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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. They didn't recon Sara. They just gave her point of view.

    Though I do think they pushed Laurel in a bad direction to give her-her own Island which kind of backfired. Then they kind of tried to fix it and that too made others mad because they Killed Sara, made Oliver dumb&pseudo dead and had Felicity "dis" Sara to push Laurel into her Black Canary destiny.

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  2. For me Oliver and Laurel was always icky since I have 3 sisters and it just sickens me that the show would do this with sisters. But when they Brought Sara on as a living breathing character that is when I knew that Laurel and Oliver was never going to work for me. Oliver had sex with Laurel at the end of s1 but that was all that happened. When Sara returned Oliver got into a mini relationship with her. No way would Laurel be able to be with Oliver again. It's just uber unbelievable for her character. Sara and Laurel was already going to have a long road to recover any sisterhood. Laurel deserves better. I just don't understand why her fans would want it. I know they have reasons but I personally just can't see them. I do get the comicbook fans because they just know Dinah and Oliver are together. Romance and Costume is the main thing they want from the comics and the cool special arrows. They aren't really caring about the Characters per say. It's more tradition for them. Which I get.

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  3. I couldn't find the Lawyer reference Last night but since I ended up watching it late cause Netflix/internet was acting up I'm going to try again today. I actually really enjoy the s1 and s2 flashbacks when they aren't dealing with the bad guys (even then when it's Slade). Fingers crossed S4 will have interesting Flashbacks :)

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  4. In general so it kind of colors my feelings for the characters he plays...


    Do you hate Alec Baldwin in general or just in the movie? Just curious... I feel like what he did in the end was the best solution to a really horrible situation. I'm pretty sure it is the decision I would have made. I probably would have made a completely different choice. But I think he was thinking about making the best situation for Alice. That being said, this is weeks after processing his actions. My initial response was a lot of anger towards his character. I haven't been able to read the book yet (I just can't put myself through it, yet so I don't know how truthful his portrayal is to the story). The film was hard enough from an emotional standpoint.

  5. Go read the comment sections over at Stephan's posting of the trailers. You get a good taste of both Olicity and Laural/Oliver* fans hating on the other side.

    like what?!

    i'm intrigued, just for the hack of it.. I need a good laugh.

    *The post you quoted was supposed to have Laurel back slashed with Oliver. I was talking about shippers.
  6. We'd be very boring without you so never leave! You bring the news and the spoilers!!

    I have stopped regularly visiting some other show forums here for any of the following reasons:

    • The show went on hiatus and I'm not interested enough to stay invested during the break.
    • I still watch the show but am not interested enough to keep up online via a fan forum.
    • I lost interest in the show, period (for no particular reason).
    • The show did something that was a 'deal-breaker' for me and I stopped watching it.
    • I still watch the show but found the forum's environment too hostile, contentious or stress-inducing to me.
    For Arrow, I think I'd stop coming to this forum for reasons 4 or 5. Most likely, I'd post a note in the Small Talk thread first.
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  7. LOL can you imagine the hell Laurel would get from Olicity fans if Thea wasn't there too as it kind of seemed from the first trailer? Shivers thinking about it...

    I guess I can imagine since I'm reading what Laurel/Oliver fans are thinking about the Olicity "proposal"-Shivers...

    I love the passion of this fan base though :)

  8. I think they might say the Branding was part of the cult indoctrination/brainwashing. It's not about having the Brand but the act of branding and what it would mean. Oliver was now the heir to the demon. He wasn't Oliver any more. Kind of similar as the call to destroy the city. A city could rebuild but the symbolism for Oliver is still strong (especially when killing family).

  9. I'm a spoiler junkie so I crave this stuff so it's hard for me understand why people get mad :p I like to watch shows after the season or even series ends so I can know a little bit of what to expect. LOT is the first show in years that I'm watching live at the start of it's series. Though I did watch the second half of Flash as the season aired.

  10. The thing is that Oliver was ready to give Crime fighting and such up. He doesn't want the Darkness. And it's not a bad thing for Oliver to just completely remove himself from the bad shit that is a trigger for his PTSD. So Oliver was ready. Of course Felicity might not have been ready to answer yes to this new Oliver. She wants to be a part of something bigger. Is it good for Oliver? Maybe not. She's going to have to be there for Oliver as he faces how to be both Oliver and a superhero. That's why she needs a friend who she can voice her fears and frustrations with since it's not going to be easy dealing with Oliver's mind issues.

    Oliver Queen must find a way not to panic and want to internalize all the darkness and pain. If Oliver is to be the Green Arrow he needs to find balance.

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