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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Ra's chose Oliver to replace him. That is why Ollie lived After the first fight. Ra's wanted to die But he wantaed Oliver to follow code and become both the heir to Ra's the man and legend. But he got Melcolm as the new Ra's instead. And the thing is Melcolm has done the things that is needed. He was Marked for death but survived and he earthquaked Starling.

    On paper that's a cool interesting twist. TV show execution? A big miss.

    • Love 4
  2. Yeah I probably should have stated that since some people are very temperamental about stuff Like this...

    That clip was fun but as a public service, people should know that AD did not write the lyrics. It's a bit called Surprise Kareoke that is done with lots of celebrities. Just preemptively heading off anyone getting upset about what he sings about like not doing Sci-fi again. :)

    • Love 2
  3. To me the big failure of this Season was Ra's casting. If Ra's was deceptively menacing and we the audience felt the fear that Oliver, Melcolm and Nyssa felt when dealing with Ra's? As well as the comforting presence of why some would give all to be accepted into the LOA? We would get these people actions better.

    • Love 1
  4. I think being told he had a good chance of living well into his 80's helped Oliver accept the chance of happiness. On top of his dreams of rebirth where he has a chance to have happiness. Which really started as he was recovering from "death".

    Oliver still doesn't have great self respect. He is willing to die for every one, and have everyone choose to risk their lives for good but he still has a while to go to accept that he can be the good man that others risk their lives for. I don't think he can be a 100% team player until he accepts the "good" about himself.

    But he's willing to be happy which is a good step. Though a baby one...

    So the point of the s3 Flashbacks was to get Oliver to the point he's willing to torture as punishment? It was caused by a child's death. An innocent he cared about but couldn't save.

    • Love 3
  5. Ray didn't have loved ones in the situration. He could easily see the bigger picture. He got Felicity to get past her in the moment panic for Oliver's Life.

    Once that happened a new plan was formed where Ray worked on the Nanatech solution (a soulution Felicity came up with in the first place) and she borrowed Ray's suit(that she helped bring alive in the first place) To fly to rescue The man she loves.

    That's one of the values of team work.

    • Love 12
  6. Lyla was not in on evil Oliver! Maybe I'd go along with her knowing Oliver was trying to take the LOA down from the inside but I do not want Diggle marriage drama!!

    • Love 1
  7. A lot of people think Miley is nasty because she was Hannah Montana and now she humps fingers and licks giant dolls and hammers. She's also really really loud and does her thing with no care that she can come off like a Cat on a chalkboard. Miley disgusts me sometimes but at the same time I adore her. She is herself and you can't judge her for not being the same as she was as a child performer.

    • Love 1
  8. I love Nastia and she got my votes but people were not passionate about her Seeming coldness this season. Then she danced with Len and people assumed she would be safe. I'm not shocked. People have talked up Noah being a national hero. There are some who believe that him just trying makes him deserving of the title.

    And then he played the romance card. On my FB timeline people were all aww they are super adorable together.

    So I'm just not shocked. I do wish Nastia was still her because I have loved her family since the 80's. Nastia was one of the best dancers. Plus I adore what Derek does creativity.

    But we'll have amother first time pro winner so people can chill a bit.

    If Allison and Riker win will Derek get blamed?

    Any way I'll vote for Rumor. I love Val's dancing and Bruce Willis. I like Rumer too but I do think she has been one note but so has Allison (Who I Actually love too off this show) ..

    And I do hope Derek continues to comeback. He's entertaining for a lot of us.

    • Love 1
  9. What's the percentage of legality if the LOA priestess is American and submitted the paperwork in the USA?

    Being a couple would be the next step or level after sex imo. "Dating" over simplifies what makes a couple.

    The fact that dating is the "next" step *after* sex makes me feel really old. LOL
    • Love 1
  10. Nor really but sometimes I wish they would just kill Felicity off. She has to be this or that And do this and that or it's betrayal of someone or her agency has been taken away So she has to do this or that to get it Back. She isn't an interesting character to read articles about nor really discuss even though she is to watch.

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