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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I'm probably going way off but with so many people hoping that Ra's isn't the real Ra's I've been trying to find out who he could be then. Perhaps "he" is Doctor Dark the president of the LOA?

    "Dr. Daark himself did not depend on physical prowess, and as an assassin he instead relied upon careful planning and manipulation, ambushes and death traps, as well as a variety of cleverly concealed weapons and poisons"

    That kind of fits our Ra's.

    Perhaps our HIVE is really a part of Ra's empire? And Perhaps Melcolm has never left the LOA? Perhaps Hive was trying to buy Malcolm's earthquake machine because it was theirs to begin with? Perhaps Starling has some bed memories for the Real Ra's and he keeps sending people in to destroy that city? LOL :P

    Nyssa would still be the daughter of the real Ra's al Ghul but raised by Doctor Dark because Ra's is to busy being a true evil mastermind? Plus in the comics Nyssa wasn't raised by Ra's al Ghul.

    OK farfetched I know...

  2. I love Oliver but he deserves the punch because you do not leave a child alone. Especially a toddler! And you don't force a mom to leave her child alone. I'm hopping Layla gets a punch in too...

    Though I don't want the anger to consume Diggle. Forgive but don't forget...

    Oliver isn't going to fully understand that until he has a child-well at least gets to know his son.

    • Love 3
  3. Melcolm is so EVIL that he likes to do good just to fuck with people. I can't help but love JB.

    And Ra's so Kevin Costner's Robin Hood sheriff of Nottingham campy evil. Pouty pouty you were the prophecy. Dang I wish Alan Rickman could have been playing him...

    • Love 6
  4. And Oliver is doing what he's doing so Ra's doesn't actually kill the people and city Oliver loves. These people are the ones who lie and drug Oliver (And Barry) for his own good. Oliver's was bigger but the same motive.

    • Love 1
  5. It doesn't bond them emotionally but it could bond them as a shared enemy. Oliver is now a nember of the Al Ghul family. A son to the Demon thanks to the union. Especially if Ra's dies. DD would latch on to hating Ra's family.

  6. I personally don't get the want for pissed off chsracters. Felicity being mad at Oliver for hooking up with Melcolm to defeat Ra's already happened.I don't want to see it again.

    I rather watch Oliver have to earn their trust back because that is the big deal here. I don't want anger and frustration More than that Diggle punching Oliver scene. That's no fun.

    But Felicity and Diggle would have trust issues. Not fear of Oliver being bad and turning on them because that's not something Oliver has done. And it's annoying. But weariness that he never shares himself with them? For sure. He's a loner in a team when there should be no I in team.

    As for as Olicity, I would like to see them back to their flirty playful ways but not dating yet. Though at the same time not dating anyone else. No angst. I want them not a couple but actually a couple in all but name. Then one day Felicity will decide that Oliver is the man she knew him to be until this BS S3. They will learn to trust each other.

    I want Felicity or Diggle or perhaps Thea to tell Oliver that he needs to learn not only to trust the team he chose but to respect himself not to think it's ok to risk his life more so than the other members of the team. His selfish self-disrespect often puts the team more at risk Than a direct pitting at risk.

    I want to see Diggle as lead of Team Arrow next season. That will change the team dynamics and even make it so BC isn't a Green Arrow sidekick. The BC actually originated in a story about a John(Johnny Thunder)though totally not our John. Having Laurel be trained by Diggle, Layla abd Nyssa over the summer and next season is a good idea imo.

    Having the team have access to all that Palmer's tech has to offer is also a good idea. I can also see her changing the name to Queen Inc and having Oliver be a figurehead for the company To satisfy shareholders or whatnot. It's belivable in tv world.

    I think the show married Oliver and Nyssa to give him a small link to HIVE. Damien Darhk is an arch nemesis of Nyssa's father. Plus I can see her mother having some link to bratva.

  7. I think we will mostly know Oliver is Oliver. But perhaps team Arrow doesn't and ends up causing hell to break loose and the virus to get leashed by some one Maseo or Melcolm? All because Oliver doesn't trust his friends enough nor likes himself enough to let then risk their lives for him? That has been one of the them of Arrow.

  8. Sanguine was used in Mumford and sons' song Lover of the light. So that's what I was thinking when Laurel said it.

    I know I've tried

    I was not stable

    And flawed by pride

    I miss my sanguine eyes

    So hold my hands up

    breathe in and breathe out

    So love the one you hold

    And I'll be your gold

    To have and to hold

    A lover of the light

    • Love 1
  9. A time reversing Barry leaves no impact on the Arrow characters. That's why I doubt it for the season's finale episodes. But who knows with this creative team.

    The Diggle dramatics are over the top because Lyla can take care of herself.

  10. Well if the LP isn't working as well, thoughts of death and a legacy would come into play. Ra's wants a daughter just like him. Nyssa's emotions for Sara and over her death prove a weakness. A Ra's has to do what is deem necessary and emotions get in the way. Ra's wants Nyssa to prove she will do everything for the LOA. If that's get married, have a child and help rule the LOA with Oliver so be it. There is no place for emotions.

    I get all that. It's just Oliver who isn't a worthy candidate. I guess that is why they inserted the prophecy to give Ra's a reason to choose Oliver.

    And Maseo has to be the one to die. I nean Unless he kills Tatsu in the present. we will watch him morn Aiko as Maseo and shiw no act of compassion in killing Tatsu in the present. Both Maseo and Tatsu loose everything in that scenario. Though from the quotes it seems Oliver will kill Maseo.

  11. Usa Gymnastics has ties to Indianapolis. Shawn Johnson is doing the kids day event this year.

    Love that I just found this thread because I've been calling shenanigans since yesterday. I live in Indianapolis where just yesterday, they announced the Grand Marshall of the Indy 500 Parade. Nastia Lukin. My 13 year old actually said - "Well, we know the fix is in." She has no connection to Indianapolis. She is a former Olympic Gold Medalist, of course, but from 2 Olympics ago. But she is on DWTS which is on ABC and is the same channel that broadcasts the Indy 500. If she wins now, I don't think I will ever believe it was random.

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