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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Yep and The Doctor was stationary for many of those years on Trenzalore. He really is a whole new person. Both because of the new Regen cycle and because his lifestyle changed on Trenzalore and because he has a new old (both literally and figuratively) face. On Trenzalore The Doctor didn't run and hide. He stayed and defended for a many and many year. Almost half his life. There is so much that can be done with this story. The Doctor now is really in the same boat as the Master during season 3. I can see why that could be where they are going with this story.


    Also The Doctor was away from the TARDIS for Years. She not as long of course but I can see how the TARDIS could become jealous that the Doctor chose a different path from her. So I guess I can see why some might think Missy is the TARDIS.

    The article addresses something I keep forgetting and I think in the viewer's perception, it's a tough thing to remember. Ten's adventures have been so long ago for the Doctor. It's more than half his life ago that these things happened. Also, all his other regenerations were much much shorter. So, for most of his life, he's been Eleven. All the other regenerations were much shorter.


    I do think it will be important to keep this in mind. It's hard because for the viewer, it doesn't feel that long.

    • Love 2
  2. I got that he was using this enemy to show the doctor has changed so much is any of "him" left. Perception is such an important part of how we go at life.


    Some comments there are thinking Missy is an older version of Clara (because of the Boyfriend thing) or a regen of the TARDIS and the doctor was able to download the ClockDroid into the TARDIS mainframe. And of course there are also ones about how she might be the Master as a female to try and get us ready for a Female Doctor. I love theories <3

    I was going to put this in the media thread, but decided to put it here instead because it's very specific to the "Deep Breath" episode...


    Steven Moffat explains why he brought those particular monsters back to be Capaldi's first Who foes
    Nathalie Caron Monday, August 25, 2014 - 7:40pm


    • Love 2
  3. The Doctor's youthful appearance wasn't for Clara or a companion in General but to be accepted in the worlds The Doctor likes to travel in most. Instead of choosing a face for reasons he would want (he wants to be ginger ;) ) he chooses based on what he thinks will be accepted best. And yes these characters were being used to talk to the audience.. A lot of the talk since Peter Capaldi was announced as Doctor has been about his age. Though a large chunk of that wasn't ageism there has been quite an undercurrent that at least feels like it's rooted in the prejudge. I think it needed to be addressed. There is also the kids who have felt the doctor is a young man. It seems they haven't really grasp the concept that our beloved character is an ancient Alien. This isn't just about how young the doctor has looked but how "human" and now "modern though quirky" the New Who Doctors seem at times. And there are the fan girls who like to dream about a potential love affair between themselves (or a surrogate of themselves) and the doctor. All of those people were addressed. And they were each directed to at different times so it was a dominate theme of the episode which at times felt like being hit over the head with a book of it. I think it was a bit much though I still enjoyed the episode. 


    I'm sure it didn't help that a lot of people seem to hate Vastra and she was the character used to show moral compassion. I love me some Vastra but she has her own flaws so I can see how that just would make everybody roll their eyes. She's a Sherlock character and her actress is great so I love her and since everybody's flawed we have to get our lessons from the flawed.


    I really enjoyed Peter Capaldi as The doctor and can't wait for for episodes. I'm super tempted to watch the B&W copies of episodes 2&3. I'm a huge huge fan of 9, I loved The war doctor in his short stint(1 episode&Mini?) and I adore 11's different take of the doctor as well. Tennant is my least favorite of the New who doctors but I enjoyed him as well. My love for 9 surely plays a part in me not accepting 10 as well. Mostly I just didn't like how he treated Martha. I hated their companion dynamics. 


    I'm actually really new to Who since I started at the beginning of the year and watched everything I can find in these 8ish months. I'm sure that affects how I'm viewing the show as well.


    I feel like Clara's character has been fleshed out bit and I'm looking forward to get to know her as well.


    And as for Miss Missy Poppins, her calling the Doctor Boyfriend when we have been hit over the head with how audience surrogate Clara isn't the Doctor's Girl, has me thinking about how this season is going to be about how when our perception of things can really affect things. Our perception of ourselves and others and how that perception affects us and the people in our lives. And how our perception can affect our enjoyment of the show.

    • Love 5
  4. Putting on the Ritz was a cool one take large cast dance that was impressive work and Looked cool to watch. Their other two dances were less visual but fun and more traditional genre routines which is rare for NappyTabs. I love Christopher Scott's work. I think he was probably second. His nominated group routines this year were just stunning and artistic. Though he didn't submit any I even think most of his duo work is great though not truly short span rehearsal time ready so the dancers don't hit as hard and/or make mistakes.  The Emmy voters love to watch cool things that involve interesting prop and or camera work. That's one of the reasons Derek won last year. 


