anyway, it just bothered me when the usual Emma haters piled on about her "abandoning" Henry when I don't think she did any such thing. :)
  4. That's what it sounded like to me. Just no.
  5. Sorry, I just don't get this. Henry didn't seem to be in any type of peril at all. He was still in search of his own story and decided to look for Cinderella. Why would Emma leave her home, job, parents, and life in Storybrooke to tag along, even if she weren't pregnant? Unless I wasn't paying enough attention and there was some sort of imminent danger surrounding Henry. In which case, why wouldn't Henry just leave with them to get away from it? If anyone's doing the abandoning here, it's Henry.
  6. I did get around to watching the episode finally (or at least watching the Emma & Hook scenes and ffing through most of the rest). Overall I’m satisfied with the closure they gave to CaptainSwan. Do I wish it had gone differently and they had shown us more of their life together? Of course. But I resigned myself to the fact this isn’t that kind of show a long time ago. I loathed the entire Wish!Realm and especially Old Hook, but somehow Colin did make me feel for him when he was dying and talking about his daughter. Unfortunately, it’s just not enough to keep me interested long term. As usual the dialogue was super strange (the aforementioned Hook/Regina convo after Henry asks about Emma, Emma saying “We’re a family…almost”, the entire exchange on the Jolly, etc.). Are you really telling me not one person at the ballet recital whipped out their phone and started video-taping when Det. Weaver made his announcement? That was probably the most unrealistic thing about the entire ep! I’ve seen some people talking about Emma “abandoning” Henry and I have to wonder if they actually watched the episode? So now staying home when your grown child moves away constitutes abandonment? I actually think Regina tagging along on Henry’s adventure is way worse. It’s borderline creepy and makes him look like a pathetic mama’s boy. Some time has to have passed since Henry left, so why couldn’t they just let Emma have the short hair JMo is currently sporting? The extensions just looked SO BAD! My regular viewing ends here, but I may pop in from time to time to talk about the old days or see what’s going on and how everyone feels about it. I came into the season sort of rooting for it to fail and get cancelled. But now that I know CaptainSwan is off happy together and these writers can’t ruin them, I really don’t care.
  7. So I just saw this gem on Adam's twitter feed: Adam Horowitz‏Verified account @AdamHorowitzLA We have a carefully constructed timeline. We have fab graphs and charts tracking everything. But it would spoil to share now. Maybe l8r! Did he ever stop to think that if the writers need to have graphs and charts to keep track of the timeline, it might be a little too complicated for the general audience to follow? ISTG these guys are just so arrogant they think it's so clever to make things this confusing, but all they're doing is alienating existing viewers and preventing new viewers from jumping in.
  8. I agree that it feels like this is someone impersonating Hook, but how would that account for the spoiler photos that show Emma, Henry and the two Hooks all hanging out together. They don't seem to feel threatened by the "other" Hook. I'm not sure which option I'm pulling for - none of them seem great at this point. They are working overtime to ensure Emma & Hook get their happy ending while still keeping Colin on the show. I'm just not sure that they're doing any of the characters justice in the long run. And count me among those that doesn't care about the CS baby given that we will never get to see it and it will play no role in the show ongoing.
  9. To be honest, I found both sneaks to be extremely awkward for everyone. In the one on the Jolly, the dialog is really strange (Henry: "Always keep your eye on the blade." Hook: "As I said, always keep your eye on the blade.") Then Emma deducing that Henry is leaving home b/c of his hissy fit. Not to mention the odd editing where Hook is holding his sword on Henry, but when they pan to another angle he's holding out his hand and his sword is sheathed. Then in the second one, what's with Henry calling her "Emma"? And Hook acting so odd - it was like they needed to hit the audience over the head with the fact that this isn't our Hook. Anyway, it doesn't bode well for the episode, especially since I think there's just one more Emma scene (daytime in the forest). And don't even get me started on her extensions!
  10. Yep, pretty sure that's the case. We only know of JMo filming in the forest and then on the Jolly Roger. There was some spec that she could have done a little shooting in the studio on the first day, but it wouldn't be much. It's very clear that this is just what A&E were calling it - a curtain call. One last chance to parade Emma out for ratings. Have her hug Henry and kiss Hook and then go off for her happily ever after never to be seen or heard from again. I've seen all the different theories about Hook, but I can't think of any that would explain how he's acting in that sneak peek. It appears he doesn't know Emma at all which wouldn't be the case if he was "future Hook." In interviews A&E have shot down the idea that the returning characters are their characters' counterparts from other realms, so that's not the answer. Oh well, guess we'll find out tonight. I was planning to watch live, but got a better offer, so will be watching tomorrow. Enjoy!
  11. Oh @Shanna Marie, I think you know better than to hope for Rumple to get his comeuppance (or even get bested by anyone) ;). If it hasn't happened in 6 seasons, I highly doubt it will happen here. A&E love their "complex" character too much to see him go down. So as much as I love both of these actors, I will be skipping through this entire storyline.
  12. Yeah, I think the bottle will definitely come into play at some point. However, in the spoiler pics of Hook in the forest (when he's there with Emma and adult Henry) he's holding a chess piece (rook). I'm not a chess player, but some have mentioned that this may be foreshadowing some sort of "split" where one Hook goes home with Emma and one moves on with Henry. And I also thought it was glaring that Emma didn't call him Henry's step-father, but these writers are so heavy-handed it obviously has something to do with the title of the episode...
  13. There was a lot of speculation the first time they built the troll statue that the car was Emma frozen in her bug :). I think that theory was abandoned with they said 7x02 would provide closure to Emma's story and that she wouldn't return for future eps.
