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Everything posted by Silo

  1. My guess is that the producers wanted B to take Sonja under her wing for a storyline. "Can the most brusque, straightforward person on earth get through to someone who's arguably diagnosable as delusional?" And that B was ok to try bc she genuinely likes Sonja and remembered from years ago how sweet Sonja was. Bc otherwise, it's pretty bizarre that someone as narcissistic as B would try to help ANYONE. Usually, B makes it all about herself 100% of the time. I think as a rule RH would be much more interesting if B was allowed to talk about anyone or anything besides herself. I'm so tired of hearing her talk about herself, her daughter, her divorce, her past or her brand. But I think she's generally clever, insightful and interesting when talking about ANYTHING else lol
  2. What's defined as "entertaining" is arguable, but my guess is Andy gives a pass to the ladies who can bring full drama without having a mate. Those who are more boring must showcase their lovelife to give their storyline some oomph, is my guess.
  3. Haha LOVE! Agree totally. And I liked Bethanny so much that I went to her one-woman show.Regarding her boyfriend's lack of appearance, he may not have wanted to be on tv or she may have wanted to keep her love life separate from the show.
  4. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant. I was not overweight before getting pregnant nor did I gain a ridiculous amount of weight while pregnant. I also did not get GD until the last 1.5 months of my pregnancy. While one definitely should watch the amount of sugars they consume while having GB, weight itself has nothing to do with it. Cate did not get GB bc she was fat and you can never have diabetic issues, eat well and still get GB while pregnant. It's all in how your body responds to the pregnancy and that's it.
  5. Re: Bethenny's bday party, here's what I think happened: the producers wanted to show her birthday because she had a GIANT FUCKING MELTDOWN on camera during a birthday party when she was engaged to Jason and were hoping it would happen a second time. So they told her to throw a party and invite whomever bc the party was not about the guests, it was about B's impending meltdown. She invited whom she wanted and a great time. There was no meltdown to film, so the drama turned to the peeps she didn't invite. My theory.
  6. Gigi wants Mike to admit he made a pass at her while he had a girlfriend and then apologize for it. She feels creeped out and disrespected. We all know how drama queens act when they feel disrespected. I don't think she feels victimized nor did she ever say she felt like a victim.
  7. Dorinda's mistake at the restaurant was not racism or prejudice, it was stereotyping. My guess is that Heather will never fully stand up to Bethenny bc Bethenny has networked and is now well-connected and carries clout bc of her wealth. Heather is a business woman with great aspirations and is not going to take the chance of offending Bethenny and getting cutoff from Bethenny's connections. Ramona knows she needs to fight with *somebody* to stay relevant and Bethenny is the safest. She's sparred w Beth before on the show and they've come through it and still were friendly at the end. I think all the other women would cut Ramona out and not film w her if she keeps being bitchy. I personally can't stand Ramona and hope she never comes back, but she's an OG so we're prob stuck w her unless she really screws up.
  8. I signed up for an account on PreviouslyTV just so I could like this comment. This might be the most spectacular insight I've read online in months about anything.
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