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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Rose and The doctor were uber close even when he was 9. She became Bad Wolf for 9. And I get why what happened with 9,10 and Rose would appeal, the dynamics of these characters are so different now.


    While the show also is portraying them as different Parent/Daughter relationships roles depending on the episode, The doctor and this Clara have never bonded really. She's with him because she's always been with him. The Doctor sent her way and spent years away in a warzone country like planet with a Cyberman turned just Robot as his lead companion for years. He returns to Clara because She's always been there. 


    And with Clara, Eleven was this Cute quirky man who had interest in her and treated her like something special. Her dream man. So what she has right now is her seemingly sweet dream man turned into this brash old man who isn't treating her or anyone as special. She doesn't like Twelve and misses the man she knew.


    The Doctor probably hasn't really cared cared about an earthling since Rory/Amy/River left. He has friends he returns too but no real companion. The Doctor had finally stopped running, He allowed himself to grow up and was ready to die. Which is different form before because this was his last regeneration cycle. But he's still living. He has no care about life or death because he doesn't have people he cares about who has to worry about life and death. Yes Clara is his companion of the moment and her current life will die but she's always been there. And the doctor isn't seeing and living life through Clara's eyes or experiences. They just go on road trips together.


    That's the situation we find ourselves right now.

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  2. I figured Allison and Johnathon chose the Mean girls song because this week was October 3rd which is often used as "Mean girls" day and week, but then they didn't even mention it :p


    And Bethany's issue has been Bullying her whole Youtube career so it really is her issue and nothing new. She has a lot of young fans who look up to her and she supports them and motivates them. And her life is a lot different now  that when she was 13 so the emotion isn't as strong even though it was a deciding factor in what changed her life and that was the whole point of the week wasn't it? Any way Beth was shy, didn't have a lot of real life friends and then the ones she did have weren't her friends any long because of not just teenage drama but actual Cyber bullying. And even if this wasn't that long of span in her life. Just 7th -9th grade maybe. But she got to the point that she lost all her interest, was depressed with high Anxiety. The online Beauty community gave her a place to find her voice. If she didn't find support who knows what would have happened. Beth's a strong girl so she probably would have been ok but I think having someone like Beth out there as a Motivator can really help some.


    And Sadie's most memorable year was her family getting the Duck Dynasty show. Her family is a huge factor in her life both as a 17 year old but her "celebrity" as well. And people do judge her because of her family but she loves and supports them like most of us do. That was the point of her story and dance this week.

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  3. I finally was able to watch this episode since my internet has been unstable all week end. 


    It was another episode focused on Clara expecting the doctor to be one way and him not living up to how she wants him to be...


    Imo the point of the episode was that Clara puts her life in this person that she doesn't trust his opinions of on the surface though deep down expects him to have all the answers. She expects him to be at her beck and call but gets angry when he's not at hers. She got annoyed that he didn't know who and what she was talking about right way like Clara's events are the the sole focus of the Doctors. She wants to have her own life but expects the doctor not to...


    The Character dynamics of Clara and the Doctor are of parent and child. In earlier episodes we have the doctor trying to force Clara to do "family" time. This time the child wants to be in control of their own life but expects the parent to be there making the hard choices. That can't always be so and the parent has to force the child to be the adult sometimes. 


    But also we have this love hate with all who are in power. You can't expect to have someone always there to make the hard choices for you. You can't pass the buck. Clara tried to force the doctor to decide, and then tried to force mankind but in the end she was forced to make her decision. She had the Knowledge person (The scientist) and the idea person (the young girl) there kind of like her devil angel but the decision was Clara's to make. Instinctively she wanted to save the new life and that was the decision she ended up making. She's has her own knowledge that mankind Survives. She has been to the future and on other planets. She did not need for the doctor to hold her hand. He had already given her the knowledge to trust her gut. 


    There is also a a degree of Clara& the doctor's relationship that is like any that tries to hold on to what once was even though you both know there is too much of a change. You have to eventually let go to grow on your own. Clara doesn't know this Doctor any more. She reacted negative to the strange War Doctor as well. She doesn't like what she doesn't know. And She kind of lingers in her situations when she should move on. She kind of did it with the family she was watching over and putting own dreams on hold. And she's doing it with the Doctor now.


