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Miss Chevious

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Everything posted by Miss Chevious

  1. Zucchini can stuff it with that whiney voice. She’s not fooling anyone, she’s been around the block plenty. Which is totally at odds with what Ben is looking for. He wanted a Church Lady, he’s getting Party City. Plus she’s not at all keen on being a stepmother. Hightail it outta there, Benny Boy. And if having kids is so darn important to Mykull, why in the world does he hook up with an older woman who’s way past her childbearing years. Makes no sense. Ditto for Laura and Aladdin, Mr. & Mrs. Jiggy. These people terrorize me with their stupidity.
  2. I think it was weird that Big Ang made Mykull ask her daughter for her aaaaigg. It’s as if she was afraid to because she already knew the daughter would turn her down. Plus I happened to notice when Ben was up on the rooftop talking on the phone to his friend, he specifically didn’t mention the bride price thing. He just said something like when he meets with the father tomorrow, after it happens then they’re married. It’s as if he’s trying to hide the fact he’s buying himself a bride.
  3. Suemeat just happened to escape the parental wardens so he could be at the apartment just as Jenny is leaving? Sounds fishy, TLC setup for sure.
  4. Doesn’t anybody have Kleenex on this show? Bunch of snivelers.
  5. Late to the party, but I finally figured out how to do this. I’m definitely a senior citizen, age 65.
  6. Big Ang is monitoring his phone. No way she'd let any chick near her My-cull! She had a fit just to see a woman in the background of one of his pictures.
  7. I don’t know which of the two is more delusional. Laura for thinking Aladdin is actually attracted to her or Aladdin for thinking Laura could actually have a baby. Yes, Liam is rude and boorish but that conversation in the baths was ridiculous. There’s never going to be a baby. Laura is too old to have children. Aladdin doesn’t seem to understand that. If Aladdin is in this for the green card, he’s in for a long wait.
  8. Agree 100%. And from now on, I'm going to ask if they have a criminal record before I sleep with them.
  9. Congrats to you! Hanging out on these boards is good for something.
  10. Yeah, that was her. She posts on FB from time to time and she’s still fat.
  11. Yep, I like to sit up and read in bed so I want a bed jacket. All the ones nowadays aren't pretty and fluffy with ribbons like Aunt Bee's, they're ugly quilted, flannel, or really heavy duty horrors that bear no resemblance whatsoever. Bring back the bed jacket standard!
  12. I heard black eyeshadow is great for baggy eyelid skin. That way it all just kind of blends in. Nothing like having two black holes in your face (to match the hole in your head) Rebecca!
  13. Oh yeah, Cesar thinks he's North Carolina's version of Brad Pitt.
  14. Oh nerdy Benjamin, you are a sitting duck for Family Zucchini. They want to rope you in, keep you under their watchful eye with their enforced sleeping accommodations and size you up to get the best possible bride price. You're being judged like the prize steer at the cattle auction. They hauled in the whole fam damily to give you the once-over as soon as you arrived. How quickly you lost control of the situation! There's no way you're going to be able to have any jiggy-jiggy until you've paid up and the marriage ceremony is over. No one is going to touch their little snowflake until you pay up as much as they can get out of you. Big brother Fidel is going to make sure of that. Your best bet is to call their bluff and make like you want to skedaddle. Pack your bags and head for the airport. That's when they'll be ready to negotiate. But of course, you won't be thinking with that part of your anatomy. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
  15. I think a lot of these foreign spouses/fiances are looking for a nice cushy life in America and unfortunately for them, the Americans sometimes talk a big talk but cannot come up with the goods. We don't really know how well off the Americans portrayed themselves to be, setting up a rude awakening later. David/Annie, Colt/Larissa, for example. To people in very poor countries, even the $6000 Jenny had would seem like a ticket out for Sumit. He already catfished her once so why wouldn't he lie about a wife?
  16. Hehehe <laughing hysterically> I don't think there's that much chocolate or M&M's in this world....
  17. Yes, This! I should have added in my previous post the lure of money and fame is too much for them to resist. And of course, they're all angling to be on for another season, or to be on Pillow Talk or another Spin Off. That's a big fat carrot to dangle.
  18. Was out of town, so finally got around to watching this episode. Ji-buffoon & Goth Geisha Girl - what in the world were they talking about for months and months before she came to S. Korea? They should have been discussing living arrangements, money, checklists of things for him to do/to get/to buy in order to be ready for her arrival. Instead, there's car seat mix-ups and surprise, surprise, we're livin' with the 'rents for months on end she gets blindsided with. Don't these people communicate at all? I'm not a fan of Goth Geisha Girl by any means, but she should've found out what she was in for exactly before she boarded that plane. What a sh*t stirrer Ji-buffoon is - for him to tell his parents she doesn't want to be living there with them? Colossal boo-boo. They're going to love the grandbaby but her, not so much. Sue-Meat and Mrs. Magoo - why does Jenny sit there grinning & blinking like a fool behind those giant unflattering glasses and let her daughter do the dirty work for her? Jenny should be asking Sue-Meat the hard questions and insist on getting a straight answer, not the daughter. Who would be content to sit alone in an apartment in a foreign country while their SO (who has no job) flits off to parts unknown for days on end. Raw-nold and Tiffster - they're both so dysfunctional. If they're like this now in the honeymoon phase, how's it going to be later on in this ill-conceived (no pun intended) marriage? She's acting like his warden and that's going to get old quick. And Raw-nold is going to be pushing back big time, as we already witnessed in their verbal altercation. And I did see her smirk when she told him she didn't bring her purse. What woman doesn't take a purse with her when she leaves the house? That was either deliberate on her part or it was staged by TLC to provide drama. Every one of these chicks should pack their bags and split. But I guess the lure of TLC money is too much to resist for these losers.
  19. The same one Nicole inhabits. Actually, Nicole AKA Baby Beluga and Cesar Salad would be perfect for each other. TLC should arrange a meetup.
  20. "The Bed Jacket" is one of my favorites too. Even though that episode is in black and white, I always imagined that bed jacket being pink, although I couldn't tell you why. I would love to get one a bed jacket as a gift. Why can't I find one like Aunt Bee's?
  21. The word “cautious” is not in their translator app.
  22. I agree completely with the above posters about Laura's blasting her sex life with her boy-toy husband all over national TV and by extension, social media. Totally cringe-worthy. This inquiring mind does not need to know the sordid details from either one of them. But since sex is the only thing between them (no pun intended) that's all TLC can use as a storyline. It's not like they communicate with each other on a deeper level and have meaningful discussions about art, philosophy, books or current events. She's blinded by lust and he's got the IQ of a turnip, so what else are they going to talk about. I just don't want to hear it!
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