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Yes, I've been thinking about this as well. Are we going to spend six or eight or a season focusing on Olympia, just to clear her before moving on to Jason Ritter and Beau Bridges? Because going one after the other seems a waste of, at least in these episodes, of Ritter and Bridges, both talented actors. ETA, I'm particularly looking forward to some meaty battles of wits between Bates and Bridges.
I was licensed to practice law in 1985 and retired a few years ago. Based on Kathy Bates' age, Matty was licensed in the early 70s. In the 80s, I didn't have to face overt harassent, mostly because I chose to work in government. But even in 1985, government was one of the few places where there was more or less parity between the sexes. But even there the men could be so silly about things -- I remember when we got computers that some of the older men just about had fits because typing was women's work. I'm loving this show. And even tho I'd seen earlier episodes where it looked like she was in trouble, only to see the reveal where Matlock orchestrates everything, I was surprised at the end. And not only was Maddy's closing argument great she also gave wonderful advice to her younger male colleague. Although I am a little upset that they have three attorneys sharing an office. But then, I've never worked for a silk stocking law firm.
At the rehearsal he said he picked ATHLETES! for his team! Stephen, Danny, Ilona er, Phaedra? ETA, oh I get it. I missed that Ilona was the other captain.
Stephen is adorable. But he is not a smooth dancer and doesn't seem to be improving as the weeks go on. YMMV.
I've been looking for a post-game interview with Chelsie where she is asked "If you'd won the final HOH, who do you choose? Cam or MJ?" But I haven't found one and I'm too lazy to sit through a bunch of podcasts. She more or less says she would have taken Makensy in this interview with Parade. But I'm still not convinced. Chelsie is smart and she wanted to win. But maybe she is also smart enough and nice enough to not want to pile on MJ, who now owns one of the dumbest moves in BB history. This interview also reveals that Chelsie still thinks she and Cam could happen. Dang girl. https://parade.com/tv/chelsie-baham-big-brother-26-winner-interview
I thought for a moment she was going to refuse to leave.
I love Stephen and have been rooting for him since the beginning. But I've found all his dance to be, as you say, clunky. He's enthusiastic and athletic; but he is not graceful. Although I have a theory based on his high scores (and Chandler's) -- now that Eric and Reginald are gone the judges can give higher scores without making it so obvious that Eric and Reg were just really, really bad.
It is going to be unanimous. Leah and Angela were the only two I thought might vote for MJ.
IIRC, Matt has nothing to apologize for! Angela was being paranoid when she attacked him and his crazy eyes.
I bet everyone on the jury is thrilled to see Brooklyn's breasts the pre-jurors!
Last season they announced Reindeer Games during the finale. I liked it and would watch again. But Julie hasn't been dropping heavy hints about it this year. I love Kimo.
Is Chelsie saying she could have had a showmance with Cam, but chose not to? Okay. Do the rest of the houseguests know that she has a relationship through her actual Aunt with "Auntie Julie" outside the house or think she's just being funny.
YOU IDIOT. I hope that Chelsie and jury make things clear to MJ. Instead of Chelsie saying, "Thank you, I love you!", she should have said, "Thank you, I'm about to win $750K."
Cam, maybe they weren't guessing. Just because you don't know anything doesn't mean that others didn't pay attention and study. Mackenzey -- use your brain. if you choose Cam you are almost guaranteed $750,000.
It looks like Angela will vote for MJ, but she may be the only one. But way to go Taylor for calling Angela out! Taylor is going to catch up with him before long. She was gorgeous during BB24. Now she's mostly fillers with extra long hair extensions.