    What I found interesting about the Doctor this episode was his going on about Kill him and kill him and his forever regenerations. There is going to come to blows about him ready to die and then basically brought back right when he had accepted death. Now death and hence life doesn't mean as much to him. Clara is the one who ask for more Doctor and she's not OK with him not being his old self. 


    And I guess I'll have to watch the episode again in see if I can find the science though I'm not the most science literate of people. I was just thinking that the affects of the baby growing and water leaking out was affecting the moon's surface, air, bacteria and then affecting the earth which was in return affecting the moon. So the science bit didn't get me scratching my head like it should have probably. I also just figured that the new moon was like a after birth Placenta like thing. It didn't seem so out of place to me. I guess this episode was more fi than sci >.<


    Oops this post ended up a book and all over the place >.<

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  4. I try to watch tv, movies, videos and general entertainment as the story intends and to keep real world out of it but when the stereotype is right there I can't ignore it. And Yes the US has had a turbulent racial history that is still playing out and we are years away before we have any true colorblindness here. 

  5. I get that this show is a British show but I'm not British so my reactions about things are from my experience. I'm not asking them to change but if this was the Doctor's behavior to a Black man full time I would stop watching it. I don't watch shows I don't enjoy. Thankfully the Doctor's lines aren't usually directly things that hit a nerve with me. 

  6. That's how it was started but it's much more broader and much more recent. I mean even in Sports there was the think that Blacks are strong as Jocks because of their physicality but in the thinking aspects (like say a Quarterback) people were shocked and often disgusted when it happened.  I personally knew that the point wasn't the Doctor was Racist but it threw me out of the episode when it happened. It made me feel uneasy with the doctor. I couldn't take away my knowledge of how that stereotype has and often still is used to degrade and keep a whole race in place. 

    The stereotype is all about African-Americans (plantation owners were looking for labor, not intellectual conversation), so I don't see why anyone would automatically apply that stereotype to a citizen of another country anyway.

  7. The Crack at Tenzalore was like a history scar. It's where the chain began. Though it's the end of events it's actually the beginning so it's where the scar is left. Point of Origin of these types of paradoxes are often not even addressed in Sci Fi. Moffat did it by having the scar where it started so the chain of events still happened. It's still very "Timey Wimey, Wibbly Wobbly" but because it happened in the first place to set the course of events in the past it had to still happen. 

    So the cup-o'soup maneuver possibly explains why the crack was still in existence at Trenzalore?  


    The crack from which came the question that so many were desperate not to have answered? 


    The same one Clara spoke into to get Eleven's next # of regenerations?


    Thoughtful replies concerning the time plot holes, enjoyed reading them.

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  8. Time can be rewritten but should it?  Time travel has to have rules if you don't want to alter to much. You have to live with the Consequences of knowing that you affected events. The doctor knows Amy and Rory live a long life together but they never see the Doctor again. He can find away to see them again but if he did that, it could mean a short life. Is it something he's willing to chance? Everything that happened to them in the first place was because of events that doctor "caused" by meeting them in the first place.


    Eleven was the most Selfish doctor. But he tried to be a good man. But did the selfishness defeat that purpose? He and his other selves tried to protect the children of Gallifrey (by not killing them but sending them into a pocket Universe) but in the end of the day it's what led to the events that created the cracks in the wall that was the big factor of Eleven's life span. 

  9. Well at least The Doctor isn't Doing the naughty with a Soulless Vampire as he goes through the motions of what his life used to be and is expected to be :p

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  10. I knew the episode was going to be hated as I watched. I liked it though. It was definitely more like an Episode of a Clara show. Her Alien father comes to visit and all hell breaks loose. 


    And Clara and 12 are being portrayed as parent&daughter most of the season. Which I think has been interesting. 


    As for as the Doctor being weird. He just spent a many years with a Robot as his companion. In more than less a war zone country like planet. He lived all that with what he thought was his last regeneration cycle. And at the end of that he was given new life.


    I think the doctor is very much like Sherlock so I'll agree with you all there :p  It's kind of why The doctor name himself the Architect-Logic what else have you. 


