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Everything posted by ybrik

  1. Here are the promo and sneak peaks for the episode. The Terry/Amy scene looks like it will be awesome: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/brooklyn-nine-nine-episode-208-uspis.html
  2. I agree which is why I really feel the show wasted a lot of this season hiding the secret instead of dealing with the fall out. I also think this would be a good time to finally see Karma's POV. We rarely get a chance to see what is going on in her mind. She really doesn't have any outside party to speak to where we can get to see Karma's feelings like we can when Amy speaks with Shane or Lauren or her Mom. I do worry that the show will end the season with Amy and Karma at odds but somehow put her back with Liam which is just a bad thing for Karma.
  3. First let me say that I really like that we can have this serious type of conversation about the show without some of the more over the top reactions that I have seen elsewhere. I enjoy that everyone is able to express there thoughts and have a rational discussion without some of the vitriol that I have seen other places when discussing this show. I will be honest as I can understand why this was a problem for people, I was willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt and see where it went. I understand that this was a TV trope that has probably been overused but I always felt that should never be a reason why a writer should base the story on. I felt with the way it was set up and with Amy being so drunk something so out of character was possible. It was an extreme reaction that took everything that happened leading up to it for it to happen. So I could see how it happened storyline wise and have been willing to see where the show would go before being critical of the decision. However, after this episode, unless there is some major progression in the next episode, the ending of season 1 is looking worse, at least to me. We could end the season with Amy and Karma in even worse condition than they were at the end of season 1. Really this episode needed to happen 2-3 episodes earlier and more time needed to be given to the fallout for Karma and Amy. Also wanting to point out in the episode, loved when Lauren reminded Liz that she may have the power today, everything goes back to normal the next day. Loved Liz's reaction to that.
  4. Yeah I wonder about that. In a new promo Liam and his dad/granddad are making some kind of deal. The only thing I worry about this is that this will be some kind of justification for a Karma/Liam reunion. I don't mind if she forgives him or stops hating him but them getting back together will be something that makes me consider stop watching this show. I don't why I think they might get back together except that Carter has mentioned that the finale is supposed to be epic and I keep thinking that Liam saving Karma and Amy from prison with Karma finding out about it at the end and having some cliché romantic moment would be epic to him. Also it would really be annoying if they were to get back together and Karma and Amy still be on the outs. It would honestly feel this season was a waste. Really season 1 ended with Karma and Amy on the outs having to rebuild their friendship then season 2a ends with them in an even worse spot still having to rebuild their friendship. Honestly I hope Karma ends the season alone and starts 2b that way. Not because I don't like the character but I would hope we would finally be able to get see who the character really is. Right now Amy has Shane and Lauren who she can have conversations that we can see what is really on her mind. Karma doesn't have someone like that. She mainly deals with Amy and Liam so she can't have those type of conversations like Amy can. I am also wondering about the whole Karma's family being busted for selling pot/special brownies. This seems like a really tough direction for the show to go. Her parents get arrested so what will happen now. Will they go to jail? Are we supposed to be okay with them selling drugs to high school students? If they go to jail what would happen to Karma? I almost think that it will end up being a mistake and the special brownies have something else in them.
  5. I had forgotten one of my favorite parts was just tbe short conversation with Cisco and Caitlin trying to figure out how many bugs Barry eats a day. I keep imagining them coming up with completely weird things every day to try to figure out.
  6. Wow the denial is strong in Karma. She seemed so desperate to believe that Liam took advantage of Amy even though I think she knew the truth deep down. I did like her calling out Liam on his whole honesty bs. Amy really needs to work on the whole lying thing. It is like her default mode. Something tells me her trying to keep this from Reagan is going to bite her. Also what did she really think Karma was going to say when she asked Karma to forgive them both or hate them both. This episode really tried too hard with the Hunger game theme. It just seemed so forced. So once again Shane causes a chaos for his own personal agenda (getting his phone back). Lauren was great as usual.
  7. yeah not sure what to think of him revealing his identity to the bad guy. Also forgot to mention the hint about a burning man that has been spotted. I think for those who have been spoiled it is pretty obvious who this is. I did get kind of nervous when I saw Joe was part of the last scene.
