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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Even Riker's 2009 jazz dances are partner dances since they have that feel. Then he went into hip hop 2010. And he performed on Sytycd With his little Boy Rage crew. Which had one of the worse receptions from that shows fans :p The he sung and danced on Glee and the Glee tour. Dance has been a huge part of his life and they should have it out there. People are harder on Nastia because of her dance background When she was an athlete.

    Riker does seem to have focused on his band the last few years. They do seem to be actual musicians and not just a dance group deguised as a Band.

  2. Ricker also danced in the Jump competition ciruit and Sung as well as danced on Glee. He has been dancing since he was a child. He has almost the same background as Allison Herself. Which us what I have an issue with. I feel they gifted her with a star who is basically herself a few years ago. So it's not me against him cause he had actual dance and Latin dance competition experience, I feel it's more them pushing Allison on to me. And I'm a Allison fan but it's annoying and I don't even get why she was given a second shot let alone gifted someone who is versed in a similar dance language as herself.

    • Love 3
  3. I'm still hoping that they are doing a sort of reserection man story with Sara. They can say that she had things done to her on the amazo with Ivo that perhaps combined with a plunge into the magic of the LP.

    And they can have this time traveling man know Sara from the future and have him connected to each of Hawkgirl's reincarnations. I just rather have Sara the Sara we know and have her have consequences of her deaths as well. So no AU or taken before death version please.

    I want his time traveler suck in the present for the time being. Perhaps he's here trying to stop or start an event that changes the world like the Terminator for example.

  4. Cross overs could just not mention Time Travel on Arrow. I think there is going to be a degree of it though if it's on both the Flash and the team up spin off.

    I think Oliver will just be outed this epusode.

  5. I think it's both reasons. He is distracted and he doesn't want to to be the cause of her pain. Better to end it early so that she can have a life with love and family. He has suffered from both. I think this will hit home when we find out the why Aiko isn't in the present.

    • Love 2
  6. Oliver loved Sara but imo, in Oliver's eyes he did to Sara what he doesn't want to do with Felicity. Pretty much forced her into a life of darkness because of his (his father and Malcolm's) choices. He ached for her.

    Imo Olicity is unique. Or, I know Lol, but to me they are like GG's Lorelie&Luke Or were until this forced breakup when they were barely a couple. Even just as friends they bring this wonderful positive connection of promise&light into the screen. I'm a huge Sara fan but I liked The Olicity friendship And see potential in a romance.

    I mean I think the show should have had them as a couple in 3a. They should have broken up because Felicity was against Oliver going off to die alone because of Malcolm. She would have been for finding a way to save Thea form Ra. Then her anger in 3b would work better. Everything would work better. Even the Nasty Ray Oliver similarities And her with him because he listens to her compared to Oliver.

    • Love 5
  7. Maks also commented that Val worked with an assistant to come up with his cheorgaphy, unlike Maks who created on his celeb. I just took that to mean Val created it before the show and taught it to his celeb. That's how most cheorgaphers work. Those assistants don't get a Co cheorgaphy credit and aren't presented with any marquee banner or award that might be presented. They do get credited with an assistant choergapher billing.

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  8. I wondered when this cheorgaphy thing would become a topic of discussion. Last season before Sharna was added to the cast, her BF ranted and more than implied that Sharna was a Pro who not only did her own Cheorgaphy but helped the other pros do theirs.

    I can't actually find his tweets right now but this examiner piece mentions them.


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  9. I think Either it's a flashback wedding Or Oliver has to have a ceremony to become Ra's. Or perhaps the LOA has the LP be some kind of death ceremony something in betweeen a funeral and Christianing.

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  10. As for Oliver accepting the Offer, I think he will take it to give him purpose. I think he than questions his decision once he finds out that Ray is The Atom. I think he will see Ray has everything Oliver has had and/or wanted. Oliver will decide to fight for what what Oliver wants. But Ra goes hard getting the city to hate Oliver and team Arrow. And Oliver will be left with the city messed up, team Arrow on the run and no other option than to become Ra.

    Team Arrow go with Arrow to make sure it's not a trap And/or cause they have no other options.

    Magic isn't that different than science. If it's used in a true but exaggerated way I can understand and even like that direction.

    Arrow has always had that magic thing going with the herbs and now with the LP. Plus the herbs goes with the science of the mirakuru and this Omega virus. I can see this leading into more of a magical show.

    The LOA is a group that uses smoke, meditation, myth, prophecy and ancient weaponry. I can see their use of the LP can lend itself to magic. They seem a very mystical group built upon tradition and lore. So I can see how the bulk of them would follow Oliver as Ra. I can see the show using them to give Arrow a place inside a super powered universe.

    And if the base of Arrow is Nada Parbat it will give Arrow a distinct look from Flash. There will be Inner politics plus they can travel on missions. Perhaps give it a kind of Alias Feel.

    And they can also go back to Starling in later seasons.

    Other thing I wonder is if they going to move Detective Lance to The Flash. That would be a reason to have him cross over to the Fash. And they would have a Lance on each of the 3 CW shows.

    I have no idea why they wouldn't mention KC crossing over. I guess the scene will be on the Arrow but in A priviously on Arrow and th flash to flesh out why DL is in a cross over.

    • Love 4
  11. They could have AU flashbacks next year to deal with whatever happens on The Flash and the Spin off. Thus making the shows sperate but allowing for cross overs and connectivity. And that will allow for less Oliver centric flashbacks. Cutting SA's time in the flashbacks will cut his work load Without cutting off the fact that he's the lead.

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