    And this was another episode about a robot villain. Though the Main Plot was the two mean Clara was hiding from each other meet.


    I did raise my Brow at the PC teacher and Danny as a Black man. Maybe it was written before Danny was Cast and they just didn't change it. The Doctor did not come out in good light there.


    I like the parent/Daughter relationship with Clara and the Doctor. I like that they seem to be going at the PTSD this season. We are half way though the season and this episode was a season arc episode. Things need to become clearer are more and more fans will be alienated like you all. I like the Drammedy of the episode but the best parts were Pink's reaction to the Doctor.

  11. I think Julianne looked good. Kind of punkish. She also didn't seem out of shape. Nothing about her dance really screamed out shape physically. What seemed to be the problem imo is that she isn't used to this group of dancers really and they were going all out with tricks and such. I just think she didn't fully relax to sell the fun. This pieced needed the freeness and fierceness since that was the point. Her not being able to relax is also probably what happened with lift. But the dance just seemed like if they had given it one more week to rehearse it, it could have been an outstanding moment. 

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  12. Allison is a co Emmy nominated Choreographer and she may want to get some help as the season goes along. She can get that help by having a ballroom Choreograph assistant. I know she's been working hard for this but I think she needs advice from a Female pro tbh-someone who can help her learn to choreograph for a male star instead of just herself. All she is doing right now is making herself look not so good. Though even her dancing with Maddie was like she was dancing Dirty Diana again. Sometimes all out is not the right choice. She needs to think of the whole picture and not just herself. Imo. 

  13. There is a lot of creativity that goes into Youtube videos such as Beth's. Editing and at least jot list Writing and getting the lighting right are a huge part of that process especially as her show aged with her. She isn't someone who got "famous" because her family has a reality tv show. She put a lot of hard work and years into creating a career for herself. 

    • Love 3
  14. Bethany is funny and adorable and a version of quiet a few girls who watch Youtube but brave enough to make videos and engage her commentators, her subscribers and followers.  Her Youtube videos are younger versions of things I watch on HGTV and Style type channels. She is on a different medium than a lot of older followers may know but she's trying to branch out. And the high profile internet companies are trying to branch out as well and Beth is adorable and personable and willing to allow her name and brand used to promote them and herself to a bigger market. So really no different than most of the other stars throughout DWTS' run. 


    I think that every season, the pros will take a weak dancer and intentionally make their dances shorter.  They know their partner can't really dance, so they choreograph their numbers to only showcase whatever strength they may have, and therefore it's a dance of maybe only two minutes long.


    I know I'm not a teenager, far from it, but how does a young girl get so many YouTube viewers by just showing her wardrobe and decorating her bedroom?  And why do these teens even pay any attention to her?  Please, someone explain this to me.  But in the end, I don't think someone like Bethany belongs on this show.  She's an unknown to a VAST majority of those who watch.


    I would look forward to Allison if she didn't look so needy. She doesn't hold herself like she's confident and she looks like she knows she's being judged like she's back on season 2 of SYTYCD. Everybody on tv is judged so you might as well perform like you are sure and confident if you take the opportunity to be on tv. I want to tell her to just chill and relax. She keeps reminding me of a really good star. She needs to ask for help if Choreographing a Cha Cha for herself and an Amateur is over her head. 


    As one of Allison's biggest fans, I look forward to seeing her on the show every week.  Yep she over did it last night.  She is a Derek protege and learning.  Maybe she should have waited until she was better.  But when they have the contemporary weeks, she will wipe the floor with her contemporary chirography if she makes it that far.  


    I guess maybe I am unique, because yes, I watch for the celebs, but I also watch for the pros and she is awesome.

