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Everything posted by ganesh

  1. My professional society has been choosing venues for conferences based on gender neutral bathrooms for a couple of years now. The thing is, yeah, it doesn't affect me, but it's also not too difficult a fix either. Why not just take the win for everyone?
  2. It is a $950 million industry, but the larger context is also important. There's so-called contracted employees everywhere that have to get their own healthcare, etc.
  3. Oh, they can read. They know that most of their base just won't read so they're just hammering their false narrative so they believe it.
  4. The gag with the whiteboards was hilarious when Brian yelled "oh come on!" Trevor Somebody (black)
  5. I always assumed Sinclair told Marcus why Sheridan was important.
  6. ganesh

    College Basketball

    Finally. jfc. They had no business getting out of the second round.
  7. I feel like they haven't done one in a while.
  8. Nothing against Pete and if he doesn't win I hope he moves the national conversation to be more civil, but a mayor hasn't been a nominee ever, so it's a steep hill.
  9. ganesh

    College Basketball

    It's amazing how Duke is supposed to be so good but seemingly is winning because opponents can't finish.
  10. I think being unmarried and child free is an unfair criticism here. I don't know anything about his personal life, but just watching the show when he had his friends on, it's clear he cares about them.
  11. I have no idea what in the ever living fuck they were talking about with the hotel. It's the point of the free society to boycott things. Well why not boycott oil? We can literally do that with nuclear power Bill. You going to finally grow up and support nuclear?
  12. Never underestimate the ability of Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot. Rebrand the fucking concept. Like you said, ACA vs Obamacare.
  13. I do have to give Bill credit for just not giving a fuck on the panel. More of that. He's absolutely right about Iowa. It's stupid. I would love for any candidate to just not even bother with Iowa.
  14. How many times have we said that here? I'm amazed Cupp said that. It's wrong to generalize people who voted for Trump, but it's highly likely if someone is a racist they voted for him. It's a documented fact that this element is society has been emboldened by him. So yeah, you can fuck off. I'm under no obligation to talk to you. For me, and I know this isn't fair, if you're voting against your own well being, that's not my problem either. I don't really give a shit if you don't like it while you're pumping your gas. Do better. The congress woman is flat out wrong. There was only one person talking about what's important in their lives? They voted their interests? No, not at all. People got conned by a con man. No one wants to be called out for doing something stupid. But you did. It's been two years. Grow the fuck up.
  15. Honestly, the only thing to say is - release the report. Let congressional leadership see it unredacted. That's it. Everything else is hot air. And to be fair, last night I heard that the redaction processes being done with consulting Meuller. I think it is just good faith to do it as soon as possible and I don't think Barr gets that. I don't really buy "voters aren't asking me about this as an argument". Lots of people are misinformed and this is why we're here. Bill brought this up before, but Meuller was operating under the principle that the president can't be indicted. That's why he came to these specific conclusions. That's not a law. It's just a thing some people say. There isn't a court ruling.
  16. Way to derail what was shaping up to be a good interview. Maybe millennials are fed up. Yeah you get a lawyer. I get to say you're a reprehensible person. I don't really have a problem with Bill knocking faith though. Religion is far too pervasive in politics, as this week with the heartbeat law showed. I'd still vote for the guy.
  17. iirc, They had a consultant who went over all the v/o advice. I remember them saying something like, "you can't freeze and crack all locks, but this is the kind you can, and since it's tv that's what Michael was able to do."
  18. That was all over the place without any internet help. I always liked Fernando because he was so positive and encouraging. He even did a song and video.
  19. For sure, there was only like 5 of them to start. I remember watching at my cousin's house. I was a little young fur the 80s, and she was cool because she knew all the bands.
  20. If Sam is doing a show at the end of April to honor real journalists, then she needs to have Jane Ferguson win the award for BAMF.
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