  8. Caitlin waiting to ask Barry about what he was doing the previous night till right before she popped back his shoulder was funny. Cisco's excitement with Barry creating a sonic boom was great along with him wanting to go after their childhood bullies. I love the dynamic with them. Cisco is wildly enthusiastic about the whole superhero thing while Caitlin could care less about that but just cares about Barry being okay. Glad Iris got in that final punch but not thrilled with her basically ignoring that she is putting herself in trouble along with opening herself up to being used against the Flash. Of course this could be settled if Barry and Joe told her the truth. Liked Eddie and Barry bonding and being friends. Was surprised that Joe was already suspecting Wells. Of course, everything seems to Wells being the villain which means there has to be a twist. Glad that the Flash is officially the Flash.
  9. Maybe if Theo is a cop it's him. So I guess this gives us an idea of where the story is going for first 2/3 or 3/4 of the finale but I wonder what happens those last few minutes.
  10. I am not sure about the Amy part because of the pillow she has her head on. I didn't see it at the end of the ep and on the promo for the next ep it has a glimpse of Amy sitting up in bed but the pillows all look white. One thing I will point out from the S1 preview was that if you looked closely they gave away the last shot of the season with Amy's hands on Liam's back while it panned up to the picture. So who knows what may be the end . ETA: It definitely isn't the morning after in the next episode. New preview confirms that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYx5ERYwr-8
  11. I don't think Karma was jumping to the conclusion that Amy was the girl he slept with. As I posted above she was trying to be okay with what he was saying. Basically sleeping with Amy was the final line in the sand where she couldn't forgive Liam.
  12. Well it could play out a couple of different ways. 1) the straight up anger with a slap or sonething with the necklaces or silent treatment wirh a shoulder push. 2) Karma does hug Amy because she is in denial about Amy being the girl Liam slept with. So the ep will be Amy having work up the courage to say it was her. 3) Karma hugs Amy and acts like she forgives her to only get her revenge later. About the woah part. I think it will be a dream or a nightmare. A nightmare forAmy where Karma's I know is followed up with something like Karma saying she knows about Liam. If it is this it will be at beginning of next ep. If it is a dream it will be Karma's at the end of ep 10 realizing she has feelings for Amy.
  13. Wow was not expecting Zen to be such a jerk. I had assumed he would be cliché golden child who just was perfect and naturally got all the attention. Now it seemed like he intentionally tried to get all the attention and be the favorite child. Amy love you and all but advising Karma about telling the truth is kind of ridiculous. I mean how many lies did you tell in this episode? However, always get a kick out of competitive Amy. I like the chemistry between her and Reagan and am all for the kissing and Amy getting some but not really feeling the actress playing Reagan. That scene at the end where she is talking about her ex was bad. Her acting there was cringe worthy. Speaking of the story about the ex, something tells me that was a little too foreboding. Either she is going to have a negative reaction to finding about Liam/Amy hook up or we'll be seeing more tension filled moments with her and Karma. Was also glad that Farrah seemed okay about them as a couple. That was pretty surprising. Liam if the words it was not Amy weren't going to come out of your mouth there was nothing else for you to say there and you needed to get the hell out. Seriously what the hell were you going to say in that situation?
  14. Grodd!! Wells is such a badass. He is intimidating without needing overwhelm someone with his physical presence. Liked Iris's reasoning for pursuing the Streak story but yeah the whole not telling her the secret is too cliché. Also liked seeing the team out of the lab hanging out. It gives them a different dynamic than the Arrow's team. Cisco's heartbreak over losing one of the suits was great only then to stop caring once he saw how hot Plastique was. Also his excitement over getting to test things getting blown up was very much him. I am really enjoying the Caitlyn character. Her worry about sounding like Felicity when talking about Eddie. Then her line about carrying the blood testing kit with her.
  15. Actually it seems kind of sad because I think if you tie It with what she says earlier in the scene and other things she says about him, I think she feels lucky that he likes her. She mentions that he makes her a better person and talks about him having a poet's soul and him being a Ferrari. It's almost like she feels he is a better person than she is. So she has him on this pedestal kind of so she is trying to excuse him. First she is fine with it because they weren't together and she assumed it was some nameless girl. And when he shows further guilt she basically redraws the line so that she can keep him on the pedestal because as long as it is not Amy then he can still remain this ideal person she has in her mind. Of course I also think she is saying it's not Amy because she doesn't believe Amy would ever do that to her. We'll have to wait and see. I may be trying to analyze this too much at the moment.