  15. There are some probably answers to your questions. 


    1-2 Sabra wore Gloves and wore a Hologram device that allowed her to mimic clothes but we can fan wonk that it also protected her from bacteria and such since she has to be able to mimic head to toe depending on what she would have to pretend to be wearing. Also we saw Sabra's face wobble from touching the worm but we didn't actual see her change. So another fan wonk could be that non humanoids affect her but don't change her. Though really sometimes sci fi and future stories have to be taken on Ok the answer to that hasn't been invented yet but maybe someday ;) 


    3. It's really the secure vault that makes the banking planet the most secure ever. Everything else is prevention and advertisement. They have the teller and incineration chamber to ward off people even attempting a crime. Then they have the soup people they had the teller create on display. They probably had them created publicly so word would get out. Teleportation is surely the means to how they allowed most of the customers on and off the planet. It's the most secure means. They know when and ware the people are in the bank even if they can't exactly reach them in time. Our Group needed to have as little knowledge as possible. As to why our gang didn't teleport to the vault, well that would make for a very quick episode :p But timey wimey tells the doctor the course of events that happened. And he made them happen. They needed the teller out, they needed the gang to fear brain soup at the least (and perhaps the Doctor wanted something from the Teller once he heard about what happened) so the gang would choose to teleport out and probably read instructions from the Architect up there so they could rescue the Doctor and Clara. And I think the Doctor wanted The teller to trust him. Having such an ally could be truly useful. 


    4). The Tardis ;) She could materialize in the bank except for this time that the bank  vault was vulnerable because of the solar storm. 

    Agh.  Just thought of another big plot hole in regards to Saibra's ability.  Her changing form is involuntary when she contacts another creature's DNA (though it seems she controls when she changes back).  It doesn't have to be humanoid, as we saw from her reaction to the worm.  




    1) She should be changing into tons of other people and creatures whenever she touches a doorknob or eats a hamburger.


    2) She should constantly be changing into bacteria.  The things are everywhere.


    And another question.  Saibra and Psi teleported out of the bank with their doohickeys, then showed up disguised as guards to rescue the Doctor and Clara.


    1) This most highly guarded bank in the universe doesn't have teleportation shields?


    2) If it doesn't, then why didn't they just teleport everyone in in the first place instead of using the dimensional bomb and assorted other trickeries?


    3) How did Sabra and Psi get to be those fake guards?  If it was a relatively easy task, why didn't they just do that in the first place?  And how poor is the security that fake guards can get in at all?  And how did they get to be exactly the *right* guards to be going with Delphox to the Doctor and not assigned to some random cell or something?


    And I *still* want to know how the Doctor broke in to plant the suitcases etc as "the Architect", without having all the Architects tricks there to help him...

  16. But she was raised by parents who felt that Leaf was destiny. And this is a character who jumped into the Doctor's time stream because she felt she had already done it because the doctor had said he he met her in other lives. Going all in with Danny because she believes they are destined is in character from how she was raised and how she has been shown to be on the series. 


    Now rather or not she is destined to be with Pink is still in question. Especially since shapeshifters are in play. 

    The trouble I'm having is that whether we consider it a large or a small leap to make, we still end up in the same position of Clara dating a guy she thinks she is 'destined' to be with, which I'm sure Steven Moffat and many other people consider romantic, but I don't, I find it creepy and full of potential to go horribly wrong.

  17. This episode was fun and interesting. 12 was cool. I love him.


    Clara and 12 kind of have this Father Daughter relationship with her being reluctant to go on his missions and all her excuses. Though I guess maybe it's more like a mother daughter relationship since he keeps making her feel unsure of her looks and confidence.


    They couldn't tell the Teller because he was mentally linked with Karabraxos who had no quilt at the time.The teller let himself be mentally linked with Karabraxos because of his fellow species. 


    This Episode reminded me of the Beast Down below and for the Memory wipe and The God Complex for the Physic beast. Some other episodes as well like Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS and The Rings of Akhaten.


    The Teller was housed in a container that reminded me of how the Aliens had to be in Torchwood: Children of the Earth. Not that they looked like them persay but those Alien sucked off Children so I could imagine that it was a Physic feeding. Innocent Children memories would be much better than Criminal ones and from those who lived a long life. Of course Peter Capaldi probably helped me think of COE.


    The Doctor admitting hating himself was interesting. So was what he asked the teller to show him. We got the memory wiped memories back but the Doctor ask for much broader ones. 


    And of course all the talk of not really the last of his kind reminded me of the Master/Missy rumor and of course of the ones involving Gallifrey as well.

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