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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Remember also they are going really dark in the flashbacks and Oliver has a love interest there that will compare&contrast Olicity.

    Remember Oliver always gets married :) Well Comics and Smallville at least ;)

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  2. Laurel does have to find sonething with Oliver or leave the show. You can't have a major character have nothing with Star like it was last year. Wendy said Friendship because that's the goal. I get her wording because amother word would imply more.

  3. It seems like there will one Flash forward to a point in time of the near future. Some thing ominous.

    If there's a flash forward though, isn't that kind of a cliffhanger? Because what would be the point of flash fowarding to a happy future? If they flash forwarded to someone's death or whatever, that seems like it is a cliffhanger, even if it is in the future? And if it's a flash forward, I wonder how that comes about? Is it something that only we see? Is it something that is shown to or told to one of the characters? If so, how?

    Too many questions.

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  4. I think I'd have Thea move in with Laurel. That Way Laurel can have a semi "sister" relationship with A young (though not little) girl. Laurel isn't going to get Sin but Maybe Thea could use some sistering.

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  5. As long as Oliver also has a life outside the "cave" it won't be as bad that there are other masks. During S3 we lost Present day Oliver. The Arrow was all we had so when they emphasized the other masks and sidelined the Arrow, it was a different show than the one staring Stephan Amell's Character.

    Oliver does need to get out of his own head a bit and be a team player for his own growth but Oliver Queen is the star and why I watch the show. And since this is a show called the Arrow, I do want to see Oliver kicking ass and being a strong fighter though one who can't do it all so needs a team. Being in a "family" that actually support each other is one of the things Oliver really needs to become a real boy. He can be single focused but when he has to do more than one thing he makes bad choices. And that is where having a true support system (family and true friends) comes in.

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  6. Yeah I can see this happening. And it would be the opposite of Ra's focus on Oliver Queen. And I do think DD will have psionic magic or a psionic manipulation skill set. Comic HIVE has a lot of Psionic powers running throughout it's members.

    I wonder is DD is going to be able to stop arrows in midair like Yoda using the Force. If he can just raise his hands and stop/move objects. If he has a telepathy that helps him control objects & susceptible brains.

    How he is going to handle the Green Arrow different from the other villains is going to be interesting. I feel like the other villains were set-up as playing almost a board game with OQ. They manipulated him & others that then exposed his vulnerabilities. I wonder if DD is just going to ignore OQ/GA. He's just gonna cause massive destruction so that OQ & TA are scrambling on all fronts to fix/prevent his destruction. There is no great masterplan that has OQ as the prize for DD. I could see DD"s arrogance/pride not bothering to register GA & TA as an actual threat.

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  7. True shape shifting would change the body but not for when I use the word :p A Glamour is Illusion. Meaning if DD looks in the mirror he would see himself. Shape shifting is changing his appearance to look like who he wants others to see. Meaning if DD looks in the mirror he doesn't see himself but the other guy. Both visual affects would be the same imo. I do think for the realism aspect of Arrow, Glamour would better bit the bill and I think that is what is going to be at play this season. Though I could be completely wrong :p

    Agree about glamouring. But glamouring is different then shapeshifting. Shapeshifting requires changing one body into another body. There are computer graphics required to do it well. Glamouring can be done all in the eyes or hand motions. I think glamouring is a strong possibility of what DD is doing to his soldiers & possibly QL.

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  8. I still get the feeling that "nothing is as it seems" means some type of Glamour/Shape shifting. I don't see how it would be "that" much money. It's could just be done with a fussing/Clouding of the film and two actors being on set to film the before&after shifting. I don't see them going to animal shape shifting for DD so no intricate change in the body. And Glamouring isn't that far off of the science magic that has already been shown. Yes a little far fetched but a bit believable. First it's a perception trick. Imagine the use of Telepathy or the similar vocal cues used with brainwashing and perhaps a release of an aerosol hallucinogenic.

  9. I thought MG said that the flashbacks haven't deviated from the the original plan? Though Felicity was put into the Laurel love interest role so while the girl changed, the actual emotional hits seem to stay the same. So the same but different like with Malcolm and Tommy.

    And Diggle fans have been vocal about wanting Diggle to remain Diggle (if he can't be Green Lantern) so I get the Concealment talk from TPTB.

  10. I personally wouldn't be surprised if the show does a little mini Birds of a prey with BC, Thea and Felicity doing the "A" arch and Oliver having the "B" arch. Maybe he's stuck in Election issues and the girls have to investigate and crime fight.

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  11. I'm hoping that DD might just cast a glamour to make Oliver question who he's aiming the Arrow yet? I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver "Kills" QL at the end of episode 1. Though not really. And it's QL DD glamour's into because DD has to have touched the person. And DD's not worried about getting an Arrow because he has the LP waters or something else that keeps him kicking. Comic DD is immortal.

  12. Maybe DD can't die. It's an enhanced version of what happened with Slade. It's part of DD's comic character.

    Or he can shape shift? It's something another HIVE leader can do.

    DD can take over the will of a character for a bit and potentially larger as tge season moves along.

  13. DD's organization is called HIVE (though I know that HIVE might have no connections to BEES and hive thinking and is "just" an Acronym). That touch did get me thinking though. Comic HIVE has a lot of history with mind issues, especially when you go into individual members. There is a lot of Psionics abilities. Plus messing with Mind control/Brain washing is something that Ra's and Malcolm have dabbled with, and DD (along with them) is League trained. I just have a feeling that ARROW"s magic will center on Psionics like abilities. Vixen can shape shift, Mimic animal traits as well as Human and Metahuman powers.

    The now Laurel says the Ghost are something they have never fought makes me think these Ghost might be all singled focused and are hard to stop because they are programmed to do the one thing they are sent out to do. Not just Brain washed but everybody is given a little info that makes the collective work like a well oiled machine. They are like one individual to a degree.

    Pretty much (since I haven't read a lot of DC comics) the info that informs my guesses come from internet research (>.<). So I pretty much know only enough to get myself into trouble...But if I'm right in my HIVE thinking I even see the overall villain theme being the workings of a family of Individuals VS the workings of a group that loses the Individual and become a sort of a superorganism.

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  14. They did some kind of mind control with Thea and some kind of fake brainwashing with Oliver. So though they will probably do some kind of mind control, it's not something new to the show. Even Vertigo and Mirakuru had a kind of mental aspect that shows how mind control is not a stretch.

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  15. Lindsay is a great dancer. Her first season she was very young. She still felt like a SYTYCD contestant to me. I still like most of her and Victir's dances because she's a beautiful mover. I don't think she was able to reach him to bring out his performance skills as well as some might have but I think she was better than Allison her first season and Allison got a second chance.

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