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Everything posted by Kktjones

  1. Yeah, I know some people here are actively rooting for the show to be cancelled, but given these comments I don't think it's dead yet. My guess is it goes down to the wire just like last season. Which, of course, means that A&E will be focused on S8 and won't treat this as the end/invite the old cast back for the series finale, etc. They may not learn the show's fate until after filming is over which means they could leave it open-ended.
  2. That would have been really interesting to explore. Regina was so threatened by Emma in S1, I wonder if she ever thought Emma & Neal would reunite and try to get custody of Henry. What would have been great is if Regina and Neal somehow ended up together - talk about complex! But instead they decided to have his S2 story revolve around Tamara and then he promptly was killed off in S3.
  3. This is totally random, but my mind was wandering while on a conference call today, and I was thinking of a missed opportunity on this show (I know, right?). I'm really surprised they didn't have a good guy/hero fall in love with a bad guy/villain while both were cursed. It could definitely have made for some interesting drama when the curse broke and both people realized who they really were. I've seen it done in fan fiction where Hook was in S1 Storybrooke and he and Emma had a relationship. This actually seems like something right up their alley, and yet they didn't use it in S1 or S7.
  4. I haven't watched tonight's episode, but from what I gather, the gang has now been in EF2 and part of the resistance for something like 8 years. So it's been 8 years and Hook is still wearing THE EXACT SAME CLOTHES?? Someone please tell me this isn't true. I mean come on! Really? Also from the pics and gifs I've seen, Alice and Robin look cute.
  5. Interesting - I haven't heard anything about this. So they are in HH? Who has been cast as Naveen? I'm surprised there hasn't been an official announcement if he's been filming three episodes already! Also, I know people were speculating that Whook might be "awake" since Colin was seen filming in a leather jacket. I saw that yesterday Henry was wearing a navy blue pea coat and wool scarf, so do we think that means he's awake too? At this point, who's even left under the curse?
  6. Well the promo for 7x10 shows Lucy in the EF2 and she looks to be the same age as she is in HH. So they either jumped ahead 10 years, spent some time in a realm where time moves differently, or she's not Henry's biological child. I'm seeing lots of rumors about Regina's love interest being Dr. Facilier. I'm not sure where it originated, but it appears to be supported from a number of different people. Looks like he's returning in 7x13 - I wonder if he and Regina meet in the EF2 or in HH. Per interviews with A&E earlier this year, the LGBT romance is set to kick-off in 7x10. I think most have predicted it will be Alice & Robin. I actually got ahold of part of the script from that episode: Robin storms away from Zelena Robin: Oh my god - my mom is such a witch! Alice: Oh my god - my mom's a witch too! Robin: At least your mom didn't disguise herself as someone else in order to trick your dad into getting her pregnant! Alice: .......... Classic meet-cute, don't you think?
  7. I'm really surprised too - I think in the past we've usually seen a drop in the first episode back after the two week AMA/Thanksgiving break. If they can hold a .5 rating through 7A, I would not expect a cancellation announcement anytime soon. Not to say it won't ultimately go lower and get cancelled, I just think it's too early for ABC to make that call (given the state of their lineup). It also means A&E probably won't be writing towards a series end, so I wouldn't hold your breath for any cameos or Storybrooke scenes. They could very well not know the fate of the show until the season (or at least filming) is over (like last year)...
  8. That would be a nifty little trick I can get behind 100%! I honestly don't think Adam meant to tease a story about "what really happened to Emma". I think he just meant that the reason they can't call Emma for help or that she wouldn't come to help (which is totally in-character for her) is because of the time-travel aspect. He was just responding to people who thought the explanation of why she went back to SB was fine, but wondered why she wouldn't come back when the gang is cursed. As for the line from Hook to Regina, I seriously think that was just a strange way of keeping their huge pregnancy twist a surprise until Emma showed up.
  9. I am almost certain that Adam answered this issue with another one of his Twitter responses. Basically, the reason Emma (or anyone else from SB) is not involved is because HH is in 2017, while SB is several years ahead of that. So during 2017 in Storybrook, Henry was still a 16 year old living at home and all was well. I HIGHLY doubt they are going to make anything related to Emma a focal point of the show considering JMo is not appearing again and they seem to be doing everything they can to completely erase her character.
  10. Yep. That's why as much as I love Emma and CaptainSwan, I am actually glad JMo decided to leave. Season 6 was SO bad for her character and her relationship with Hook (the wedding notwithstanding), that I can only imagine it getting even worse in Season 7. For some reason I'm thinking of her in the Season 1 Mary Margaret role - timid, afraid to speak up for herself, pining over a man (Hook) who is married to someone else, etc. It would have been extremely painful with little chance for a satisfying payoff after the curse is broken.
  11. I have to say I'm surprised at how much Allison H (Lucy) is making per episode! It makes me very curious to know how much others on the show are getting paid. I would guess the new adult actors are making at least twice that and the returning regulars maybe triple or quadruple? Also, does anyone have an idea of how much the actors get paid for conventions? I'm thinking the Creation Cons where they are there for one day and have a panel, meet & greet, autographs and photo ops. They must make quite a bit for it to be worth their while right? Maybe $50 - 75K per con? Do you think they make anything on merchandise (especially things that include their likeness like T-shirts, calendars, etc.)? Sorry, I guess I'm just nosy and curious to know how much the actors on this show are making.
  12. Yeah - I think this may go for Brigitte and Leah who both came on board as writers after Season 4 as well. While this instance was probably the most tame of all the dubious consent issues, it's part of a pattern that has been going on since S1 with no repercussions or serious acknowledgment. In other words, it didn't happen in a vacuum. People were already upset about Whook sleeping with a woman that isn't Emma and this just made it even worse. As for the 12 year-old actress weighing in on it, all I can say is "Yikes!" Someone should really give these newbies some social media training...