  16. So is Liam going to recover enough from guilt face to lie to Karma or maybe Karma doesn't believe it is Amy? Let's face it if anyone could deny the truth to herself it is Karma. It may take Amy in the next episode having to say the words for Karma to really believe it. I am not sure what Reagan will think of this. She may not care too much as it was before they got together but I wonder if she will question Amy about her sexuality. The pageant has good comedy potential for Lauren and Amy. They have been getting along so well this season, it will be kind of fun to have them go after each other again. Also Karma does what she always does when something unexpected happens. Instead of stopping to analyze how she feels about it, she makes some grand gesture and blindly moves forward.
  17. Seriously Liam WTF? the title of the clip should be Liam is the worst instead of lying is the worst. I mean come on, if you weren't going to tell the whole truth you shouldn't try to tell a half truth especially when you can't lie for shit. http://www.mtv.com/shows/faking_it/lying-is-the-worst-sneak-peek/1097167/video/#id=1732385 I really want to see what Karma's immediate reaction is or how much we will see. Or is this going to be the end of the ep? About the Amy clip, poor Reagan thinking that Amy is going to be rational and all feminist and not ultra competitive.
  18. Ah what a great topic. For as many good couples there may be there are probably a lot more that would have been better. My all time ship that never was: Lucky/Emily. Seriously I had been waiting for this to happen since they first took off together as kids. I was the same age and I thought for sure they would one day be a couple. I have never been able to get behind Lucky and Liz because of this. I had hoped they may have gone with them when JY was brought on but they decided to pair him back with Liz while recasting brown Zander to white Zander and make him Emily's love interest. Then of course there was the hell that was NEM. Of course by the time they killed off Emily they had basically forgotten that Emily and Lucky were friends. Two other Lucky pairings that I would have liked have been mentioned are GV's Lucky with Robin and JJ's Lucky with Claire. Unfortunately these could never be because these two ladies were destined to be with guys who wouldn't treat them well. I mean they could have written some interesting grown up love stories with them and Lucky instead they wound up with one guy who would continuously need his ego stroked or he would look at another woman and then they other wound up with a guy who discarded her as soon as an old love came back into his life. Another one for me was Stefan and Chloe. I know Chloe was really a drag with Jax and totally should not have been paired with him instead of Alexis. Of course the show kept trying to have Jax and Chloe be some kind of new Lila and Edward which never really made sense since Jax are just alike in that they can be ruthless in business but outside of that they were so different. While Stefan and Chloe worked well at the time better as a possible new Lila and Edward. Speaking of Jax I agree with the post about Jax and V. Hell we just needed V to remain on the show. Georgie and Spinelli had potential to be good and I doubt Georgie would have enabled him and his Jason infatuation as much as Maxie did. Maybe it would have made him more of a grownup. I know this has been about romantic relationship but mentioning Spinelli made me think of a friendship that I wish we would have had explored more. Jax and Spinelli. When Jax was trying to help Spinelli that was fantastic.
  19. Rewatched the episode and I have to say Karma did kind of get screwed over by Amy/Liam/Shane. I know that she can be selfish and self absorbed but she really seemed like she was making an effort to be a good friend to Amy. There was a couple of different times when she seemed to realize that she was going too far and tried to pull back and make an effort to befriend Reagan. However, Amy and Liam kept trying to hide Karma from finding out the truth by Amy continuing to bring up things that she and Karma share to a point where Reagan makes a territorial move by putting her arm around Amy. Then she also made the comment about the mushrooms not being really important if Amy hadn't mentioned them before. This of course kicked up Karma's insecurities that Shane had stoked earlier and everything went downhill from there for Karma. Of course Karma being Karma took things too far once she went into full territorial mode but her actions don't excuse the others actions. I also don't really feel that Karma reaction to Amy saying she was in love with her is about her needing Amy to be in love with her due to her needing to be the center of attention. Yes Karma is self absorbed and selfish but saying that she needed to have Amy love her for her ego doesn't ring true. This whole season she has been trying to get Amy to move past her romantic feelings for her. I am not saying she doesn't want to be a big part in Amy's life but she wants it like it used to be before they started this whole crazy fake lesbian scheme. I think at the beginning of the episode you can see what she wants. She wants to have the relationship with Amy where they can tell each other everything about their significant others and go on double dates together. Basically have their relationship that they have had since kindergarten just with significant others or at least that is what she has convinced herself that she wants. Problem is that when Amy does what she wants and tries to move past her romantic feelings for Karma it does bother Karma when she has to face it in reality like when she saw Amy kissing the Brazilian or Amy tells her she is moving on. Of course when anything goes against her plan/ideal, she will ignore it and try to make everything go back to her ideal. I don't know if Theo is a cop or not. I think he may be an police informant instead. At least this way he could still be a teenager and not someone who could be in their 20's who is kissing a teenager. His whole dad in jail story did seem weird. Reagan is fine as a short term romantic interest. She and Amy are cute and fun together but I have to agree with some of the others that I am not really enamored with the character as some long term character. She, Duke and Theo are all the same to me. They work for the storyline at this time but I don't see them lasting longer or really want them to.
