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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Yeah I doubt you are going to get your wish of no Laurel. She might even be in it as much as Oliver and Barry.

    Sara is linked to Laurel both by them being sisters, Laurel taking Sara's masked identity, Their relationships with Nyssa and Oliver and the whole original White Canary story in the comics.

    Sara is the one who was drawn to saving people. They have actually given Sara most (all?) of the Black Canary's best and interesting traits and experiences.

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  2. I don't know if the Arrow fans want to deal with a lot of Lance Family drama. And if Sara's going to have issues on LOT regaining her memories and her dealing with hell from the past year(s) will be excuse enough whichever direction they take. Nightmares of her death and past can help her bond with Hawkgirl.

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  3. I get the White washing issue but just do it the other way for other characters. The 12 brothers seem interesting to me. Sara training with them would be cool.

    And having Sara enter through that Damian Darhk played games with Ra's and Nyssa (and eventually team Arrow) could service the Arrow S4 big bad plot as well as set up for LOT.

    But like I said I want the Rip speculation to be true.

  4. I don't think KC's casting was problematic for 98% of her season 1 story. They were casting season 1 Laurel and not the comic book version.

    The problem happened when they resurected and recast Sara and made her one of the better live action (quasi)Black Canaries ever. And then they killed Sara and forced Laurel into that role. Once Sara was Canary our Laurel needed her own superhero orgin. One that fit her Backstory and personality. Imo. I've vented about that before though.

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  5. They could always have Ra's via Maseo bring her to the LP right after she was buried. He could send her with a brainwashing to live with the The Twelve Brothers in Silk so she could have somewhat her Comic backstory.


    Ra's is into Romance ;) though he wanted Grandbabies so Sara's resurection would be a nice surprise for Nyssa later.

    Or maybe they can have Damian Darhk put her into his stolen LP water that he presented in a similar looking to Ra's LP setting... And he sent her to the brothers.

    Or Perhaps Damian has Sara be Las Vegas casino security and she could have a similar backstory to hers in AME-COMI GIRLS #8. Which I have never heard of or read but I find it interesting that she's pretty much The Black Canary Of That Alternate series and She's from Vegas. Which is where felicity is from. And all those felicity father rumors...



    So I think they have some options other Than Nyssa, Malcolm or Rip. Though I think I want Rip LPing Sara to give them a pre show history.

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  6. The thing is that all of those traits fit DLL's comic back story. They don't fit our Laurel especially given she's not an only child. She's a first born and one who finished college and became a lawyer and worked as an assistant DA trying cases.

    Sara's only two years younger but they felt right on her. And Caity herself isn't an acting master. They just cast her well.

    Imo. Laurel doesn't have the synergy of her Comic character. She's more uptight and defensive women than spoiled girl determined to have her dreams come true.

    • Love 4
  7. I'm not looking forward to watching team Arrow led by Laurel. It's when thinking about that which has me dreading s4. I just don't want that dynamic. Diggle should be team leader. Laurel being the leading vigilante is just too much for me. She would get herself killed. I don't care that the show likes to say say she's a badass now. She's just never going to be a bad ass to me especially in her costume. It just doesn't fit her personality. I want less of her in costume. She can be out in the field though. But in a spy capacity or in under cover roles.

    I think she can be Lawyer Laural Lance working cases like she did in CNRI but not need The Arrow's help. Plus she can be used as a potential victim to gain the upper hand.

    And she totally needs to terrorize the viewers and use her canary cry to gain the upperhand.

    I do think she can learn a lot from Diggle and Lyla. But those two have light years more experience. And Even Thea has more training. Though Thea's only 20/21 so not as much life experience.

    • Love 4
  8. Imo Oliver doesn't really treat his friends and family like dirt. He just doesn't let himself be fully present in any relationship. And being "alone on the island" just reinforced that trait when he's in crisis mode.

    Oliver was very judgey and hypocritical with his mom but I let myself fanwonk that Oliver feared that if Moira was secretive about the affair and of Thea's parentage, she was just untrustworthy even to the point that maybe she was more than compliant in the undertaking and the sabotaging of the Gambit.

    • Love 5
  9. I think some of the Oliver and Laurel shippers use "for comics" but really it's because one of the reasons they invested in the couple S1 was because the comics said DLL and OQ were each other's comic love interest. No consideration of the on/off of their comic characters nor rather or not Oliver's cheating would be acceptable in more modern times nor that these two were not exactly the comic version of their name sakes. So not necessarily comic readers.

    I'm actually a comic reader but not an in depth one. I've learned more from investigating than from the comics I've read.

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  10. I didn't expect Laurel to get over Oliver cheating on her with her sister. It's just Nasty to me.

    Oliver hooked up with Sara Originally because he didn't want to settle down and Sara was this hot blond chick eager for his attention. Laurel's sister or not it was more about Sara being into him and Oliver running away from commitment.

    Sara had a crush on Oliver and couldn't get him out of her head and Laurel being with him just made the crush present in her life. Laurel taking her crush was probably a big blow to her.

    But Oliver and Sara rehooked up out of frustration at how dealing with family and life and a mutual understanding that coming back from the dead wasn't easy.

    • Love 2
  11. Oliver is a slut....

    And Laurel and Sara were nasty to each other. I wanted to see more about why.

    ...what makes a person a slut?

    At the end of the day they were both pretty horrible to each other. Oliver and Sara getting back together sunk Lauriver (for me) but I do wish they spent more time fixing Laurel and Sara's relationship. It was full of ugly holes.

  12. It's not just the big scarey missing from Ra's but also the serenity peace giver missing from Ra's and the LOA. Why does a large group of people willing go to Ra's and give him money or stuff like Alpha and Omega viruses. I know there is the LP and brainwashing but there really needed to have that compassion cult leader persona that gives away to menacing evil for Ra's to work imo. Oliver's, Nyssa, Sara, Malcolm and Maseo motivation mean little without a powerful Ra's.

  13. Yes Ray has to deal with Anna. Plus Sara has to deal with herself and Nyssa and I think it would be cool if Hawk Girl were to be sensitive because of a past lives love history. But that's for a different thread.

    • Love 3
  14. For now I think she just liked the idea that the ex playboy billionaire was at her beck and call. Though I think the actress must not have been available so chunks of the story was cut. More could still come though.

    Maybe it will come out that Amanda knew Oliver's legend from some kind of future teller.

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