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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I think some of it's The coolness factor but imo a lot of S3's fights were more character and plot symbolism as well as finding ways to deal with making newbie fighters win believably. They were using the action on characters who should have been training instead of in the field. As well as having the fights show what the characters should have been talking about with each other to discover.

    So yeah the fights were also affected in the "for the sake of Plot"ness that controlled s3. Imo.

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  2. I was talking about how Sara as a character and history as well as actor chemistry with SA&Oliver could have been a perfect alternative to tell an Arrow and Canary on&off relationship story. If the show had wanted to tell a more organic Lawyer to Mask story for Laurel as Manhunter.

    But Laurel does exist so you can't remove her from Sara and Ollie. Sara wanted to fix her relationship with Laurel. She was afraid because of all the hurt and was using Oliver as a sort of cruch.

    Sara was using Oliver to shield her heart and have soneone share in the pain they caused her family. As well as someone to comfort her body if not her soul. Which is what she's actually craving.

    And I do think Sara felt Oliver and Felicity's connection. At least Felicity's with Oliver. Though the no mask could have been about Laurel at time as well. Though imo it was more about Sara not being able to be her true self and was in no position to be in a relationship. She wanted something better for her friend Oliver.

  3. I kind of agree but I think he was getting there with McKenna too. It ended too quick imo.

    And his relationship With Sara was something else. A bit of both. Probably cause she saw the worst of both Ollie and his transitional changed Oliver. But they shared too much of the bad to really be able to share the light. Though over time I could have seen that change of not for Laurel. As is Oliver and Sara could never have become permanent because Ollie still did cheat on Laurel with Sara. Still yuck no matter what.

  4. I personally don't think Oliver was Dumb as a Rock. He was just very scared of failing and of Ra's with the later tied to the first. The first caused by a lot of tragedy and some extreme self disrespect. And the later caused by knowing the legend and being "killed" by Ra's mid season. The Ra's fear was greatly harmed by poor Ra's casting. Imo.

    Oliver made poor decisions like keeping Malcolm around but he had grounds for that decision and suffered Consequences. He didn't want Thea to be familyless. He had a lot of fear of death this season. Losing his mom bought all the loss to the forefront and the the mistakes he was making was putting people in danger. Then Sara died and it made matters worst. Of course Ra's ended up killing both Oliver and Thea. Plus Diggle is extremely disappointed and can't trust his family with Oliver now.

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  5. I'm watching them all :) I absolutely adore Peggy Carter.

    I think they each have a unique quality about them. Except for potentially LOT, which I haven't seen yet to know either way. But I'm looking forward to it cause I love Sara plus VG and AD who I adore as actors. And I'm looking forward to seeing the first "real" live action version of Hawkgirl.

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  6. Felicity and Sara had bonding moments. At least a real growing friendship. Fecility was already disappointed in how Oliver responded emotionally to the half-date&"break up" so seeing him cold over Sara was a bit about that as well. Which I found believable since nothing is stand alone especially emotional reactions.

  7. You might be talking about the hate but it's the talking about characters flaws that I commented on. All the characters get criticism that can seem like hate.

    Laurel gets hate even in this forum. Here some wish that she would just leave Starling and the show so not quite as evil. And I (a confessed Sara fan) personally wishes she was given a new mask identity-Manhunter(shifty eyes but it fit's Laurel's Arrow character better imo). Sara got a lot of death wishes as well. Some of the things said about her will make the blood boil since she was eventually killed off.

    Felicity just joined the club.

    It was a quick turn around from getting accused of being a Mary Sue but mostly beloved to her being accused of being an agency stealing whiner. Which did give me whiplash. I personally loved Fecility in 3.20. The cry scene with Laurel was not needed for Fecility's character but KC's fans would have been even madder if both Laurel scenes were removed.

    The other criticism Felicity has gotten is that the show takes her OOC. Both pro and anti Felicity fans seem to throw that about. I think that deguised some of the small but growing Felicity critics.

    But Felicity also has gotten a lot of positive attention. EBR will probably have a lot more opportunities now that she's getting Attention as a leading lady. Which she deserves. Even if you think vocal emotional scenes are her sore spot. I think a lot of us know they are for most actors.

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  8. I get analyzing the increase in criticism. It's when some say criticism isn't happening with the other characters I jumped in on. I personally think Felicity had gotten very little of it until s3. She has had an increase in importance in Oliver's life and people take notice. They are watching her more. The fact that she seems a muse of all 3 major superhero men in this universe can seem a bit eye worthy if you don't look deeper to see she provides different things for all 3.

    Remember also that some won't like it that she isn't the comic love interest for any of the 3. And of course fans of characters who aren't the current love interests now will find it easier to see the flaws.