  13. Not watching the show anymore, but I did happen to see a couple of the Hook scenes that crossed my Tumblr dash. A few thoughts: The whole “rape by deception” thing was done for one reason and one reason only – shock value. They could have had the witch seduce Whook as herself and then reveal why after the fact. But they wanted the “twist” of the witch being his daughter’s mother instead of Rapunzel, so they decided to go back to the dubious consent well. While I find the scenes between Whook and Alice (both as a baby and a grown woman) to be sweet, I just can’t get into them. It’s like they finally figured out they should slow down and have some special character moments, only it’s a season too late as most of the characters and relationships people care about are gone. Is it just me, or is Regina like 100 times nicer to this version of Hook than she was to the original. It’s almost enough to make me wonder if they might end up going the HookedQueen route. Especially since they haven’t introduced anyone else as a love interest for her yet. ETA: Just thought of one more: Does anyone else find it odd that they have Murderella showing so much cleavage? Isn't that usually reserved for villains? Do you think that means she is considered a villain in this world or that she could be headed that way? I don't know anything about her beyond what I've read here, but I found it interesting.
  14. OMG - I just realized that if Alice and Robin become a couple they can bond over the fact that they're both rape babies...
  15. I don't even watch the show anymore and I correctly predicted this one. I mean rape by deception AGAIN? A&E really never learn...
  16. Yeah, mophead just tweeted a pic of her and Colin sitting on a messed up bed with a caption saying we're in for "some surprises" tonight. So I'm guessing Rapunzel is actually mophead under a glamour spell and she tricks Whook into sleeping with her. Major eyeroll...
  17. As Jen recently said at a con, "Then Emma started crying and she never stopped." It was really a shame how bleak the show became. Season 3 and 4A still had some of that fun, adventure and fairy tale charm to it. Pretty much everything that came after that was just dark, sad and depressing. I guess writers now think that it needs to be dark to be taken seriously. They should have taken a page from Marvel and made the show more lighthearted and fun.
  18. I'm pretty sure 7x10 is the mid-season finale - it was mentioned in more than one article (perhaps the ones about Zelena and/or Robin's return). So I think 7x10 will air on 12/15 and then I'm guessing they take a break until after the Olympics, so maybe early March. It is interesting that if this is the case, A&E didn't write the finale. They did write the Spring premiere.
  19. This still wouldn't explain why Robin has aged 20 years and Zelena looks exactly the same! Just par for the course this season I guess :).
  20. So of course he's deleted it, but Adam tweeted "HH isn't ten years in future. It's in 2017". So this means it's only been 6 years since Henry went and found Emma. So he would be 16, Emma would be 34, etc. If they are trying to say that Henry left town when he was 18, that means that current day HH is actually in the past for these characters. I did wonder if the characters (or at least some of them) traveled back in time. Luckily I don't really care. And apparently neither do the writers!
  21. I definitely think you're onto something with this. I wonder how many of those folks on Facebook are really members of the GA and how many are just part of the (Christian? Right-wing? Nut job? Homophobic/racist) group that came out in droves against Ruby Slippers under the guise of watching the show. As someone here pointed out, usually you don't see so many people on Facebook bothering to comment on a show that already has one foot in the grave. And the fact that SO MANY of the comments are specifically complaining about Cinderella makes you wonder.
  22. This actually made me wonder if maybe Ivy isn't the LGBT character they promised would be identified by the fourth episode. I REALLY hope they don't do some kind of "she's nasty b/c she's had to hide who she really is" story. Not that it isn't a worthy topic worth exploring, but in the hands of these writers it would be a disaster! On a completely different note, can someone that's still watching tell me - is Rogers wearing eyeliner?? I just saw a gif of him in his "detective uniform" and it totally looks like he's still sporting guyliner. If so, has it ever been acknowledged?
  23. I completely agree that the second half of the season will be a complete Regina-fest. She will be the ultimate hero and I wouldn't be surprised if her "romance" took center stage. They've already written through 7x11 at least, so we may not see the changes coming until after that, but I fully expect to see more of both Lana and Colin. Not sure about Bobby. He has stated outright that this is his last season, so I'm guessing they accounted for that when deciding on his arc, so they may not be able to adjust it. Plus he seems to be filming A LOT less than the other regulars, so he may have something in his contract about his work days/hours. With the writing on the wall, I do wonder how they will wrap the series up. Will they have Henry & family return to Storybrook and try to bring back as many of the original cast for the finale. Or will they just wrap up the HH story and leave the rest open-ended?
  24. Wow - he must be desperate to get the Rumbelle fans to watch! It's interesting that he didn't release even one script tease for 7x02 (Emma's last episode). Thinking back, though, there wasn't one "swoon-worthy" exchange between Emma & Hook, so I guess there wasn't much to tease. Plus I don't think he was as desperate back then :).
  25. I agree about the hyperbole so much of the cast and writing team has been using this year. Personally it's a turn-off to hear how these episodes are so much better than the past ones. Like someone mentioned, it puts people on the defensive to begin with. Then when it turns out to not be true, people start to believe it's just PR. Going back to the JMo discussion for a moment, it sounds like they cut some lines of dialogue, not whole scenes, which makes much more sense. Also putting my tin hat on for a moment, JMo shared the line that was cut between her and Henry which was Henry telling her Regina "is bad at goodbyes." What this tells me is that the scene was written in such a way that Emma & Regina did not exchange words so it seems they knew ahead of time they wouldn't be filming together. You would think Emma would say something like "take care of Henry for me" or some such. Anyway, just interesting.
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