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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. It's going to be so cheap to have this be Ra's and the little Teen Titan villain be a huge big bad. Even with Arrow being different than the comics I can't help but shake my head....

    I'm still hoping that who we have delt with all season is Damien Darhk or Doctor Dark. Instead of Ra's. And the real Ra's is who we will deal with soon.

    I just hope the casting people are better in the future....

  2. They tried to force everyone and Fecility to work this season and alot of the scenes didn't feel exactly right. I think it's one of the reasons people are annoyed with Felicity and Olicity. Some think it was done to solidify that she was the love interest. Some of it was that as well as EBR's fan support. Either way, moving forward, the creative team needs to make every relationship on the show more organic.

  3. There are already changes so why not? The purpose would be They can have the mix race Conner, Mia/Thea potential love interest and give him a small link to Oliver.

    And this wouldn't be a retread of Roy any more than any young sidekick would be... Plus he can easily be in College in Central City so give Thea a reason to visit the Flash.

    Oliver can have his child to give him some smile time and reason to be a better man. One without aging the boy and giving us two young adult males needing screen time since Thea will eventually get a new love interest cause Roy left.

    • Love 1
  4. Well the comic book Conner Hawke doesn't have to be Oliver's Son. He could be the young uncle of the Boy. And maybe a new love interest for Thea. He can have issue with Oliver for getting his sister pregnant and the perceived abandonment. He can go by his last name Hawke. And can be the mixed race that comic book fans want.

    Oliver's son can cutely be into masked superheros and be a huge fan of The Flash. He can also have a baby ammount Of training with a bow and MMA. Which he would have picked up from uncle Conner. Maybe he can be a wannabe hockey player. It could be cute having a father son bonding moment on ice.

    There are ways to do this without major screen time for a child.

    This one is especially stupid since I'm sure people who want to see Connor Hawke want to see him BE Connor Hawke, not some kid who's still young enough for his mother to say, "Mommy will be home soon" when she talks to him on the phone.

    • Love 2
  5. Oliver knowingly abandoning his child is a character flaw. Him worrying about messing the Boy's seemingly good life can be viewed as a good thing. Him worried about not being a good enough man to be a father is realistic.

    Felicity sharing her own hurt about growing up without a father can be postitive angst for the couple. Drama doesn't need to be melodrama

    • Love 2
  6. I felt the wall dance was about the inner struggles of people/couples and how none of that is really private. We struggle to keep our lives private from our community but it bleeds over and is noticed by others as while as both affected and affects the Society.

    The song played a key part in my interpretation. Also the nature of the open walls, the dancers coming over walls as well as the intimacy of each couple before it bleeds over to each other. The aggressive nature of the cheorgaphy too.

  7. I don't want Oliver to know about the kid for years. That's just nasty. Maybe have Oliver learn about the kid and question rather it's a good idea to risk messing the Kids current life. Plus worry about bringing him in when his Bratva past or whatever is catching up with him.

    Felicity can still have her Daddy drama with Oliver that way but not as much deadbeat Oliver.

    • Love 5
  8. Nyssa kills Ra's in the comics but it turns her evil and Ra's wins because that was what he wanted all along. I don't want Nyssa a "villain". I like her shades of grey.

    I think the final will have current day Oliver have some happy while Flashback Ollie will do something "evil". I think he will kill the general in a more murderous kind of way...

    • Love 1
  9. I don't want them to bring a teen child of Oliver's. Time travel needs to stay away from this show. This show is the one more grounded.

    Oliver's son is old enough to have a story right now. Casting is Crucial to get a child actor who can act and has chemistry with SA.

    • Love 1
  10. Felicity has spent two seasons being a major player in that company. Moira seemingly spent 5 years as Walter's wife and she got to be CEO. Oliver spent 5 years on "the island" and a year back getting into trouble and he got to be CEO.

    Felicity is a computer genius. She didn't just work with computers. We know she isn't just an Internet code hacker type since she can fix hardware as well as software. She is quite trained to be an owner of a tech company-especially a tv one Imo.