  20. Okay that was a fun episode. This was Faking It at its best. After the last couple of weeks a sort of filler this one really was good. Karma and Reagan trying to outdo the other was great. Especially ending with Karma stabbing Amy with the epi. But Karma you might need to analyze why you keep getting upset when you see Amy moving on from you. When Liam can see this you know there is an issue. Of course as perceptive as Liam might be, he should also take into account that a lot of the awkwardness going on waLas because he and Amy were trying to cover their secret. Shane definitely manipulated this situation. Lauren was great. Loved the 'flirting' with her and Duke. It was so fake. First thought on the preview was "Wade! O how I have missed you."
  21. I think I nearly died when I read the phrase SECRETLY BONING HIS SISTER when Rose appeared. Tbe text gags work for now just hope it isn't overdone. Okay I'm trying to remember if Natalia has been mentioned before finding out about Petra. Wasn't surprised Rafael and Petra working together but definitely surprised when he ended it with her. Jane and her family continue to shine every ep.
  22. Why do I get the feeling that whatever disaster happens Shane will probably be behind it? Granted Karma will probably cause it but Shane will be behind it.
  23. Sorry mjgchick I hadn't seen your post when I did mine. I was referring to the 2 prior to you that were saying the shiw should just be Amy, Lauren, and Shane. I agree it would be good to see Karma have to deal with Amy getting closer to other people as friends or more. I often post that Karma has this ideal picture of how she wants her life with the perfect bf on one side and the trusty bff on the other but she never takes into account that while she is trying to do this Amy isn't just going to stay there waiting for her. It will be interesting to see how Karma reacts to Reagan because it's easy to be happy in theory while talking over the phone. It is another to be happy when it is right in front of you. And I don't just being jealous romantically, which it still could be, but jealous that she is losing her place in her best friends life. I think this ep shows a major flaw for the season: the show is putting too much effort into building up to the secret reveal instead of the aftermath. Why should people invest in Liam/Karma when we know it is going to crash as soon as the secret comes out? (Even if they had great chemistry) The secret should have come out earlier and the majority of the season should have been dealing with the fallout.
  24. Yeah no I wouldn't watch that. Shane is tolerable in small dosages and Lauren is fine in her role. They work as they are written now but in a larger role it would be overkill. Also the dynamic between Karma and Amy isn't one that can be replaced by either Lauren or Shane. Also as mentioned above I would like to see more of Karma sans Liam obsession. I will say that Lauren dancing with a pacifier in her mouth will never not be entertaining. I think Shane isn't going to be able to handle dating a person in the closet. His look at the end plus his constantly bringing up Liam/Amy's hookup tell me he really can't keep a secret. So I think sooner or later he is going to out Duke or start spilling other people's secrets.
  25. Okay that even felt kind of flat. There were some good moments but these last couple of eps have felt like fillers. They seem to be building up for big reveal. These episodes have had the characters move in directions that are necessary but it just feels forced. I haven't hated the eps but there are parts dragging. Mainly the Karma/Liam relationship. The drama in this episode was just so forced and took too long to resolve. Also this episode really seem to highlight that their is really no real chemistry between them. I will say the ep did seem to start putting some cracks in Karma's image of Liam. Lauren on X was perfect. Not sure what to think of Reagan yet as she was barely on. Glad Karma seemed happy for Amy. We'll have to see how long that last.
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