  9. The big thing I see is that fans of the different characters see the criticism of their favorite characters and don't see the other characters criticized even though they are criticized as well. I don't see any of the characters get a pass. Maybe it's different fans doing the critiquing but that's the nature of fandoms. And I do count myself in the easily see the criticism of my favorites. I mean I have Hawkeyes when I see Oliver and Sara Criticized :p

  10. That's because some people don't like Felicity, some don't want her as love interest, Others just don't think EBR handled the emotion of s3 and some people just aren't in favor of women in super hero shows. And others aren't into those who aren't in mask-Look how Laurel was treated until she got her mask.

    But mostly when you aren't a fan of the show's lead you are more likely to stop watching and find one you enjoy. It's not the same with supporting players.

    Oliver has gotten strong criticism especially this season.

  11. And Las Vegas is a Desert. So maybe Ra's is just obsessed with Damian Darhk and took up with a girl and had a child because DD did? Nyssa and Felicity can be the same age. Perhaps Ra's knew Felicity was Damion's child and the real reason he was obsessed with Oliver was because of his connection to Felicity. Lol. I can believe it. Ra's does seem much more odd and weird dangerous than kick ass vilian.

    Felicity being DD's daughter aside Ra's getting Obsessed with men suits how he was with Oliver and maybe Malcolm. I mean not in a sexually attracted to them way but in a I wish I had a brother or son like them way.

    I still think the Arrow Casting call might be for 3 different characters. DD, Felicity's father and Vandal Savage.

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  12. It's not really Oliver and Ra's that were the issue but the production people. The audience knew the Police were there and I just think the cops letting the fight finish to even allow Oliver's prayer just thew me out if the moment. I kept thinking about that threat.

    There weren't any outside threats as far as they knew, were there? I think they thought they were fighting on an empty, under construction bridge - I don't think they knew the SCPD was watching. They were far away, weren't they? I can't remember.

  13. I have't actually read them to talk about the writing but going by story and the pictures, These seem to be geared at a young female audience. Marketed for teens/young adults but really for good readers in the 10-14 market. Imo.

  14. I can imagine that Ra's spent time finding a unique armour that gave the league their safety and the mystic appeal. He's into romance and myths. I can even believe that there is weak spots in the armour. What I didn't like was the look of the side sword swipe. And for a bit Oliver and Ra's were like in a bubble. They were moving slow and acting like there was no outside threats.

  15. It's not Hawk Girl but They May be using the Casting Call To get various roles on all 4 shows. Just like the "Simon" Arrow casting call seems to be Damian Darhk but perhaps Vandal Savage as well. And of Course Fecility's father if he's not DD.

    But this Wendy girl does seem to be headed for a specific comic character and Flash has a cop role open with the Death of Eddie.

  16. As for Damian Darhk and Felicity's father? Reserching DD, he does seem to be a good fit for Her father. Except for the living with a cocktail waitress in Vegas. So I'm thinking that instead of Myth and Legend, DD started looking For people really connected to "modern" advancement. Maybe instead of DD being Felicity's father he just recruited him. Or Kiddnapped him and forced him to create everything his mind comes up with. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to DD either way. Casting is vital. Though little girl Felicity Flashbacks could be cute.

    Mostly I've been trying to figure out who they will turn Diggle into.

    Started out looking at DC Comics John and DC Johnny. There is actually a lot. John Jones Martian Manhunter and Green lantern John Stewart being big and I added US Military. And John Henry Irons came up.

    Steal seems like a good fit. But we'll see since he's connected to Superman and Super Girl.


    Then I looked at DC Comics HIVE (and H.I.V.E) with brothers which mostly lead to a lot of Brother Blood stuff. So I had to do a lot of looking. I came across Gan and Travis Williams. Their bio is nothing like Diggle but Their father was held captive of HIVE. And their sibling relationship.


    And DC has already changed them from Asian to black.


    And when we were speculating Diggle would have Parts missing and go all Robo but not be Cyborg I came across

    Then there is a Black Bodyguard Big Thunder


    And A black Captian Thunder.


    And Johnny Thunder teamed up with the Original Black Canary. Johnny Thunder isn't like Diggle at all but I can see instead of a little Genie Friend, he has a gun for a little friend.


    Lol I'm so clueless. I wish I knew mire about DC comics. I'm learning but slowly. I wish I still had all the old comics I read over the years.

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  17. I hope the show will have Ray Blowing up/shrinking closer to s4 than the end of S3. It was the kind of cliffhanger so I have hope. If Ray was helping to keep the city safe over the summer it would help with what is the point of Felicity and Oliver. Plus a Tragedy bringing back Oliver and Felicity but not one that will affect the whole season. I don't think it's believable Felicity and Oliver would not come back when Ray Blew up. Especially with Felicity an owner of the Starling City section of Palmer's industry now.

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