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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I thought the sex scene was sweet. It seemed to be of two people in love. This was also their real first act together. They are friends who are going for more. They want to take care of each other though know this is it. It's sweet but there is a little sadness.

    • Love 10
  2. Ra's has died in the Comics so why would DC will care?

    Ra's also did all the stuff with Batman to persuade his daughter that Ra's way of life is right in the end. Maybe this is still along those lines with Nyssa?

  3. :,( Gun is J. August Richards's character on Angel but I'm worried they will turn Diggle into some DC version of Richards's AOS's character...

  4. Fan service doesn't even go with Olicity imo. Their relationship grew organically until the showed forced Them apart this season. Though I guess the forced apart fits some kind of potential Fan service Olicity end game. I rather think about what the writers can create to fit the characters naturally and worry about end game a bit later.

    Fan service to me is forcing Laurel into the BC role because the comic fans wanted it. Even though Sara was already the perfect BC in nearly everything except Name. And our Laurel fits nicely into a Kate Spencer Manhunter arc.

    The show has already played around with names So I rather go with what fits the characters and story.

    • Love 10
  5. I don't think KC is a terrible actress. Just a wrong fit for a BC with a Batman-ed Green Arrow.

    Plus the Character they created for her just doesn't ring true for a OTP and trying to get around that has been a mess. You don't forgive a guy cheating with your sister.

    I love Sara and she's my BC but you are right, she should never have been created and certainly not made into a kick @ss BC.

    • Love 2
  6. I definitely don't get the Laurel hate I know some people hate that Felicity and Laurel are friends now but it's been established and it was a short scene. Felicity's friends with everybody who tries to do good. And Laurel needed to be told about Oliver being gone again. And it was powerful that speaking it out loud tore Felicity to pieces.

    As for the episode, it was choppy. On first view I was disappointed by the pacing and the going in and out of the flashbacks. I wish that we could have had this episode broken into two. Major things happened past&present and they deserved a bit more air to breath for impact. Also having an episode between the Al Shahim reveal and seeing Evil!Oliver in action would show the time leap instead of having to say it. I know Sweeps though...

    Though I still loved everything. It just needed to be edited better. I get it that so much had to fit in this episode. But that just annoys me about some of the badish episodes earlier. Start this run to the end sooner! I do understand tv structure and sweeps but Arrow deserves better.

    Melcolm isn't afraid of the SCPD and only the LOA so got everything he set out to achieve when brainwashing Thea to kill Sara. :x

    I loved the acting from all the major players. They deserve a better paced show.

    Felicity rocked this episide. She can be silent and let others talk except nudge them a bit. That's both a character plus and flaw. I think flaws and all this was a great episode for her Growth.

    • Love 3
  7. Maseo is talking to Diggle about grief. And since this show likes parallels and I know Diggle is going to be hit by whatever is coming, Makes me worried about Akio and Baby Sara...

    I didn't watch but is this because of the producers preview?

    • Love 2
  8. :(

    And it would be a lot better reason for Nyssa to latch onto Laurel and train her. They would miss Sara but have no leads. Nyssa would be afraid because her need to know what happened and the missing fear/hate of not being able to find her. And Laurel would have some experience with being able to accept a missing with no body Sara. The training&bonding would give them time to build hope in each other since Sara has come back before and because she's a kick ass fighter.

    And Perhaps All that happened to Sara was she was ripped from time by Rip hunter to the start of the spin off.


  9. Killing Sara was so pointless.

    For Laurel she could have been inspired to train when Sara gave her the jacket. She could have been training with Sara and Nyssa all year. Plus with Ted and everywhere she could get training. She would still not want to be second to her sister.

    And all they needed for Quinton's rage was worry for his daughters. He would see all the cuts and bruises And blame Oliver for causing Sara and Laurel's journey into fear and hate and loss and blame The Arrow for the atmosphere of vigilantism In Starling city. He would be acting out like a father who finds out his son in law is abusing his daughter kind of emotion.

    Quinton could still call Laurel the Black Canary in anger, but then Sara could comfort Laurel after and they would have chosen that to be Laurel's alias.

    And then the sister's would go do their thing separate and together. Their actions would have been lumped together creating the Black Canary legend and legacy.

    ...(For Ra's to kill Oliver and Oliver to survive? Ra's would attack Thea becuse he would want Malcolm to suffer for the undertaking and casting a bad light on the LOA's reputation. But he woukd have to take on Melcolm and Oliver. Ra's would get a kick out of it And toy with them.

    Oliver could say since he shared Thea's blood let him fight to end the blood oath Malcolm and Ra's had. Ra's would accept because he liked to play around with people's hope.

    The fight would happen and Oliver killed but saved. Oliver would come back knowing ge needed mire training. Malcolm Oliver and Thea would train together.

    Ra's would be Angry because of the prophecy but also because of the blood oath. He would kill Thea and be forced to heal her to get Oliver to accept the fate of the prophecy.)

    • Love 6
  10. Melcolm had been a part of Thea's growing up so since she forgave her mom it's not hard to believe she could forgive Melcolm. I mean since at this point everbody were liars and killers.

    The Problem comes with him having her kill Sara. It's so stupid and pointless. There was better ways to make Oliver risk death for Thea's life and soul.

    • Love 2
  11. The Plane scene with the 3 of them just brought back fears that Ra's plans for Nyssa. Rather the wedding was there or earlier. I figured it would be someplace holy looking and not spacey. I didn't know about a city hall scene.

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