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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I doubt Felicity is ever really going out into the field. Her Hacker name would be her superhero name. But Felicity probably would change it up a bit. Like a variation of terms like Overwatch and watchtower and lighthouse and beacon.

    When a friend of mind wanted Felicity to have taken Canary as her name in tribute after Sara's death, she wanted her be be white Canary. Since alternate White Canary is a vigilante from Las Vegas. But Sara has that name now. It's because white is a light color and Felicity us addicted with light. Plus Oliver has a history with Canary so give her a Canary mame and spread out the Canary history between 3 character so they can make Laural more as her character would developed instead of forcing her into the comic Canary.

    There are lots of things they can do with a Felicity code name. And even to call her over the comms. But I do hope that it has to do with light since that is what they have associated with Felicity.

  2. It seems in their opinion code name is just something the public, press and police call the vigilantes. Detective Lance aside, Felicity is unknown and secret so a code name is not needed.

    The thing is that Felicity is a hacker so you know she has a code name or at least if she was real.

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  3. What was the main story of The Green Arrow Year one. I know it's one of the main story Arrow is loosely based on. Stephan said that fans of that story will be very happy this season

    Appearing before SummerSlam on the preshow, Amell shared that in Season 4 of the CW’s Arrow, the world will be “bigger,” in part by “getting into mystical things” as well as visiting stories “that fans of [the DC Comics series] Green Arrow: Year One are really going to appreciate.”


  4. Since SA is just mentioning this now, it must be from the recent filmed episodes. Maybe DD or an episode vilian &/or maybe Crazy Sara makes Felicity feel weak so she ask Oliver and/or Diggle to give her some help. Maybe a little self defense and a gun lesson or two.

  5. I think it's believable that a city would honor a city hero. Ray just saved the city. Team Arrow won't get any praise but a leading company would. And then with the company's CEO's death a short time after, that praise would be magnified.

    And 3 seasons of hell would leave the city looking to regroup. Pushing though city hero Ray Palmer's initiative to rename the city seems plausible to me.

    Sure fan service but one that's plausibly realistic imo. Yes in real life they would re name city hall, the airport and a couple schools after Ray but a city looking to attract tourism and regroup after 3 years of "must be May" would try different things. And the Arrow powers that be set up the city's rebranding being able to be in honor of Ray last season.

  6. Ray probably paid for it last year and they finally approved the rebranding the City Star initiative. I mean Ray had to have put money on the table to be including in city business last season.

    Plus Ray "died" but it wasn't until after saving the city with his bio Nana tech. So he's probably considered a city hero. His "death" would have just taken that sentiment over the top.

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  7. I know a few Felicity fans who aren't Olicity fans but they aren't Oliver fans and want him dead. They either want a grown up Conner Hawk to come be the Arrow or Thea to Be the main Arrow Character. And One fan who wants Oliver to be killed and Felicity to take Arrow as her Hacker name and be kind of like the character in the video game Watch dogs.


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  8. I feel a transition into a female regeneration fits The Master but doesn't the doctor. I feel the life a doctor lived affects his regeneration. I would need a good story leading up to that kind of change. But I'm not totally against it. The doctor does change so if they find a good story and not just do it for shock or PC value I'm all for it. And yes I know shock and PC value will play a part off screen which I understand. I just want more than that.

  9. As for as Amy's popularity, I think it's because of two reasons. Amy has been in almost every cult fan favorite show and now on POI, She plays a (crazy)hacker genius who has a crush on a literal kick ass women.

  10. Imo Felicity is what she's caring about at the moment centric. But that's just her first instincts. Once she is brought back from the fear or anger or lack of communication she isn't stuck on her pov and is willing to help or change plans.

    I think she has mini inner panic attacks and then when her head is clear she can see the bigger picture(like in the s3 finale) or smaller picture (Oliver's love of Thea) as in this case.

    Also I don't think Felicity believed the LP would save Thea. I mean hello nagic. And that was her jumping in point. While Oliver does believe in magic so they were coming in at different knowledge. So yeah Felicity not wanting Oliver to join an evil league of evil for an empty promise seems the right thing to fight for imo.

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  11. I don't mind Laurel being fully able to take on bad guys. It's just what they do to Oliver, Diggle and Sara to make Laurel prove she's a fully functional BC that I worry about.

    Thea already had archery training via thophies in the pilot. And she did have drug induced mental training and The LP. I don't want to see her take on Oliver or Diggle either though WH will handle that gloat of a victory better than KC.

    I guess what I don't want is the characters I like to be physically dumbed down. I'm sick of dumb for Laurel.

    Lol I probably shouldn' have done a season 3 rewatch over the week end :p

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  12. I personally don't want to see her sparing with Oliver, Diggle or Sara. It's one of the things I'm least looking forward too with her. I can handle Nyssa and Thea. Maybe. But not Oliver, or Diggle or Sara. Unless KC can for the first time ever stay in character and not get all gleeful about a victory she shouldn't really have with a non distracted Oliver, Diggle or Sara.

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  13. Oh we will watch Laurel train still. We watched Sara's fully formed Canary train so KC will make sure her Black Canary gets the same kind of scenes. But yeah nobody wants to watch the inconsistent fighting skills.

    I'm just hoping that KC really did do enough training to make Laurel look like a fighter and I don't just mean lifting weights and losing body fat to gain muscles definition (though that will help with the visual). KC had weak transitions into the stunt double and it looked awkward. I never really could accept that was Laurel because of that. And Laurel's walking and the way she holds herself. She's very up instead of grounded. She just didn't suit Laurel's supposed fighting style. That's the main thing she needed to work on imo.

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