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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I think they got rid of Roy to get Thea a new lI've interest. This is probably him. I think they would cast Laurel's 30 something imo.

    He can be Laurel's tech person and Thea's li. And he can be connected to HIVE AND Be Oliver's Flashback to present character for s4.

    All these Felicity types they are casting is a bit interesting...

  2. I get that but these people are in love with that Trilogy. And there have been other leaders of the League. Also the meaning of Ra's Al Ghul lend's itself to being a title.

    But I also truly believe Comic Fans would have started to see and Accept Sara as The Black Canary especially if the show gave Laurel a mask better suited to her in show history.

    But it's not that way in the comics, unless they changed it up with the Nu52 twaddle. Ra's al Ghul has always been, well, Ra's al Ghul.

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  3. The implication that Ra's is a title had been going around. It's kind of what's implied in The Dark Knight Trilogy.

    But Sara had to haven been thrown away because of BTS power struggles. KC was cast as leading lady and she lost both her the love interest slot and her Canary identity. MG also was the last man standing in Arrow abd Law is his abd Laurel's thing so yeah that's hiw I see it.

  4. LOT has already been confirmed as not a one Shot.

    Going by the trailer it does seem to be more ATOM, Sara and VG and it centering on Rip's plan so him. Plus probably Captain cold. Both Hawkgirl and ATOM is surely going to be super expensive for one show. And HG's backstory and past lives knowledge might not be able to be fully fleshed with a large Cast. She has a lot of potential as a POC female lead.

  5. Not all chemistry is "Sparks". Felicity and Barry are cute and fun. I could have enjoyed that relationship. I do think that while they bring the Smart guy out of each other, they both seem very young in that relationship. As if they are playing teens. It's less no sparks but a young holding hand stage sparks.

    And I like Barry and Iris but they remain brother and sister to me. And Caitin too. So perhaps that's just GG's vibe?

    So yeah I think seeing what was asked of EBR and GG will be interesting.

    • Love 8
  6. Ok the one thing I NEED to happen for sure is Oliver NOT to be weakened as a fighter to put Laurel at his level. Ew just thinking about it :× I was just reading some comments and there are people really wanting Oliver to have stopped training for 5 months JUST to get the Green Arrow/Black Canary equality dynamic. I'm over in my corner praying to the TV gods that this never ever ever ever ever happens. Why do you want to weaken Oliver just to see him and Laurel in an equal fight? We had that Dynamic with Oliver and Sara. The stunts already took a nosedive to get Laurel in the field.

    Why not hope that Laurel becomes a metahuman like she is in the comics? Yes I know she's barely a meta but still. There are better things to hope for than to have the show's hero weakened for Laurel.

    Why not hope that KC is training to make her transitions more believable. Maybe a stunt double who can pick up some of Laurel's mannerisms.

    I like Laurel but the more I think about her as BC on team Arrow I don't know :(

    I can see Laurel training and fighting alongside Thea but not Oliver in the feared weakened to equalize dynamic. Thea's the Arrow Queen that needs to have a BC in the field dynamic.

    • Love 3
  7. I get being worried about the down to earth rogue-ish attitude or anything attitude wise of a book to movie character. Getting the energy and essence of a character is something most readers of book adaptations crave. Though style is only important to getting caricature right. Otherwise it's just a period defining trait.

    I've never read the comic books but I've seen the earlier movies and some cartoons. Casey does usually have a bit wild hair(though not always long) and Stephen's is kind of shaven. Though that is the look a lot of Casey types wear these days. Though because Stephen is a bit on the "pretty" side it's all going to come down to how Stephen handles the overall nature of the character. His interaction with the turtles and the delivery of the dialogue is really what will define if he's a good Casey. Which is the big unknown from set pictures.

    So to really see how the film shows that the character Stephen plays is the comic Casey Jones, you have to wait for the trailer and movie. But so far I think fans are seeing Stephen Amell more so than a Casey type. Hence the worry. The wild hair would have allowed fans a bit less anxiety.

    • Love 2
  8. Roy and Thea broke up as friends. The point of the DJ was to give Thea a combative/adversarial love interest. Seems that is what the CW loves.

    Also the way the Dj tries to kill Thea is another situration of a repeated theme when Ra's not only attempts, but actually kills her. The Whole season had Lets do this again about it. It had to be on purpose but it often made me wish for less episodes. I didn't need to rewatch the same events with just a slight twist. Get to the main events quick or have two mini seasons in the time alloted.

    • Love 4
  9. Entertainment awards of all kinds are about exposure. Yes even the BIG awards. And they are ALL opinion based rather you want to except that are not. Some are the opinions of those in the business, others the press and some are those of passionate fans. They all matter when it comes to exposure. That's not just my opinion. We are talking about industries that rely on people enjoying something enough to spend time and money.

    And the reason it's important to submit your best work for an Emmy is because they can and often catch the eye of a producer, director or studio executive. And more work comes you way. Most Actors don't submit because it cost money. It's often the show or network who submits as part of promo.

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  10. I think Sara and Oliver worked because it gave the show a good Green Arrow and BC dynamic. But it was a bit of a regression for Sara. She was trying to make amends and she sleeps with Oliver again? Not going to help the family dynamic.She realized that she was using Oliver as a shared shield abd cruch. So ended it.

    Oliver Slept with Isabel so yeah he was onto the sex for sex sake. Though he did have a nice bond with Sara.

    I actually think having Oliver not have sex until the end of s3 really showed his feelings for Felicity if nothing else did. It was a nice change for him. A unique dynamic for Oliver.

    Though I did read some comments suggesting that all the maturation Oliver must have been doing was what was making him dumb. A sexless Green Arrow was even less fun than a humorless one or so read implication.

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