    As for as Derek and Choreography, That's interesting to know about him not doing it or really teaching before hand. He's one of my favorites as a tv choreographer. I love how he knows how to make it look awesome on tv. His ability to stage Choreography for a TV audience is one of the best ever on TV at least in years imo.

    • Love 1
  5. Allison has a lot of experience doing Ballroom even if most of it's behind the practice door and is mostly Contemporaryfied. It is the teaching technique she's not an expert in that would be the problem. I think she'll have someone help her Choreograph the routine and demonstrate to her star. I'm sure she'll Either get Argentine Tango or Contemporary the first week. 

  6. I will miss Sharna. She's my favorite of the new stars. I can't stand Witney in sexy mode. She mugs. I hope she is given a partner that she can just relax with and have some fun. 


    Alison is a beautiful dancer and she'll be able to fake it well enough but still...


    Hope I like the stars...

  7. My favorite ten episodes are The girl in the fireplace, Gridlock, Blink and Silence in the Library/The Forrest of the Dead. And I had fun watching most of the Doctor&Donna stories.


    I feel there is a lot of Drama and an over all sadness to a lot of Ten's episodes.

    • Love 5
  8. I think the doctor has no deep feelings for Clara. She's like having the part time companions like Mikey as the main companion. But I think the Doctor chose her as a companion because she kept popping up. She was a companion because of the plot connection and not because the doctor had a connection with her.


    The Doctor is like a teacher to Clara though she has this built in take care of and protect the doctor, We have only had a half season with Clara so it's hard to fully judge her yet. I see potential. Like a reconnection with a long lost father/daughter where trust is not there but memories keep you trying.


    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens :)

  9. I know. That is why I went into that later in my post....

    They wouldn't be making such a point of it being the SAME face as a previous one though, if it didn't have specific meaning.  So it's about more than it just being an old face, it's THAT face that matters.  They may not need to invoke the Torchwood version at all though, since they have several to work with.

    I know some people think they will be some Malcolm Tucker references but I never watched that show so that will be something I'll have to look into once/if the episodes goes there. 

  10. I haven't read the scripts but Matt's Doctor had lived a long long long long life. He probably felt old and the weight of everything that happened in that face. Easy to explain why he would chose another old face. The New Who Doctors have live longer than all of the Classic Who combined even if the classic had more episodes :p


    And Pompeii is one of the New Who events the Doctor felt guilty about creating. If he's all in trying to deal the dark things he's lived and even helped to create I can see why taking a familiar face from one of those dark events could happen.


    They probably won't even mention ‎John Frobisher.

    Though that man ended up killing his whole family and himself

    . Maybe the Doctor feels guilty that he wasn't around to stop the events of COE

    earlier than Jack did with the death of his grandson

    . But Perhaps Frobisher is an ancestor of Caecilius so maybe the doctor might feel bad about the good thing he did in Pompeii

  11. That actually sounds good ---except for the gin. I would sub vodka and voila!

    Yeah I should try it with Vodka. I've only have it when my sister makes it so Gin it's been but having it with Vodka sounds awesome!

  12. Body of work gets nominated, not individual dance and we still aren't sure what dances Maks Submitted. Derek's table dance was an interesting choreography even if there was less floor movement from Amy. I actually like Maks stuff more than Mandy Moore's SYTYCD stuff. He was probably over looked because he's just not known for his choreography.

  13. Bloody Mary's especially with Olives always sound Yummy but I need to stack up on some tums  >.<


    I also like cucumber, Lime, water and Gin. My sister loves that drink <3

  14. I don't mind being a little spoiled. I mean I really just came into the series this past winter so Spoilers were hard to avoid. I will try and avoid these script ones because I need to see 12 be the doctor first to judge. Tumblr's going to be a tricky place to wade through for a while >.<

  15. Sorry I meant to write crushed Watermelon. It's kind of like juice but has some chunks of the fruit in there still. For texture. A bit like a frozen margarita except not frozen and not always the same alcohol.


    Though now I'm wondering if a watermelon flavored Crush pop would taste like watermelon candy. Yum. 



    Crush Watermelon???

    • Love 1
  16. We have Jello shots here-does that count? :P We have some drinks that add a cherry but I've never accurately heard the term Pimms before. Sounds's yummy though. I do have Crush watermelon or Orange Juice with vodka or Tequila all the time if I drink. 

    Dear north Americans:

    Do you have Pimms? Have you heard of it?


    If not, does the idea of putting chopped up salad vegetables in alcoholic drinks seem incredibly weird to you?

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