  14. Yeah, while I do like Hook, I don't really care much about the other characters that have held over. And more than that, pretty much all of the relationships that I enjoyed are gone (romantic, familial and otherwise). I never cared for the Regina/Hook snarkfest and I'm completely over the Hook/Rumple feud (and I find the Regina/Henry relationship really unhealthy). Of the remaining characters I guess Regina/Rumple and Hook/Henry are the only ones I'm somewhat interested to see, although it doesn't seem like we're getting much of the former and the latter is with a brand new actor, so who knows.
  15. It was posted on the Once twitter account. Now we know that Henry/Cinderella is an epic as Snowing because she punched him <insert exaggerated eye roll>.
  16. I totally agree. I think Colin was under a lot of pressure to promote S7 and was given the talking point "Emma and Hook got their happy ending". He's been running with that talking point since D23 when he had seen the script for 7x01 at most. I don't think he's lying, but the happy ending they are talking about could easily be what we saw at the end of S6 or the time between S6 finale and S7 premiere. I don't believe he has ever said "CS fans have nothing to worry about". He has only stuck to the "Emma and Hook got their happy ending" talking point. As was said above, these writers are not writing this for the CS audience - especially since Emma isn't on the show anymore! When have they ever been adamant on no new love interest for Hook? The only time I've seen it addressed was when Eddy said "Never say never." And then on twitter Adam said it was a legitimate question. I don't think they will go there, but who knows? Fans specifically asked about this and Adam shot this idea down in no uncertain terms. I'm with @Rumsy4, I don't want to be a downer, but I think people have a better chance of not getting disappointed if they keep their expectations nice and low!
  17. That's true - not to mention time could move differently in EF 2.0 and HH, so he may only be gone for a day or two. I guess my point is that we won't see him interacting with their child (or Emma), so why is that something to get excited about? If the child was somehow in HH and there was a connection btw him/her and Rogers, that would be interesting to me. The fact he and Emma have a child is nice and all, but if I don't get to see them together as a family, it just doesn't do anything for me.
  18. My guess is that it leads to 7x02 and that's where it ends. I just don't see them wanting Rogers' story to center around his memories of someone who isn't on the show anymore. I know I should just wait and see what they end up doing in the second ep, but I still don't see any resolution for Hook and Emma's story that sounds even remotely "satisfying". I can't even get excited about the prospect of a CS child since Rogers would be separated from said child for the entire season, so what's the point?
  19. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the premiere. Very little about the whole "real world" premise actually interests me, and since I was pretty much just hanging on for CaptainSwan at the end, I'm not sure I'll make it past the first couple eps. This is somewhat intriguing because Colin mentioned in a couple different interviews that he doesn't have the hook, but has a prosthetic in Seattle. So I wonder if it's some sort of robotic hand or if he just forgot and moved it by accident :). Are they setting up Rogers and Rumple to work together? I guess the only other question I have is what you thought of the chemistry between some of the characters - like Henry/Cinderella, Henry/Rogers, etc. That's probably the only thing that could keep me interested.
  20. Eh, I'm kind of over the whole Killian/Rumple thing. I had my fill of Rumple treating him terribly and getting away with everything in 4A. I'm really disappointed that they are setting up the same old dynamic with them. I personally would find it so much more interesting if Rogers was Rumple's superior or had some sort of control over him (how can they resist making Hook a "Captain"?). Or if they made Rumple's cowardly personality come to the forefront, or even if they made him a totally by-the-book type. Instead Rumple will be a morally ambiguous detective who gets to treat Rogers like crap and never gets his comeuppance (because when has Rumple ever?).
  21. Yep. I do respect her, but she LOVES the show and even though she's a huge CS shipper, her favorite character is Regina. I think she views the show in a much different (and less critical) way than I do. This is actually really juicy! Especially since Adam has spent the last month on Twitter insisting that "they wanted Jen back as a regular and she agreed to come back for one ep so they are thrilled". The whole thing feels really strange - like they are trying to place all the blame on her. But if this is true, they really suck. Maybe someday when the show is over all the tea will be spilled! I think there is VERY little in the way of buzz and all of that came from the pic of Emma returning, the Belle ep and the recent announcement about Zelena's return. Of course that's not for lack of trying by some of the newbies (yikes!). Also, just looking at Mandy's replies and some of the other speculation going on, I'm starting to think time passes much differently in HH and Killian will only be gone a few days in SB time.
  22. I think we need to bookmark this post so we can revisit it after the premiere and count up how many details you were able to accurately predict :). I wonder about Lucy and how much she knows. She knows Henry is her father and in the finale was saying something about his family needing help, but I wonder who she's talking about. That is, does she know Roni is Henry's mother and Rogers is his step-father? Does she know all about Storybrook and will she be trying to get them to remember Emma, Snow, etc. or will she just know the people that were in the EF2 before the curse. Ok, that just surpassed the amount that I actually care about Lucy, so I'll stop now.
  23. The other big twist is that apparently Hook lost an ARM in the off-season as I'm pretty sure he had two last we saw him. Sorry, but that whole article was just riddled with strange comments...
  24. It just all sounds so mundane and incredibly boring. They're introducing like 6 new regulars - they should be trying to drum up excitement, but instead every article makes it sound worse than the last. Struggling to pay rent? Trouble at work? Uber driver? Failed author? The hits just keep on coming. And sorry, but taking a character no one knows, that audiences have never even seen, and making her the focal point of the promo poster is just another big swing and a miss...
  25. Season 7?? Seriously, though, you should tell her that if Regina wasn't so terrible, Snow would never have learned to have hope and Emma would have grown up as a mindless, wimpy, singing princess. Also, it's all the author's fault :).
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