    And just because Ray transfered the ownership of the company to Felicity doesn't mean she'll be CEO. If he took the company private, it could mean she'll be the only one with equity in the company. She could hire a new CEO. I know that she will be CEO since this is TV and her comic destiny is to be a manager of a tech company.

    • Love 3
  11. Many people have to live their lives with a death sentence over their heads. Those with a terminal illness For example. Finding purpose, strength to endure and finding joy in the little things can really be a powerful thing.

    Not that I want that for Sara but I hate "unknown twin" stories. Alternative universe Sara could be interesting though I rather it not be this...but it depends on the direction if it's doable for me to watch...

    I still would like Sara to be a version of Resurrection Man...

  12. It doesn't have to shift from Oliver. His big romantic conflict just won't be will or Won't they. Oliver has never had to be present in a family before. Being there physically and psychologically is a hurdle Oliver needs to go through to be whole. It's been an on going theme of the show. I can see how it could work with Felicity as his wife.

    Not that I think there is an Olicity wedding in the finale but I do think Family will be season 4's theme.

    • Love 7
  13. A lot are mad Laurel's s not Oliver's love interest. My issue with her is she's not a right fit for BC. She just doesn't look the part after we got Sara nor does she have a back story that makes her BC believable. I really hate that she's not her own identity. Stop making her SWF Sara!

    I'm hoping that they at least get her something to do where she doesn't have to wear the stupid wig. Rather that be more Laural or just ditch the wig.

    I'm hoping that her and Diggle can build a crime fighting relationship. In The first appearence of BC she was fighting along side Johnny Thunder. Even Though Our John is not even close to that Johnny, I think it's a cute Easter Egg. Especially because it points to the show moving Laurel closer to the Mom BC instead of the Daughter version her name might suggest.

    Plus I think Thunder is a cool nick name for Diggle.

    There is a real DC thunder who is a teen who has a brother and father connection with HIVE. So even though he also doesn't fit Diggle, there are some connections.

    And I think having a married super hero Could work. Oliver&Diggle would be the ones with issues. Olicity would have married life stuff. Like finding a house. Him dealing with her making the money, her worried about Oliver and Diggle not being close. There is tons they can do in a large cast. There is even the son issue where Laurel can talk to Felicity about what it was like not trusting Oliver. Oliver and Felicity can talk about how the 5 years changed him and that he can be trusted now. Plus they could have cute scenes Like they have Excelled at. And the worry scenes would be intense.

    • Love 6
  14. It wouldn't be my first choice either but I'll take it over a twin story.

    I'm not interested in that. Having Sara back, but with a death sentence hanging over her head? That would just feel like rubbing salt in the wound. Besides, we've already been through that in a way, worrying about when she was going to get killed off to make room for Laurel. I'm not interested in doing it again.

  15. They know the audience wants Sara. DC has ways (LP) and characters (Resurection man) that can be Adapted To Fit Sara and her situation. I'll even take pulled from the moment of death with her knowing she will be brought back to that point eventually.

    I won't take look alike. That is not something I'm interested in....

    • Love 1
  16. Like Erik Kain, I was annoyed at team Arrow's lack of ok going along with Oliver in this episode. They should be we won't forget that you are keeping secrets again but we have faith in you. So we'll go along with it for now. It would even make the being imprisoned with the virus ending more dramatic for the characters. As is it was more whinefest.

    I also agree with Nora Dominick that EBR can deliver an emotional punch with just looks. There is no need for the words and audible crying. It's not EBR'S strong point so why push it on the audience when the emotion is clear with just looks?

    • Love 3
  17. I think Diggle, Laurel as BC, and Thea as Speedy will be a crime fighting team in the 3.5 comics and the start of season 4.

    I'm not sure what will happen with Oliver.

    • Love 2
  18. Having Ray and Felicity away from Oliver hurt both Characters. Felicity was like a recurrent character on both Arrow and Ray's in show spinoff. And the Felicity that was on Arrow had very few bonding moments with Oliver and/or Diggle. It was mostly emotional weariness.

    Which is probably a huge reason that is what Some fans are feeling about Felicity.

    Drama is tiring. Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a Sandra Rhimes show.

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